Sep 22, 2022 4:12 pm
(I also posted this on the introduction forum.)
Hi all, new here! I've been off-and-on reading, studying, and collecting TRPGs for about 22 years at this point (since turning 18 in 2000), though I have very little experience actually playing them. Long story on that, but it will suffice to say that I'm trying to harder than ever to try and find groups to join.
It's so very hard to find groups! It takes great effort to stave off the discouragement. Any help finding a group would be greatly appreciated! :)
My present interests:
--- 2d20 (especially Star Trek Adventures)
--- Alternity (2018) (especially Protostar or Dark Nebula)
--- Year Zero Engine
--- Cypher (but no interest in Numenera)
--- Trinity Continuum: Aeon
--- Star Wars (Genesys)
--- The One Ring 2E
--- Freeform Universal
--- Ryuutama
--- Cortex Prime
--- 13th Age
--- Castles & CrusadesYou're welcome to suggest things not on the above list - so long as it's not on the list below.
Total disinterest at present:
--- Anything D&D
--- Anything Pathfinder/Starfinder
--- Anything from Onyx aside from Trinity Continuum: Aeon
--- Anything involving Glorantha
--- Anything based on a TV show aside from Star Trek
--- Anything revolving around zombies
--- Machiavellian politicking as a focus
--- Erotic gameplay
--- Romance as a focus
--- Being a criminal of any kind
--- Being a demon of any kind
--- Post-apocalyptic Fallout/Mad Max-like settings
--- RPing a child or teenager
--- Space trucking
--- Commercial endeavors as a focusAny suggestions not in the "total disinterest" list are very much welcome! Thank you for your consideration. :)
Hi all, new here! I've been off-and-on reading, studying, and collecting TRPGs for about 22 years at this point (since turning 18 in 2000), though I have very little experience actually playing them. Long story on that, but it will suffice to say that I'm trying to harder than ever to try and find groups to join.
It's so very hard to find groups! It takes great effort to stave off the discouragement. Any help finding a group would be greatly appreciated! :)
My present interests:
--- Genesys (but no interest in KeyForge)--- 2d20 (especially Star Trek Adventures)
--- Alternity (2018) (especially Protostar or Dark Nebula)
--- Year Zero Engine
--- Cypher (but no interest in Numenera)
--- Trinity Continuum: Aeon
--- Star Wars (Genesys)
--- The One Ring 2E
--- Freeform Universal
--- Ryuutama
--- Cortex Prime
--- 13th Age
--- Castles & Crusades
Total disinterest at present:
--- Anything d20 5E (Edit: this and D&D are out solely because the scene is so dominated by them)--- Anything D&D
--- Anything Pathfinder/Starfinder
--- Anything from Onyx aside from Trinity Continuum: Aeon
--- Anything involving Glorantha
--- Anything based on a TV show aside from Star Trek
--- Anything revolving around zombies
--- Machiavellian politicking as a focus
--- Erotic gameplay
--- Romance as a focus
--- Being a criminal of any kind
--- Being a demon of any kind
--- Post-apocalyptic Fallout/Mad Max-like settings
--- RPing a child or teenager
--- Space trucking
--- Commercial endeavors as a focus
Last edited September 25, 2022 5:28 am