Excited to start rolling!

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Jul 13, 2016 8:43 pm
Hey guys!

I am Galakan (named after a race in my world). I haven't tried my hand at play-by-post quite yet, but hearing about this site on the Dungeon Master's Block got me super excited.

Half of the people from my normal group have just had children, and I am guessing we are not going to play for a while. So I am hoping that all you awesome folks can help me fill the void left in its place!

My favorite thing is learning new systems and getting deeply involved in the characters I make for them. I am an old hat at D&D (both 3.5 and 5e) but am super interested in trying out anything FATE, Star Wars FFG, Feng Shui or Numenera as well.

I am fairly active online since I am a programmer by trade and spend...well far too much time at my computer. So I will be checking this site regularly and will be up for posting 1-2 times a day in whichever games I am a part of.

Cheers all!
Jul 13, 2016 8:51 pm
Welcome! New games are popping up all the time, so it shouldn't take long to find one that's a good fit for you. If you want a quick rundown of how to use the site and join a game, I've actually posted a guide just recently catered to new users.

Note: If you have any feedback on the guide or requests, there is also a feedback forum for the guide :)
Jul 13, 2016 9:00 pm
Naatkinson says:
If you want a quick rundown of how to use the site and join a game, I've actually posted a guide just recently catered to new users.

Note: If you have any feedback on the guide or requests, there is also a feedback forum for the guide :)
Nice! I will definitely check this out!
Jul 13, 2016 9:35 pm
Howdy fellow Blockhead! Glad to see more folks on GP!
Jul 13, 2016 9:35 pm
Welcome, Galakan!
Jul 13, 2016 9:38 pm
Welcome Galakan! First of all, very neat avatar. Second, fellow programmer!

We used to have a lot of Numanera popping up all around, though it's slowed down time; hopefully we can inspire more Cypher games on here. But the rest come up now and then too. Star Wars FFG is super popular, and we're seeing a fair share of 7th Sea right now. I should go hunt down more GMs...
Jul 13, 2016 9:43 pm
Welcome, Galakan! I'm running a Feng Shui game at the moment. I love the system and it seems to work well with PBP, except for hordes of mooks attacking simultaneously, haha.
Jul 13, 2016 10:21 pm
Qralloq says:
Welcome, Galakan! I'm running a Feng Shui game at the moment. I love the system and it seems to work well with PBP, except for hordes of mooks attacking simultaneously, haha.
Heheh I bet. Feng Shui is one of my favorites! Although I have always ended up behind the DM screen for it. But I do love me some 80's and 90's kung-fu movies so I don't mind making up those kinds of stories.
Jul 14, 2016 2:24 am
Keleth says:
Welcome Galakan! First of all, very neat avatar. Second, fellow programmer!

We used to have a lot of Numanera popping up all around, though it's slowed down time; hopefully we can inspire more Cypher games on here. But the rest come up now and then too. Star Wars FFG is super popular, and we're seeing a fair share of 7th Sea right now. I should go hunt down more GMs...
I'm planning to do some GMing once I finish my move. In fact, I'm really hoping to try out Numenera this year, so that might be perfect.
Jul 18, 2016 7:31 pm
Welcome! One thing that i like allot about this no matter what happens to my live groups i can always make this one within a day or 2.

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