Stars and Wishes for the end of Chapter 2: Hither


Oct 4, 2022 4:06 pm
Hey folks, we're doing Stars and Wishes again for giving feedback to myself and other players about how the game is going so far. It works like so:
Basic Stars and Wishes

At the conclusion of a game session (in pbp, makes more sense if we do it by chapter) everyone who played offers a Star to another player (including GM), to a moment in the game, or to an element of the overall experience (you can give out more stars if like). You can award a star for - amazing roleplay, great character moments, amazing descriptions by the GM, the feeling you had at a certain moment, another player’s generosity, a mechanic of the game system that really sang etc.

After stars have been given, everyone makes a Wish. Each player tells the table something they would like to see happen in a future session. You can make a wish about - something you want to see happen with your own character, an interaction you’d love to see between two characters, a mechanic you would like to see come into play that you haven’t seen yet, places you hope the story might go, etc.
So, go ahead and make a post about your stars and wishes based on how chapter 2 went. Feel free to give as many stars and wishes as you like, and feel free to just chat about the game in general in an unstructured fashion.
Oct 5, 2022 1:21 pm
Where to start? First a Star to the GM for continuing to run a most excellent game. In particular, I want to call out this sub theme of dueling song cues that has emerged for Beven and others. It really does add excellent atmosphere and story telling elements to the game especially for me playing the bard. Hurt into Bring Me to Life leading into the classical piece was a particular delight. Also, loved and groaned in equal measure to the Power Rangers reference.

Doc Brown as a D&D character just shouldn't work yet Twisp is a delight to read. You never quite know where he is going to hop off to next. As an aside, I don't think I've ever seen a mostly support wizard played before so from a mechanical perspective I have enjoyed seeing that work. I still can't believe that you brought back Lorna and that we actually beat her. Delightful madness.

Jules continues being a two sided coin: one side a kind heart that would help anyone and the other an assassin not worried about getting his hands dirty. The striking from the mud against Longscarf's crew sticks out.

I will bid a fond farewell to Quennan. I rather liked the quiet dark elf with his links to the unicorns and I look forward to seeing Biff in action.

Deciphering Sarynn has been a fun minigame but I look forward to hearing a few direct thoughts with the helm. The realization that she was the only one that could see through Charm's darkness was a fist-pumping, "Yes!" moment in that fight.

Reynard's duality is getting much more screen time and I am enjoying that. I am looking forward to a real showdown with Warduke over his flaming sword.

As for wishes, I can't believe none of us have found our lost thing yet. That was a "your princess is in another castle" moment that I was not expecting. I guess we all picked things more associated with the past and future.

Looking forward to the next chapter. I'm sure there is more but hopefully this will kickstart the conversation.
Oct 5, 2022 3:06 pm
* Len> This summer I was sitting at an Indian airport and reading chapter one again. And there were lots of videos and pictures and I thought: this is missing now, Hither is so much more bland than the carnival has been. But shortly there after - you had read my mind - you included videos again. Good job at mind reading. ;) I really appreciate the extra mile with maps, portraits, videos and soundbits.

- And the hard fights! Two times it got really tight and the second time we even fought it out to the last round. Huge fan of the thrilling encounters and the way the downed characters have been brought back.

- The summary you gave as on our open tasks at the end of this summer helped a lot. For my taste the soggy court and the swamp town could have been better presented, this part felt a little lackluster and "meh" to me. Especially after all the crazy and funny things we dealt with before. Inside the witches hut it got better. The redcap was a hoot!

- Also I enjoy your friendly and caring tone toward the players and your openess for ideas and changes.

* Stars go out especially to Jabes for making me laugh out loud from time to time and to Verrain for playing Beven, solving the puzzle of the giant frog, as well I loved the singing-duell with the Longscarf and will remember for a very long time. Had a we will rock earworm for two weeks.

- All the characters have their own feel by now and I enjoy every one of them. In this chapter the different characters grew together a lot more. The Witchlight Crew is a team by now.

* Wish: this one stays the same from before. I really enjoy the momentum and sense of commitment we all have most of the time. I am very glad that we found back into our groove after the holiday/absent season in July and August. Nearly every two days there is something new to read and react. Keep up the great flow everybody!
Last edited October 5, 2022 3:08 pm
Oct 11, 2022 5:44 pm
Twisp really just feeds off of the magic of this place and this story we're spinning together. That little harengon has a sense of wonder I haven't had in a long time. Everyone has been great but for that magical energy I have to give special thanks and my star to @Len for Prismeer and @soises for Jules!

I wish for us to keep up this rhythm that we've found. I'm excited for our new team member and look forward to interacting with them.
Oct 11, 2022 6:53 pm
I have to give a star to everyone for running with the directions people are taking. Sometimes we destroy our opponents, other times we show mercy and let them live, and no one argues out-of-character. I really like the idea we seem to be fostering, of saving the Feywild from tyranny without being tyrannical.

Another star for the DM in allowing us to pursue our character choices without unnecessary resistance.

My wish is for us to maintain this energy going forward, whatever we decide to do.


Oct 13, 2022 6:53 pm
Great feedback everyone! Thank you for the kind words. I'll address a few points:
soises says:
* Len; This summer I was sitting at an Indian airport and reading chapter one again. And there were lots of videos and pictures and I thought: this is missing now, Hither is so much more bland than the carnival has been. But shortly there after - you had read my mind - you included videos again. Good job at mind reading. ;) I really appreciate the extra mile with maps, portraits, videos and soundbits.
Yeah, I definitely sagged a bit in the image posting. In my defence, it seems like 2/3 of the book's art budget was put into the Carnival chapter, so it was a lot easier to get images, etc. in chapter 1. But, now that the book has been out for a year, I'm seeing a lot more fan art to supplement the other chapters.

Another aspect was that I was going through a rough patch during the Hither chapter somewhere. It was all I could do to put out posts sometimes. The visuals are particularly hard to do from a phone, but as I embrace some of the site's new features like snippets and the NPC tag, it is becoming easier. As usual, a little bit of hard work at the start saves a lot of hard work later.

If you find the posts are becoming bland again, maybe check in with me to make sure I'm doing okay :D
The summary you gave as on our open tasks at the end of this summer helped a lot. For my taste the soggy court and the swamp town could have been better presented, this part felt a little lackluster and "meh" to me.
I also struggled with Downfall. I presented all the hooks as-is, but they're fairly weak, so players resorted to grabbing at all the hooks in hopes of finding some story thread. Compare that to in the Carnival, where players ignored most of the hooks and focused on just two or three interesting threads. Downfall's hooks didn't really amount to a main story, whereas the Carnival did. Yet, after playing through the Carnival you might have been expecting there to be more of a central theme or conspiracy going on. Instead, it probably felt like there were a lot of NPCs with exclamation marks above their heads that lead to fetch quests.

So, instead of presenting things as-is, I could have read between the lines and created more of a story in Downfall even though none existed in the text. Rescuing Morgort was a good example. She just slunk away, rather than demand revolution or reveal a conspiracy. To be honest, by that time I was sensing a dissatisfaction with Downfall's many weak threads, so instead of leaning into them to make them stronger, I leaned away from them so they didn't take up much time. I guess I worry about leading players by the nose rather than giving them a space to let their creativity shine (like in KCC's frog escapade!), but there's a middle ground there. There has to be a strong enough of a hook to hang ideas on.

I'll think some more on this!
Verrain says:
I can't believe none of us have found our lost thing yet. That was a "your princess is in another castle" moment that I was not expecting. I guess we all picked things more associated with the past and future.
The book instructs the DM to randomly the location of each person's lost thing. This is true with a bunch of plot-specific things, actually. So, by random chance, we haven't gotten to those places yet. I think in general, they might be skewed to be later in the game, because they don't want to resolve character motivations before the game is half over. But, we see a few players' lost things have pinged their attention in Thither, so your wish is in the process of being granted.

If the "lost things" thread has become a bit frayed, we will work to repair it.
Okay, for my stars and wishes:

Stars: completely agree with everyones' comments about how awesome the characters are being portrayed! I'll give a shout-out to KCC's froggy escapade, since nobody has mentioned it yet. It was one of my favourite things in Chapter 2, a great use of the materials at hand. Totally disarmed Bavlorna's alarm systems that would have triggered earlier battles without the knowledge of her allergy to running widdershins!

I also like players' battle tactics! Characters aren't necessarily combat-optimized, so it is fun to see some different spells and types of actions being put to use. I feel like everyone can handle and enjoy a hearty challenge.

Wishes: Yeah, same for me about maintaining momentum. I feel pretty good about things on my end; if I managed to keep posting through the 2021/22 school year, which was a rough one, I'll be able to handle whatever comes my way in the next year. I can't guarantee that the game always feels like it is humming rather than struggling, but I'm with you to the end of line.


Oct 14, 2022 3:15 am
I should thank everyone for indulging my change in character. I know it can be a real downer when that one person at the table has a new character concept every other week they want to try out!

I changed in part because everyone else’s characters were so flavorful and colorful that I felt like I really was paddy-last. So a star for that, I suppose! I’m going to try keep a true voice in my head for Zezzarr. Those things can get muddled as time marches on over PBP, but I think I know who he is!

I’d like to see this thing out! I feel like we will do it! It’s such a rare thing to keep a group together like this. I think it’s to get commended.

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