Player Looking for a Group

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Sep 22, 2022 4:12 pm
(I also posted this on the introduction forum.)

Hi all, new here! I've been off-and-on reading, studying, and collecting TRPGs for about 22 years at this point (since turning 18 in 2000), though I have very little experience actually playing them. Long story on that, but it will suffice to say that I'm trying to harder than ever to try and find groups to join.

It's so very hard to find groups! It takes great effort to stave off the discouragement. Any help finding a group would be greatly appreciated! :)

My present interests:
--- Genesys (but no interest in KeyForge)
--- 2d20 (especially Star Trek Adventures)
--- Alternity (2018) (especially Protostar or Dark Nebula)
--- Year Zero Engine
--- Cypher (but no interest in Numenera)
--- Trinity Continuum: Aeon
--- Star Wars (Genesys)
--- The One Ring 2E
--- Freeform Universal
--- Ryuutama
--- Cortex Prime
--- 13th Age
--- Castles & Crusades
You're welcome to suggest things not on the above list - so long as it's not on the list below.

Total disinterest at present:
--- Anything d20 5E (Edit: this and D&D are out solely because the scene is so dominated by them)
--- Anything D&D
--- Anything Pathfinder/Starfinder
--- Anything from Onyx aside from Trinity Continuum: Aeon
--- Anything involving Glorantha
--- Anything based on a TV show aside from Star Trek
--- Anything revolving around zombies
--- Machiavellian politicking as a focus
--- Erotic gameplay
--- Romance as a focus
--- Being a criminal of any kind
--- Being a demon of any kind
--- Post-apocalyptic Fallout/Mad Max-like settings
--- RPing a child or teenager
--- Space trucking
--- Commercial endeavors as a focus
Any suggestions not in the "total disinterest" list are very much welcome! Thank you for your consideration. :)
Last edited September 25, 2022 5:28 am
Sep 22, 2022 6:16 pm
Vespin says:
Any suggestions not in the "total disinterest" list are very much welcome! Thank you for your consideration. :)
Well, hey-lo!

I'm trying to gather interest for a Fantasy Special Forces game that will use some one-page homebrew rules.
Sep 22, 2022 6:33 pm
I notice Call of Cthulhu absent from both lists
Sep 22, 2022 9:44 pm
Knifesedgegames says:
I notice Call of Cthulhu absent from both lists
As well it should be, your Sanity is one of your most precious possessions and I do miss mine. :(

@Vespin - I'm running a Star Wars FFG game, but it's rules light as I'd rather play than roll dice. We seem to always be down a player, but I'd love to deal you in. Myself and 2 of the players started on December 23, 2020. So, in theory, we plan on doing this for a while longer.
Sep 22, 2022 11:53 pm
tibbius says:
Well, hey-lo! I'm trying to gather interest for a Fantasy Special Forces game that will use some one-page homebrew rules.
I think I'm gonna need more info than that. :)
Knifesedgegames says:
I notice Call of Cthulhu absent from both lists
It is indeed. While I'm not actively interested in it, I'm open to playing it. But I own no Cthulhu games at present. (I used to, many years ago.)
Esidrix says:
I'm running a Star Wars FFG game, but it's rules light as I'd rather play than roll dice. We seem to always be down a player, but I'd love to deal you in. Myself and 2 of the players started on December 23, 2020. So, in theory, we plan on doing this for a while longer.
So it's free-form RPing? And do you run adventures, or is it more of an in-character "chat room" sort of thing? (I've seen many of those.)
Last edited September 23, 2022 2:24 am
Sep 23, 2022 1:13 am
Welcome to GP, Vespin! Hopefully you can put some miles on all those games you've been reading here!

System and setting-wise, it's good that you know what you do and don't like, but try and keep an open mind, especially if you haven't actually played or run a lot of the games above. Often it's the people you play with who make or break the game!
Sep 23, 2022 1:38 am
Harrigan says:
System and setting-wise, it's good that you know what you do and don't like, but try and keep an open mind, especially if you haven't actually played or run a lot of the games above. Often it's the people you play with who make or break the game!
It's good advise. But I'll need to find the compatible people to play with first, and probably only then will I be able to rethink my disinterests.

Well, I can tell you that I'm opposed to d20 5E and D&D only because they so radically dominate the scene, and Wizards seems to want to pull out all the stops to make sure that continues. But D&D 5E and d20 5E are both probably fine games. I actually used to be into D&D.
Sep 23, 2022 2:01 am
For the record, I don't usually play 5e either, but I'd hate to say I'm "opposed to it." It's remarkable success has really helped the industry generally in ways I think many of us still don't appreciate. Not trying to pick at that -- I think I'm just wounded that you have the whole of the (massive) OSR in the no-fly-zone. ;)
Sep 23, 2022 2:11 am
I actually do 'run' adventures for the crew. But there's a few of the FFG rules that bug me, so I skip them. And for the most part, I'm here for a good story, rather than a 'by the book' interpretation of the rules. We just finished up the session where I threw a whole pile of landmines at the players. No predetermined combat. They managed to identify, sidestep and diffuse every trigger and finished the mission without a shot fired... I had to promise unavoidable blaster fire in the next session :)
Sep 23, 2022 2:20 am
Harrigan says:
For the record, I don't usually play 5e either, but I'd hate to say I'm "opposed to it." It's remarkable success has really helped the industry generally in ways I think many of us still don't appreciate. Not trying to pick at that -- I think I'm just wounded that you have the whole of the (massive) OSR in the no-fly-zone. ;)
I have many online social contacts really into OSR. They post about it all the time, and I have a bit of OSR material myself. There are elements of OSR that I appreciate. Modern games could probably learn a thing or two from them. But you know, I think what turns me off about OSR are the extremes of the community more than the games themselves. When I run into people who say that OSR rules can't be properly paired with art that looks post-1980s, all I can do is roll my eyes.

Before I put OSR on the disinterest-list I had to think about it for a moment. After all, I've never actually played an OSR game, all I've encountered are the OSR players I know. And the upcoming Dolmenwood setting looks really interesting. Some folks have also told me that I should play Stars Without Number.

Yeah, maybe I should take OSR off the disinterest-list.
Last edited September 23, 2022 2:22 am
Sep 23, 2022 2:28 am
Esidrix says:
I actually do 'run' adventures for the crew. But there's a few of the FFG rules that bug me, so I skip them.
Okay, sounds worth a try. :) But as someone whose "home" system is, at present, Genesys, I do wonder what some of the rules are you don't like, and why. No system is the perfect system, this I know well.
Sep 23, 2022 4:03 am
But you know, I think what turns me off about OSR are the extremes of the community more than the games themselves.
Oh man, I totally feel you on being turned off by the thing not because of the thing but because of the fan base! I'm speaking in general, not OSR, nor even just RPGs.
Sep 23, 2022 9:46 am
You'll find a good number of groups here, that's for sure, across various game systems being played. I believe a few of those games on your current shortlist are being pitched right now. Start browsing to see if any interest you. And don't be discouraged as you browse through, games do come and go here, just pop into a thread and leave a message for starters.
Sep 23, 2022 4:03 pm
When I run into people who say that OSR rules can't be properly paired with art that looks post-1980s, all I can do is roll my eyes.
Understandable. Next time show them art from Troika!, Electric Bastionland, Mork Borg, or Ultraviolet Grasslands. :)

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