All characters are assumed to have some basic gear, including armor and weapons.
All adventurers start with basic soft leather or padded cloth armor. Other armor can be used by taking a trait at creation or found/bought later in the story.
Light Armor : The basic level of defense for players and creatures.
Heavy Armor : Heavy Armor protects the wearer from 2 points damage. Any damage the armor resists must be repaired, requiring tools and 1 hour per point of damage, before the benefit can be used again. Characters not proficient in armor use suffer disadvantage on all physical tests except Saves.
There are 3 basic weapon types. Pick one type to be proficient with and you start with a weapon of that type.
Light require one handed. 1 damage to Nearby target
Heavy weapons require 2 hands. Can only be used once a round. 2 damage to Nearby target
Ranged weapons require 2 hands. Require an action to load. 1 damage to Close or Far target
[ +- ] Zones (distances)
Range | Zone | Attacks | Distance
Close | 0 | Light, Heavy, Magic, Ranged* | 5-25'
Near | 1 | Ranged, Magic | 25-50'
Far | 2 | Ranged, Magic | 50-75'
Very Far | 4-6 | Ranged* | 75'-150' |
* attack at disadvantage
As you adventure you can master a specific weapon of a group you are proficient with. This allows you to attack with it at advantage.
The basic starting kit includes a rucksack or pack, a bedroll, flint & steel, a belt pouch, a lantern, a waterskin, oil, a rope (50 feet), rations, a torch, and a cloak. Players may add 1 item pertaining to their background and another minor item after consulting with the GM.
Magic is common in this game. So in addition to the basic gear each character will
start with 1 minor magic item. This could be anything from a magic fire starter to a mirror that lets you see the back of your head. It can not be a weapon or armor but can give advantage for a specific test out of combat.
[ +- ] Sample list of minor magic
• Adventurer Boots : Feet are always warm and dry. Advantage on SV slipping
• Welspring Bottle : produces 1 mouthful of water an hour
• Ever Candle : Never goes out
• Devil's own Die : You can control the dice results, almost always. Advantage on dice game. If two 1's are shown the magic becomes obvious
• Cleansing Charm : placing this on unworn clothing to clean them after 1 minute
• Change Cloak : The cloak slowly changes to meet your desires. Advantage on hiding if motionless for 1 minute
• Mending Medallion : Repairs a mundane item once per day
• Heady Helm : While wearing the helm any drink affects the wearer like ale. Disadvantage vs sobriety
• Echoing Earrings : Each of the pair worn separately hears what the other wearer hears up to 30'. Advantage on hearing nearby sounds
• Everlasting Lantern : The lantern requires but does not consume oil
• Magic Hat : Once per day conjure a simple small item or beast. Advantage on performances when used
• Beguiling Bugle : Marching while this heard playing incurs half exhaustion. Advantage vs fatigue except for the one who blows the horn
• Key charm : This crystal helps translate writing on maps. Advantage to understand any map after placing it on the map for 1 minute
• Tracking Talisman : Each talisman type aids in finding a specific beast. Advantage on tracking and lore
• Dowsing rod: Each rod aids in finding water or a specific mineral
• Misleading Masque : While wearing this mask your voice is altered
• Arcane Amulet : This glows brighter based on proximity to or power of magical energy
• Blessed Blade : This blade will glow in certain circumstances
• Habitual Hourglass : This wakes the owner briefly after each hour of sleep
• Clockwork Chimes : This emits a soft chime sound each hour
• Shrinking Stave : This staff can shrink from 6' to 3"
• Binding Bands : These securely bind any 2 limbs together
• Bivouac Blanket : keeps any who sleep under it warm and dry
• Sundering Spade : Digs faster and deeper than any regular shovel
• Mulching Machete : When use on vegetation any part of a plant cut off beaks down into smaller pieces.
• Retracting Rope : When the command word is spoken while holding one end the other end will untie itself and to the rope coils into the hand holding it.
• Fountain Feather : This quill creates its own ink
• Shimmering Shield : This emits a faint light allowing sight in total darkness up to 15'
• Arctic Armor : This armor is always warm and does not impede movement in cold or watery environments
• Tipsy Tankard : The potency of all alcohol is doubled when drunk from this tankard
• Chilled Cube : This is always just above freezing and cools any items touching or in the same container as this.
• Seeking Sling : When tossed in the air and left to drop one string always lands pointing east from the center and the other string indicates the suns position in the sky as if a sun dial
• A horn made of ivory. it produces wind instead of sound
• A small flat stone that sticks to whatever it touches.
• A piece of twine that when plucked produces a low tone.
• A pair of leather gloves, when worn you can not hold anything with them.
• A obsidian comb that makes hair curlier when used.
• A flask that can capture any scent when the command word is spoken, and the release it when it's spoken again.
• A set of small metal balls that vibrate when touched together.
• A small drum that when held slowly beats at fixed intervals (once a second)
• A loin cloth that constantly blows gentle as if it was in wind but never reveal anything.
• A coin purse that sounds, and feels like it's filled, but is not.
• A quill pen that can write in the air. (Requires ink and lasts 24 hours.)
• A piece of paper that writes back to you when you ask it questions.
• A roc talon that grips objects and never lets go until the command word is spoken. (You don't know the command word.)
• A leaf that is perpetually on fire, the flame cannot spread and illuminates an area of 10ft.
• A glass orb with a tiny dragon in it. The glass orb can not be broken in any manner, and the dragon can not die.
• A feather that tickles any creature touched with it.
• A vial of viscous blue liquid, when poured out the liquid slowly creeps back into the vial.
• A ring that always feels cold to the touch. When you wear it you can hear whispers from a distant being.
• a scale from a wyvern that when thrown always returns to you.
• The feather of a angel, when shaken it produces gold dust that glows when touching any thinking or feeling possitively.
• A small tree in a pot. Each day the tree grows a single fruit, each tenday the fruit is different.
• A stool that follows you where ever you go.
• A gear that slowly spins of it's own accord.
• A wooden carving that is shaped like your mother, it changes shape for whomever holds it.
• A ball of twine that never shrinks when untangled but produces 1' or string for each minute untangling it
• A piece of glass that constantly reflects a rainbow.
• A silver rod that changes color with your mood.
• A sponge that can absorbed much more liquid than it should be able to. (10 gallons)
• A fork that will pierce anything.
• A foggy mirror, when cleaned it always returns to being foggy.
• A brass ball that constantly smells horrible, when sleeping near it you always have pleasant dreams.
• A flute that sounds different for everyone that hears it.
• A necklace that always fits anyone who wears it perfectly.
• A bamboo straw that when blown into produces water (Up to ten gallons a day.)
• A stone that bounces off anything.
• A monocle that increases your sight in that eye by 10ft.
• A dull sword that cannot be sharpened. It produces musical notes when you swing it.
• A crown made from reeds that lets you talk to amphibians.
• A golden finch, when the command word is spoken it becomes alive.
• A bottle of black sand that is flammable.
• A signet ring with draconic symbols. When used to seal something in wax the symbols move.
• A cowl made of raven feathers that will always conceal your features while worn no matter the lighting.
• A vial that constantly leaks honey.
• A fishing hook that cannot be bent.
• Drift wood that smells of salt, it can be bent by hand.
• A teleportation circle diagram.
• A whistle that when blow causes you to fly 5ft backwards. (3 uses a day)
• A belt with a pocket that has more room than it should. (Holds up to a two foot cube worth of items.)
• A pouch of white sand that always refills itself each day.
• Hand wraps that glow softly when rubbed together.
• The hilt of a sword that feels heavier than it should. When the command word is spoken a blade shoots from the hilt and becomes a shortsword.
• A glass bottle that holds a small storm. (Rain, lightning, thunder, and dark clouds. When opened the storm dissipates, but comes back each day.)
• A scroll that bleeds when you open it.
• A small stone with a hole in the center, smoke constantly bellows out of the hole.
• A marble that hovers three inches above your hand.
• A paper fan that when used produces no breeze, but will put out any non-magical fire.
• A vial filled with fine white hair. In moonlight they glow brightly.
• A king from a chess set. He gives a helpful point of view when asked a question
• A small hat that changes style every day.
• A bottle that can capture a sound when the command word is spoken, when opened it repeats this sound until another is recorded.