Oct 18, 2022 4:52 am
In an attempt to get to know the community and other users on GP better, we want to allow a different member each week to step into the spotlight.
You can find more information here.
About me:
Ask Me Anything.
This AMA will run until Oct 25 2022.
You can find more information here.
About me:
Name: | Tealed/Bjorn |
Joined: | 26 July, 2022 |
Age: | 26 years old |
Pronouns: | He/Him |
From: | Belgium |
RPG Interests: | My RPG ‘career’ actually started with the Fifth Edition of Legend of the Five Rings. Though it was a bit of a clunky system at times, it still holds a dear spot in my heart for being my first GM experience. After that I’ve played D&D 5e, Call of Cthulhu 7e, Blades in the Dark, and am recently starting as a player for Avatar: Legends! On Gamersplane so far I’ve mostly been a player to balance my Forever GMing, where I’ve had the pleasure to try out Pathfinder 2e, Heart: The City Beneath, and I’m also currently in the middle of character creation for Women are Werewolves. I definitely try to emphasize good storytelling, roleplay, and character agency in my games. Not to say that I hate crunch, but if it’s just a pure slogfest of combat without any narrative impact or a feeling of being related to the plot, I tend to get disinterested real quick. |
Non-RPG Interests: | |
Professional: | I work in administration for a non-profit that helps kids get access to free lessons about programming and electronics. |
Education: | I studied Communication Science in university and majored in Media Psychology. |
Hobbies: | I like to read Fantasy & Non-fiction books, though lately it’s been harder to find time for them. I like playing videogames, mostly RPGs but I like trying out different genres too. Lately I’ve been playing Triangle Strategy on the Switch. I keep myself active through walks with my dog Teo, and he loves me to bits for it (I hope!). |
Other: | I’m autistic and I’m hearing impaired for both ears, so I’m a bit of a double whammy when it comes to invisible disabilities. RPGs did help me with finding a steady friend group to socialize with, but I’m a bit hesitant to run one-shots for strangers because of my disabilities. Even though I very much want to broaden my horizons! |
Ask Me Anything.
This AMA will run until Oct 25 2022.
