rpgventurer says:
I am trying to pick an appropriate favored enemy. Are there any local humanoids or creatures that are threats to the city of Bent Fork?
Also, are there other human languages besides Common?
Bent Fork is a mountain town near streams, rivers and forests. The biggest threats come from beasts and humans. There are occasional whisperings of non human humanoids encountered in the woods or further into the desert, but they're rarely taken seriously.
In addition to common there are the indigenous languages of the nomad tribe who follow big game seasonally. Their language is called Xchiqua. There are also a couple of non migratory tribes that live outside Bent Fork who speak their own languages: Choitll or Sagnwa In addition there is a community of traders and fur trappers who live inside Bent Fork. They speak the language of their home country: Trenasch.
Other exotic languages or normal d&d languages are available, but they would be highly specialized and rare and most likely require specific study.