My preference is for Bold for speech (but happy with the blue some have used) and Italics for whispering. You can also use private notes for something only for me (and I tend to use these if characters get seperated) or I might use spoilers if it's not game breaking.
Decided to bring this to OOC since it may prompt player discussion:
I would suggest using the rope, and perhaps the first person can drive in pitons (roughly every three feet?) to double as handholds, so that the last person (whoever has the best stats for it) can untie the rope and climb down with the aid of the holds?
That way we don't lose or leave the rope, and if pitons are roughly every three feet that will use 6 of my 12. (I'd say leave those, so if we have to backtrack it should be a little easier for someone to climb back up with the rope.)
I seem to be on a different schedule than everyone else. You all seem to be on when I'm off and vice versa. Oh well... Leland has no rope or pitons and 20% climb.
I am assuming that to grapple with Leland, I would need to roll fighting (brawl). My intention was to either hold him down until he got better or until someone could examine him. Though with that roll it doesn't matter.
To make sure I'm doing this right, the sanity thread has me at -6. Do I subtract 6 from my original sanity total of 30, making my current sanity 24?
The indefinite insanity threshold - how much you can lose in a day without 'losing it' is 1/5 of your starting sanity for the day, so in your case 6
There was a time in the restaurant industry in the UK when this was perfectly acceptable. Then they made it so hourly paid employees had to opt in to be able to work more than 60 hours. Of course anyone on a salaried contract, like management, could be made to work any amount of hours without right to complain.
@YullyBear Plenty of overtime, so it'll be a pretty great check. Small favors, eh?
@Knifesedgegames I've been a single dad for almost 17 years, so my weeks tended to top out between 40-45 hours. Fortunately, my son can cook and is responsible enough to do so (as well as be home alone). Although I feel like I would do better at this "60 hour weeks" thing about 17 years ago. Lol
Fortunately, this was highly atypical. It's usually a Monday to Friday, 7-9 hour day type job. Maybe the occasional Saturday to make a deadline.
Gonna make for a nice check right before the Holiday though. Lol
Pablo is essentially out of action for 8 rounds, so Gregory is up next. Normally the player loses control of their character to the Keeper during a bout, but I like to let my player roleplay what they're going through, but with your particular brand of madness, you are helpless.
Happy New Year ! May all dice be in your favor ! (wishing for high is quite dangerous, I know a number of RPG where you have to roll the lowest possible)
to clarify, the cave in happened around where the 2 is.
You've explored the tunnels in all directions around 3. 3 is the pitch, where you had to use rope to climb down.
So your options are pretty much back to 8 and explore south, or continue to hunt through the warrens. (5/6)
There is the smooth carved tunnel that headed south after the pitch (3) (you headed west into 4 instead) but you passed the tunnel before you hit the warrens and it seemed to link up.
On Friday 24th I'll be going in for the first of two cataract surgeries (second one in two weeks) This will probably put me out of action for a few days as I'll be avoiding screens, so please bear with me
If it had been just losing a day I wouldn't have minded, but the amount of preparation that went into it to make sure everything was set up so my family could manage without me for a week, my work schedule was arranged and my gamers were aware. Just annoying.
Thanks everyone! That took a little longer than I expected but it was an interesting ending. Please give a few words of comment if you enjoyed the scenario or system so that I can feedback to Chaosium.
To start, thank you for running a fantastic game and thank you for being willing to walk those of us who were completely new through everything we needed to know. I had a lot of fun learning the system and telling our story.
This was very fun. It was a nice refresher as well as a interesting story. The story flowed pretty well, and it did a good job of maintaining the tension.
Thank you Keeper and to all the players! Thanks for being patient with a newb, and keeping the game going. Really enjoyed my first experience with CoC and hope to try it again.
The scenario was fun, tense, and an intriguing ending for sure.
Good times. Appreciate you letting me be a part of it and for teaching this Call of Cthulhu newb the ropes. Can't believe poor Leland made it. Thought he was a goner for sure! Enjoyed it fellas!