Character thread - ctme2000

Oct 12, 2022 4:50 pm
We'll do the character generation here..
Oct 13, 2022 12:52 am
Determine Characteristics
Roll 3D6 multiplied by 5 for the characteristics STR, CON, DEX, APP, and POW.
Roll 2D6+6 multiplied by 5 for SIZ, INT, and EDU.

(The multiply by 5 you need to manually as the dice roller doesn't support multiplication)

Also decide an age for your character as that will impact stats (older gives you a more educated character but weaker physically)

There is a dedicated 7e character sheet or if yo prefer custom sheets, you can grab from the repository.
Oct 13, 2022 1:53 pm
Sent ya a DM in Discord w. character sheet info.
Oct 13, 2022 8:58 pm
OK, i've taken a look and he looks ok.

One things I'm having the others do is rolling for background details. You can do that if you want, but if not pick one element of your background as your key, the thing that grounds you.
Oct 15, 2022 12:42 am
Can you apply your sheet to the game?
Oct 15, 2022 2:11 am
Hey, sorry, haven't had time to look at the background details. I'll choose my editor, aka - father figure, though as the person who grounds me, if that works?

Posting now.
Oct 15, 2022 2:20 am
On second thought, curious what comes up...

Ideology 1d10
Significant People 1d10
Why significant? 1d10
Meaningful location 1d10
Treasured possession 1d10
Trait 1d10


Idealogy - (1d10)

(1) = 1

Significant People - (1d10)

(9) = 9

Why significant? - (1d10)

(3) = 3

Meaningful location - (1d10)

(1) = 1

Treasured possesion - (1d10)

(9) = 9

Trait - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Oct 15, 2022 11:41 am
OK here they. Feel free to use or amend any that don't fit your plan for the character.

Ideology There is a higher power that you worship and pray to (e.g. Vishnu, Jesus Christ, Haile Selassie I)
Significant People A famous person. Your idol or hero. You may never have even met (e.g. film star, politician, musician)
Why significant? They give your life meaning. How? (e.g. you aspire to be like them, you seek to be with them, you seek to make them happy)
Meaningful location Your seat of learning (e.g. school, university)
Treasured possession A weapon (e.g. service revolver, your old hunting rifle, the hidden knife in your boot).
Trait Ambitious (e.g. to achieve a goal, to become the boss, to have it all).

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