Chapter 02 The Way Back

Oct 10, 2022 11:36 am
You begin the days long journey back to Castle Refuge, hurrying to get back and relay what you've seen. You ride through forests and around small group of hills. Then, in the distance, you see a village, smoke rising from it.
Oct 10, 2022 3:15 pm
Cass swears, and guns her hover bike. The impetuous Cyber Knight is prone to rushing headlong into danger, and she repeats her mantra to herself.

"Valor - Exhibit courage in word and deed. Defend the weak and innocent. Fight for an ideal, like freedom. Fight with honor. Avenge the wronged. Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause."
Oct 10, 2022 8:30 pm
Adatahl pulled up alongside the jetbikes, a shockwave of clouds under his wings carrying him at an even pace. Part of him regretted not taking his own jetbike, despite how small they were in comparison. Perhaps looking a little goofy might be worth the hours of concentration that maintaining the spell was costing him.

But dignity was an important weapon. He couldn't afford others to lose confidence in him just because he was uncomfortable.

At the sight of the plume of smoke, he pivoted towards it almost reflexively, before realizing he had a full wing of comrades. He motioned to the others with a free hand, pointing over. The least they could do was have a look
Oct 11, 2022 1:36 am
Lanval knows there will be no dissuading Cass so Lanval once more follows her into trouble.
Oct 11, 2022 11:05 am
Has everyone taken advantage of the Milestone I posted about at the end of Chapter 1?
Oct 11, 2022 11:37 am
No, mainly because I have no idea what to change.
Oct 11, 2022 11:41 am
You don’t have to do anything. Just want to make sure everyone who wants to does.
Oct 12, 2022 9:53 am
You ride up to the village. It seems like it would be a peaceful place, if not for the burning buildings. There are children screaming, and people tending to the wounded. A pile of bodies lies on the outskirts of town, as well as the body of a monstrous creature with laser wounds all over it. Several men and women with laser rifles patrol the area, and one rushes up to you. "Halt! He says. "Who are you, and what's your business here?"
Oct 12, 2022 4:29 pm
Cass slides to a halt on the Hover bikes repulsors and jumps off. Her hands are held wide and clear of her weapons.

"I'm Cyber-Knight Cassiopeia Canon, and we are from Castle Refuge. We saw the smoke and came to lend what assistance we might. Were you attacked, is the battle still going, or did you drive them off?" Her eyes fall on the smoking hulk.
Oct 13, 2022 10:17 am
The man, who looks a little older, balding, with a salt and pepper beard, says "There was a fight yeah. A group of demons showed up and we had to fight them off. We killed this one and the rest ran away."

Cassiopeia and Lanval, you both recognize the "demon" laying dead before you is actual a creature called a Deevil. It's an ugly, fanged humanoid, with a large muzzle like mouth and a wide pig like nose. It has small serpent like yellow eyes, bushy eyebrows, a large pair of ram's horns crowning its forehead, and a shaggy black mane of hair. The upper body is that of a muscular male, but the arms, shoulders, chest and back are covered in short black hair. It's fingertips have long claw like nails. The lower body is that of a goat, with cloven hooves and a devil's tail.

There are fires to put out, and injured to tend to. What do you all do?
Oct 14, 2022 2:13 am
Nope. Didn't change anything. Don't know enough about the system to really make a decision honestly :).
Sun Li gets off the back of the bike (I am assuming someone lets him ride on the back. Trying to drive and be psychic at the same time ain't a great combination.). Stepping down into the village properly, Sun Li looks over the village carefully and begins to ascertain the resources necessary to help and whether it was worth his time. He had the ability to mind flesh, twisting it back together with biokinesis, but it was draining on the mind melter.

"I am...sorry for the harm you suffered. How many casualties did you suffer? Which direction did they go?" Sun Li asks the grizzled man.
Oct 14, 2022 2:21 am
"Deevil." Lanval announces to those assembled. "I don't remember seeing any during the incident at the arch. I wonder where they sprang from." Lanval mucks in with the medics doing what he can with the supplies on hand.
Oct 14, 2022 6:39 am
Adatahl keeps a safe distance from the others. In Coalition territory, creatures such as he are cause for trouble. Wordlessly, he approaches one of the burning buildings, passing fearlessly by the armed sentry. He spread his wings wide, his hands performing a silent mudra, gathering a cool, damp mist, a gray fog that passed over one of the structures, seeping the raging heat and leaving embers smoldering among damp fuel. Best to act and prove his intent.
Oct 14, 2022 4:01 pm
Cass chews on her idea to chase the demons and bang them back into whatever rift from which they sprang, but her companions give a calming influence. "Let's help them get these fires out, then we'll be on our way. If the Deevils come back before then, then they'll have us to reckon with." She knows her companions have many skills, but she has only a few. One of those is leading.

She joins the fire brigade and quickly uses her charisma and firm hand to reorganize them as best she can.
Because I am a Revered Protector, when I use Rapport to Create an Advantage, it gets a free invoke.



0 Positive, 4 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +0 (+4) = +4

Oct 15, 2022 10:55 am
The old man says to Sun Li "They fled to the northwest. Not sure we really scared them off so much as they went in search of easier prey." He then directs Sun Li and Lanval to the wounded.

Adatahl and Cass, between your efforts you are able to snuff out the fires before they spread any further. There is significant damage to some of the homes, but you've prevented the flames from spreading throughout the entire village.

The four of you work hard over the next several hours, helping restore some peace to the people. The sun is low in the sky when you've come to a place you feel good stopping, when the wounded have been treated and tended and the fires are completely out.

Adatahl and Cass, as the afternoon wore on you each collected a little gaggle of children around you. They were smart enough to stay out of your way as you fought the fires, and stared at you both in awe. When the day is ending, one of them approaches Cassiopeia and asks "Are you really a Cyber-Knight?"
Oct 15, 2022 8:19 pm
She flashes her armor on and mock-lunges at the children, making a silly face. She giggles with them, but then grows dour.

"Being a Cyber-Knight is serious business, children. A lifetime of dedication to the ideals of justice and fairness. I was trained by Lord Coake the greatest of us, and taught the lessons. To live one's life so that it is worthy of respect and honor. Live for freedom, justice, and all that is good. Even if you do not attempt to follow my own journey, these are ideals everyone can benefit from. "
Oct 16, 2022 10:47 am
The children ooh and ah. Then one turns to Adatahl. "Are you a dragon?"
Oct 16, 2022 5:57 pm
Adatahl let out a bit of a merry laugh at the implication. "No! No..." His eyes shifted and he peered back and forth in an exaggerated gesture of nervousness. "Do I look like one?" he asked the children softly. One of his hands rubbed his beak, feigning being wounded by the implication.
Oct 17, 2022 12:37 pm
"We've never seen a dragon mister." another little girl says. Then with the adorable bluntness of a child she asks "What are you?"
Oct 17, 2022 2:42 pm
"I might be big, but dragons are much bigger." One hand holding the children at bay, he hefted the piece of debris he had been carrying out of the roadway, giving them his full attention. "I am Lyn-Srial, the cloud people. Of my people, I am a Sky Knight. Much like your friend, Dame Cass, but I'm less brave." He laughed as he motioned to the cyber-knight. "I am here to help."
Oct 18, 2022 9:58 am
It seems your work is done here, and it's getting on to evening. Do you all stay the night here, start after the Deevils, or continue your trip back to Castle Refuge?
Oct 18, 2022 6:16 pm
Once the debris had been cleared and the wounded had been salved, so much as they were capable, Adatahl waited for his companions near where they had landed. Presumably, they would return to discuss the situation. With two arms folded, leaned against a tree, he let his opinion be known.

"We should stay the night. Our journey is already paused, and the beasts may return in the night for revenge." He motioned to the wreckage.
Oct 18, 2022 11:37 pm
Cass was anxious to get back to report, but Adatahl's words speak to the heart of her vows. "Of course, an excellent proposal, Adatahl, and I add my vote to yours."

She wonders, though. To the old man who greeted them, she asks, "Does the town have a radio with which we may contact Castle Refuge?"
Oct 19, 2022 3:17 am
"That seems like a statistical probability. I concur, Adatahl." Sun Li said, looking back at the town. "We will take the usual watches after securing a good vantage point for the evening." The man turns and begins to look through the town's remaining defenses and structurally sound buildings.
Maybe an Academics roll or something? Perhaps a Lore roll to find a location that makes sense for dealing with Deevils? If I roll well, I want to create the aspect "Strategically Located".


Lore or Academics

3 Positive, 0 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +2 (+3) = +5

Oct 19, 2022 10:43 am
You have successfully created said aspect, and Sun Li gets one free invoke. After that he and the rest of you can invoke it by spending a Fate Point.
Everyone please create a hiding place in the village that will give you a strategic advantage if the Deevil band comes back.
Oct 19, 2022 10:01 pm
Lanval found a rooftop perch from which he has good sightlines throughout the villiage.
Oct 20, 2022 1:29 am
Cass leaves Lanval to overwatch, and finds a central place from which to charge to glory and a red ruin, once the cry goes up. She nestles into a chair on the street, and as darkness falls, will shoo away any urchins that seek to have her endlessly repeat stories of daring and adventure.
Oct 20, 2022 12:51 pm
Adatahl negotiates an upper level to rest in, one with a large barn-style door to emerge from if there comes a battle. He is happy for a roof over his head and a room large enough to stretch out in, though his ears are perked and his radio turned up.
Oct 20, 2022 7:11 pm
@Qralloq I never answered Cass' question. The town does not have a radio.
Oct 20, 2022 9:16 pm
We lost KingHotTrash. At this point I think we just soldier on without him. What do you all think?
Oct 20, 2022 10:39 pm
Oct 21, 2022 1:41 am
Agreed as well
Oct 22, 2022 9:52 am
As the sun sets, most of the villagers retire for the evening. A great number of them have to stay with friends and neighbors as their homes are now unlivable. Three of the armed villagers, including the older man you've been talking to, agree to set up a watch and patrol the village over the night. You all settle in to your hiding places and wait.

Lanval, around three in the morning you see movement along the edge of the village. Several figures are approaching.
Oct 22, 2022 1:01 pm
Lanval gets to walkie-talkie. "Several figures on the edge of the village." He announces to any listening. Lanval shifts forward to get a better look and brings a set of binoculars to his eyes to see what is coming.
Oct 22, 2022 4:00 pm
Replying on the radio, Cass asks, "Confirm the other side that we're not being flanked. I'll move toward the ones Lanval has seen."

She quietly moves from her central location and using houses to keep out of line of sight as best she can, moves to intercept.
Oct 23, 2022 2:48 am
"I can circle the city to check for a flanking forces, but they may see me take to the air." He crouched at the upper exterior door, peering through the shutter. "Is it worth it? We may lose the element of surprise."
Oct 23, 2022 1:25 pm
Lanval, you see a dozen more of the Deevils slowly moving through the light woods around the village. They look like they're trying to be quiet, but aren't really attempting to hide themselves.
Oct 23, 2022 1:32 pm
"Deevils. 12 of the them in the woods. Recommend we open up on them now and try to keep the fight out of the village." Lanval reports.
Oct 23, 2022 3:57 pm
"Make the call Lanval, you've got eyes on. I'm headed in hot." She summons her psionic armor and sword as she runs, and ceases trying to be stealthy about it.

"What do we know of these Deevils, call it out?"


Lore - Deevilry

1 Positive, 2 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +0 (+4) = +4

Oct 24, 2022 12:48 pm
Cassiopeia and Lanval, you both have some knowledge of the Deevils. They are the most numerous of the beings from Dyval, and serve as that realms foot soldiers. They are aggressive, violent and vengeful, as well as deceitful. They're vulnerable to certain woods and to silver, and their hotheaded nature often leads to them making tactical mistakes. They also tend to underestimate mortals.
Oct 24, 2022 11:07 pm
Cass relates that to the others. "These guys are aggressive and hotheaded, rush into tactical errors, and they will underestimate you mortals. If you have silver, use it."
Oct 25, 2022 12:03 am
Lanval targets the Deevil in the lead and starts the combat with a bolt of energy to hopefully give them pause.


Shoot using Lore (Battle Mage stunt)

1 Positive, 1 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -1 (+6) = +5

Oct 25, 2022 12:13 am
As he saw the burst of energy crackle out in the distance, he scooped up the radio and leapt out the door. He hoped to use the distraction of the opening burst to get into position to flank the deevils, behind them and away from the town. Hopefully they would turn and face the 'real' threat, leaving the 'mere mortals' at their back.
Oct 25, 2022 10:32 am
@Verrain Let's say you're Well Hidden. Would you like to spend a Fate Point to invoke that on this roll?
Oct 25, 2022 10:40 am
Sure. Let's do that.
Oct 25, 2022 10:52 am
Okay so that brings your total to 7.
A bolt of arcane power flashes from Lanval to the Deevil just breaking the treeline. It catches the thing in the chest, and the fiend drops to the ground with a smoking hole in its torso. The others grunt and look around in dismay.
@Verrain who goes next?


Secret Roll

Oct 25, 2022 5:13 pm
Cass was going in hot so lets go there.
Oct 25, 2022 5:16 pm
@Qralloq it's your go.
Oct 25, 2022 11:03 pm
Cassiopeia Canon charges from the houses and into the midst of the Deevils. At the last minute, she lunges to the side, so as not to get immediately swarmed. Passing by the first, she cleaves into that one with her psi-sword.
Because I have a Psi-Sword, I get a +2 when I use Fight to Attack when in in melee range.


Fight to attack

1 Positive, 3 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +1 (+8) = +9

Oct 26, 2022 10:04 am
Cassiopeia's psi-sword cuts the next Deevil in twain, and it's bisected body falls to the ground.
@Qralloq who's next?


Secret Roll

Oct 26, 2022 10:21 am
Paging Dr. Adatahl, @greygriffin
Oct 27, 2022 8:19 pm
A peal of thunder sounded, as the Lyn-Srial arced into the air, propelled by a snap of his wings that rattled the windowpanes and fuelled by a mystical wind. In a streak of gold, shimmering pale in the moonlight, he descended among the beasts, talons-first, a powerful foot gripping a deevil by its face and dragging it to the ground.

Catapulting to his feet and flipping behind the line of battle, drawing two shining white blades from thin air, he adopted a straight-backed fencing pose, silently challenging the beasts with the point of his sword, the other held behind his back in a cheeky salute.
Oops, that should be +6. Next are the Deevils, I believe..?
Last edited October 27, 2022 8:23 pm


Fight (+6)

2 Positive, 0 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: +0

Oct 29, 2022 11:49 am
A fate point for everyone just for awesomeness of description.
The Deevil that Adatahl grabs collapses to the ground in a heap.

The other Deevils howl and charge Adatahl and Cassiopeia. Five of them gang up on the Lyn-Srial and four attack the cyber-knight. They slash at you with their claws.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Oct 29, 2022 11:52 am
Whew that's a lot of rolls.
Adatahl you are attacked five times. You must defend against target numbers 1, 3, 4, 2 and 1.

Cassiopeia you're attacked four times. You must defend against target numbers 3, 2, 3 and 2.
Oct 29, 2022 1:56 pm
Cass takes it on the chin, knowing she's usually tough enough to take a blow or two. Four? Maybe.



2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1 (+5) = +6


1 Positive, 1 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -1 (+5) = +4


2 Positive, 1 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +1 (+5) = +6


1 Positive, 1 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -1 (+5) = +4

Oct 29, 2022 2:22 pm
Cass absorbs the Deevil's attacks with no problem.
Oct 30, 2022 1:05 pm
@GreyGriffin need some defense rolls for Adatahl.
Oct 30, 2022 9:56 pm
Adatahl sees the deevils charge in, and shakes his head with disappointment. He opened his hands, letting the blades tumble towards the ground, disintegrating into puffs of mist before they struck. Four arms stretched into a cross, wings folding in as he took a confident step forwards. Eyes widened, belying the concentration behind the display that was made to look almost effortless, as his four hands grasped and turned their lunging arms, throwing them effortlessly into the woods behind him, dedicating each hand to a display of defensive martial arts that turned his attackers into a stumbling whirl of uncoordinated bodies.

"You know... you are permitted to withdraw..." he suggested, giving a sympathetic shrug.
Last edited October 30, 2022 10:01 pm


Defend: Fight vs. 1

0 Positive, 3 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: -1 (+6) = +5

Defend: Fight vs. 3

1 Positive, 0 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -2 (+6) = +4

Defend: Fight vs. 4

3 Positive, 0 Blank, 1 Negative - Total: +2 (+6) = +8

Defend: Fight vs. 2

1 Positive, 1 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -1 (+6) = +5

Defend: Fight vs. 1

2 Positive, 0 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: +0 (+6) = +6

Oct 31, 2022 12:48 pm
Adatahl tosses Deevils left and right, a blur of martial arts mastery. Many of them are put Off Balance by him.
@GreyGriffin you gain the boost Off Balance on three of the Deevils.

I pick who goes next, and the Deevils go again.
The Deevils surrounding Adatahl return to their feet and try to pile on him, burying him under their bodies.

Adatahl, please defend against 0, -1, 2, 4 and 2.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Oct 31, 2022 12:51 pm
The Deevils around Cassiopeia back away from her glowing blade. "Cyber-knight! one of them says. "Retreat!" They turn and run.
Oct 31, 2022 2:39 pm
His eyes narrowed as he flexed, watching the Deevils square up and rush at him with greater fervor. One foot slipped to the side, and he leaned in, meeting their charge, force for force, hurling them to the ground, gradually escalating the consequences of assaulting an immovable object, as their allies streamed past in a panic.

"You know, I'm willing to give you some time to get it out of your system and realize this is a bad idea, but I don't think she is."
I'll spend a point to invoke Off-Balance and re-roll the failure.
Last edited October 31, 2022 2:41 pm


Defend: Fight vs. 0

1 Positive, 0 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -2 (+6) = +4

Defend: Fight vs. -1

2 Positive, 0 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: +0 (+6) = +6

Defend: Fight vs. 2

0 Positive, 1 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -3 (+6) = +3

Defend: Fight vs. 4

0 Positive, 1 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -3 (+6) = +3

Defend: Fight vs. 2

1 Positive, 3 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +1 (+6) = +7

Defend: Fight vs. 4 (re-Roll)

1 Positive, 3 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +1 (+6) = +7

Nov 2, 2022 10:24 am
Again Adatahl's defense proves to be too much for the Deevils, and he scatters them all around him.
I choose Adatahl to go next.
Nov 2, 2022 5:13 pm
Clearly, they were not convinced. He had hoped cowardice would prevail - he had little hope for negotiation. But if force was what they comprehended, force was the language he would speak.

As the beasts lunged, he caught one by the forehead, full-stop, fingers woven through its gnarled horns. With a lunge he slammed it back through a tree, and slamming it once to the ground beyond, with enough force to embed it in the dirt with a spray of dust and loam.
I will nominate Lanval to go next.
Last edited November 2, 2022 8:21 pm


Attack (Fight +6)

0 Positive, 1 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -3 (+6) = +3

Re-Roll (Invoking Off-Balance)

1 Positive, 0 Blank, 3 Negative - Total: -2 (+6) = +4

Nov 5, 2022 12:37 pm
Adatahl puts another Deevil down.

@Verrain Lanval is up.
Nov 8, 2022 1:04 am
Lanval had never shot fish in a barrel before but he felt sure it was much like this. He takes aim and sends another crackling energy beam at one of the Deevil's threatening Adatahl.


Shoot Using Lore

0 Positive, 2 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -2 (+6) = +4

Nov 10, 2022 11:34 am
Lanval drops another Deevil. The rest finally get the idea that they won't defeat you, and run back through the trees. All of a sudden, the fight is over.


Secret Roll

Nov 10, 2022 3:33 pm
Cass thinks about chasing them, but holds her position, checking in her teammates by com. "Deevils are retreating. Report your status. Canon is unharmed. Go."
Nov 10, 2022 3:36 pm
Adatahl watched them file into the woods, glancing back towards Lanval. "I don't think they've ever heard of us."
Nov 11, 2022 2:07 am
"Lanval here, secure in my perch." He reports in.
Nov 11, 2022 4:38 pm
Adatahl emerged from the woods a few yards away from Cass. "I'm right here," he spoke into the microphone awkwardly at his throat, echoing twice in her ears. "All clear, it seems."
Nov 11, 2022 7:43 pm
She claps the draconid on the shoulder, maybe a bit too hard. "A rush is what that was. But I wish we could have slaughtered them and sent them all back to hell. They were beaten back twice now and we'd be fools to think what drives them won't make it once more."
Nov 12, 2022 1:40 pm
The townspeople emerge from their homes, and you are greeted with cheers and grateful thanks. The older man who spoke to you before says. "We're indebted to you. We've not seen creatures like this before. You handled them easily. I wonder if you might be willing to stay a while in case they come back again."
Nov 12, 2022 4:41 pm
She looks at the others. "We have an urgent matter, a message to attend to. Once we deliver it, I will return and help defend your town from this threat."
Last edited November 13, 2022 4:18 pm
Nov 13, 2022 9:05 am
"Fear is a powerful force in beings driven by hunger and malice." Adatahl folded his arms, beak clenching as he glanced towards the woods, where the creatures had fled to. "Having been beaten twice, they may move on. It's a stupid coyote that lets itself be pricked by a porcupine three times." Adatahl nodded at his own words, to reassure the headman.

He glanced towards Cass, a little nonplussed. He did not relish the killing as much as the fighting, even against beasts as these. "The Bastion may have pressing business for us. But we will be assured they know what happened here."
Nov 16, 2022 12:57 am
Lanval nods in agreement. "It is as my companions say. We are needed elsewhere. But, perhaps before we go, we can give your defenders some plans to follow and suggestions to bolster your defenses."
Nov 18, 2022 11:27 am
The townsfolk are incredibly grateful. You all mount up and continue on your way. It's another days travel at high speeds through light forest and rolling hills. In the end, you return to Castle Refuge, home of the Tomorrow Legion. The towers gleam in the morning sun.

You pull into the courtyard. Attending dwarves rush to see to your vehicles, and a paige runs up to you. "Lady Canon, Adatahl, Mr. Lanval, thank goodness you've all returned. Lord Coake is assembling all available Legionnaires in the main hall for a briefing."
Nov 19, 2022 12:13 am
Cass shakes out her legs from the long ride, and secretly was going for a bath and maybe a long stretch. "Of course. I know the way."

She unhooks her travel bag from the hover bike and waits for the others before they head in.
Nov 19, 2022 12:31 am
Lanval also manages to hide his disappointment at the immediate summons but it must be something important for a general summons like this. Lanval grabs his backpack and falls in next to Cass. "No rest from the wicked it seems."

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