Sep 13, 2022 12:04 am

The Second-Stringers
✅ System: Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE).
✅ Genre: Superhero, Comedy, Investigative.
✅ Adult Content or Controversial Themes: Some physical violence and property destruction, but overall, no especially mature content. I never include sexual violence, child abuse, or anything of that nature in my games.
✅ Character Restrictions: There are some restrictions on powers. These will be noted in the Character Creation thread for the game.
✅ Game Duration: A year, maybe longer.
✅ Post Frequency: I'm thinking maybe three to four times a week.
✅ Specialized Software and Resources: None, really, other than access to the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rule book and the SWADE Supers Companion.
✅ Player Experience Requirements: No experience required. This will be an easygoing game, so it'll be a good opportunity to get a taste of SWADE if it's a system you've been eager to try.
✅ How to Apply: Leave a post below expressing your desire to play. First come, first served. Also maybe drop a brief description of your idea for a character.
✅ Marginalized Groups: All marginalized groups are welcome to this game.
Even Superheroes have Benchwarmers...
In the Second-Stringers, you'll be a superhero, but you won't be anything like Batman, or the Justice League, or the Avengers. Instead, you are playing second-rate, D-List heroes who most people have never heard of or don't take seriously. Your characters are a team of super-powered underdogs full of gusto and good intentions, trying to prove themselves in a city of far more competent superbeings.
This game takes its inspiration from The Tick, Mystery Men, Kick-Ass, Doom Patrol, The Inferior Five, and other properties that subvert the superhero genre in a comedic way. As such, the tone for this game is meant to be fairly humorous and light-hearted. Both heroes and villains may have exaggerated personalities or ridiculous alter egos, and super powers are likely to be very off-beat or questionable in their effectiveness.
The setting location is Century City - a modern day fusion of Metropolis and San Francisco with a splash of Gotham. This is where your characters will be living and fighting crime. More information about the city will be available in one of the game's threads.
Last edited September 13, 2022 12:21 am