Sure! Ok let me pull up what that means for you.
Parapsychologists do not pretend to enjoy extraordinary powers, but instead spend their e orts attempting to observe, record, and study such instances. Sometimes nicknamed "ghost hunters," they make use of technology to try to capture hard evidence of paranormal activity that may be centered on a person or a location. A major portion of their time is spent debunking fake mediums and mistaken phenomena rather than recording actual evidence.
Some parapsychologists will specialize in the study of particular phenomenon, such as extra sensory perception, telekinesis, hauntings, and others.
Prestigious universities grant no degrees for parapsychology. Standards in the eld are based entirely upon personal reputation, and so the most acceptable representatives tend to hold degrees in related areas— physics, psychology, or medicine.
Those who choose this path are unusually sympathetic to the notion of invisible mystical powers and in validating that belief to the satisfaction of physical scientists. This would represent an unusual cohabitation of faith and doubt— the parapsychologist may have difficulty separating the conflicting desires. A person uninterested in observation, experimentation, and proof is not a scientist, though he or
she may be an occultist.
Occupation Skill Points: EDU × 4 (268)
Credit Rating: 9–30
Suggested Contacts: Universities, parapsychological
Skills: Anthropology, Art/Craft (Photography), History, Library Use, Occult, Other Language, Psychology, any one other skill as a personal or era specialty.
So you can split those points among those skills. Credit Rating must be between 9 and 30 (your choice) but this comes from this occupational pool