Character Creation

Oct 21, 2022 3:21 am
[ +- ] Character Sheet
Read through this section then expand the character sheet by clicking on the "+" above. Then click on "Create Character". You will need to enter your character name and it will then add the character sheet to your profile and open it for updating. Click the feather quill on black banners to edit entire sections. Red triangles under these sections can be expanded. Underlined text are form fields that can be clicked to edit.
Follow these steps to create a character and prepare to play:
1. Select a Heritage
2. Select a Trade
3. Set characters Belief
4. Select 3 traits
5. Select a weapon group you are proficient with and a single weapon you have mastery of.
6. Select a minor magic item
7. Select an image for your character avatar
8. Submit character, post Intro & availability
Oct 21, 2022 3:30 am
[ +- ] Beastfolk
[ +- ] Mortalkind
[ +- ] Spiritfolk
Oct 22, 2022 2:44 am
Select a trade you were either trained in or were familiar with before you began your adventure. This can be any type of job or lifestyle such as librarian (random knowledge and knows how to find records), carpenter(woods, shaping, building, etc), street urchin(city directions, loosing a tail, where you can steal from and where you shouldn't), or hermit(wild fruits and vegetables, weather, natural remedies).
Note: trades give knowledge and basic skills for specific mundane activities b that is equal but not as focused as traits.
Ex : street urchin it's familiar with stealth and sleight of hand but without those traits still has to roll 2d6 on those activities. However they can roll 3d6 on finding scraps to live on, hiding spots in a city, knowing when to run vs beg, etc
Oct 22, 2022 2:51 am
Your belief should be a simple sentence the defines what motivates you or directs your decisions.
Oct 22, 2022 2:58 am
Traits define what your character does well. These can range from any skills, talents, abilities, or even powers. While there are predefined traits I want players to pick 2 things they would like their character to be able to do and I will help them define these in regard to the game system.
For some ideas you can look over the list here. This is just a sample of some possible traits. You can pick from the list or propose ideas of your own. For a brief description of how each works go to the Tratits thread.
[ +- ] Basic Trait Descriptions
If you wish to start with some magic or other mystic ability then you can select a trait from the list below, or create your own unique one with the GM, as part of the two you have at character creation.
[ +- ] Mystic Trait Descriptions
Oct 22, 2022 2:59 am
All characters are assumed to have some basic gear, including armor and weapons.
All adventurers start with basic soft leather or padded cloth armor. Other armor can be used by taking a trait at creation or found/bought later in the story.
Light Armor : The basic level of defense for players and creatures.
Heavy Armor : Heavy Armor protects the wearer from 2 points damage. Any damage the armor resists must be repaired, requiring tools and 1 hour per point of damage, before the benefit can be used again. Characters not proficient in armor use suffer disadvantage on all physical tests except Saves.

There are 3 basic weapon types. Pick one type to be proficient with and you start with a weapon of that type.
Light require one handed. 1 damage to Nearby target
Heavy weapons require 2 hands. Can only be used once a round. 2 damage to Nearby target
Ranged weapons require 2 hands. Require an action to load. 1 damage to Close or Far target
[ +- ] Zones (distances)
As you adventure you can master a specific weapon of a group you are proficient with. This allows you to attack with it at advantage.

The basic starting kit includes a rucksack or pack, a bedroll, flint & steel, a belt pouch, a lantern, a waterskin, oil, a rope (50 feet), rations, a torch, and a cloak. Players may add 1 item pertaining to their background and another minor item after consulting with the GM.
Magic is common in this game. So in addition to the basic gear each character will start with 1 minor magic item. This could be anything from a magic fire starter to a mirror that lets you see the back of your head. It can not be a weapon or armor but can give advantage for a specific test out of combat.
[ +- ] Sample list of minor magic
Nov 21, 2022 2:27 pm
Avatar Image
Once you are happy with the character you can add an avatar by editing the character sheet, pencil icon top right of the page, and selecting Change Avatar. When you speak, "Post As", in character it will use the character avatar.
Apr 4, 2023 2:24 pm
Now that you have a completed character you need to submit it to the game.
Click on "Page Details" on the bottom right of the page
Scroll down to "Submit a Character" select the character to add to this game and click "Submit"

When you are complete and the character is accepted introduce the character to the game by posting a brief description in the Who's who thread.

As soon as you submit it I have access to the character and can help you with anything you need
Dec 27, 2023 5:23 am
You can submit (see above) your character before being completely "done" if you want feedback from the DM. Once the character has been accepted to the game you can post in character by selecting their name in the "Post As" drop down list above the post formatting buttons.
Jan 17, 2024 7:38 pm
As soon as you finish your intro story the character is considered a "Novice" and the following will be implemented.
[ +- ] Groups
[ +- ] Story Threads
[ +- ] Advancement : Rookie, Novice, Veteran

See the Veteran Rules for mechanics enhancements added for veteran characters only.
Apr 22, 2024 12:28 pm
When you are ready to join the story introduce your character in the Who's Who thread and Posting Rate Poll.

You do not have permission to post in this thread.