First of all, I want to welcome the four of you to the game. Thank you for the interest.
I'd like to start sometime next week if possible. Preferably, I'd like for your characters to be submitted by Friday of next week 9/30 at the latest. I'm happy to help as much as I can if you need any guidance on that. If I don't hear anything from you by Friday (even if it's just hey Justin, I need a little more time) then I will open your seat back up for recruitment. Not to be a hard-ass, but player disappearance can be an issue on GP, and it's kind of a bummer when it happens to a game that you're enjoying. My hope is that the game will be relatively short-ish and engaging enough that we won't lose any players.
A little bit about the world and play style: This is a homebrew setting, it isn't too different from the real world. Magic is rare, non-human characters are rare, but they do exist. I will provide art for NPCs and flavor when relevant, but I probably won't create a ton of maps, but will do my best to describe locations. Also, feel free to populate the details. For example if I say, you're in a kitchen, you can say, I open the cutlery drawer and grab a fork or whatever.
I hope you guys have fun, I'm looking forward to playing and feel free to let me know if you have any requests or expectations that will help you enjoy the game!