Chapter 4: Bazzoxan

Nov 9, 2022 11:50 pm
It's another day of constantly watching your backs, trekking over hot, arid, cracked flatlands, and ducking behind the stone barbs protruding from the ground to hide from fiendish monsters on the surface, flying above it, and grumbling beneath it. But eventually, on the horizon there is a series of red, brown, and black spires and peaks that come into view. The path leads towards it, and finally you come upon your destination...


Large, black, metal walls surround the military outpost that is Bazzoxan (BAZZ-oh-zan). The streets of the city rise sharply from the entrance gates, seemingly leading up into the sky itself. But lording over the city, visible from any angle, is the largest building you've ever seen. An enormous cathedral whose spires rise high enough that you're nearly looking straight up to see the tops. Ever-darkening clouds swirl around its towers, trapped in their orbit.

The front gate opens slightly and a squad of four highly armored and armed Aurora Watch soldiers files out, then another soldier steps in front of them. Above them on the wall, countless longbows and crossbows are trained on you in anticipation. The leading soldier holds one hand up to command the crossbows, and another out to you all to stop your approach. The man, blessed with both the cunning of drow ancestry and the power of orchish lineage, spends a few seconds looking over you all with a keen eye. Judging all kinds of things: wealth, strength, magical ability, motive, etc. He speaks out to you in a deep, grave, authoritative voice.

"Halt. State you're business in Bazzoxan, travelers." They wait expectantly for an answer.
Nov 10, 2022 1:49 am
Auras was amazed and also couldn't help but think "gods getting there going to be exhausting and take all day by itself." then the guards came out and had arrows and bolts trained on them Auras for a second time was feeling insulted "like where in all the hells was the artillery least have a cannon pointed in our general direction" she took a deep breath to calm herself and said good day to you my good sir I am Auras I am here for some historical research. my mother, you may or may not know of her. Archivist Witashnah Shadowwhisper has sent me to confirm or deny some historical texts that make some bold claims. I was told you would be made aware of my arrival. if that isn't the case I would very much like to discuss the matter with your commander if possible. auras smiled" but I know they must be busy and I am tired from the journey so I am open to waiting at someplace with proper lodging until the commander has time for me. auras said sweetly. hoping she could at least get inside without making a fuss after that though things could get complicated. she hoped she could get some help from her compatriots though she didn't trust them any more than they trusted her but they needed to work together to get everything to go smoothly. "my traveling compatriots are my protectors to and from here. I do hope there hasn't been a mix-up that would cause delays."


Persuasion if needed - (1d20+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

Nov 10, 2022 8:54 am
Hidden within his cloak, Faelan spents the rest of the journey very thoughtfully. Again and again his gaze wanders to Auras. Is she in cahoots with Ayo's group?

As the group arrives at the gates of the famous village, the half-drow tilts his head back to look at the temple. Inwardly, he compares the building to the Lucid Bastion in his beautiful hometown of Rosohna. But this one is gloomy while the stronghold with all its colourful lanterns is much more vibrant and inviting.

Addressed by the guards, the warrior pulls back his hood and slowly removes his fencing gloves. This gesture reveals a gold ring with an embossed coat of arms, identifying him as a distinguished member of Den Hythenos. The noble raises an eyebrow in amusement as an answer to Auras introduction and clarifies: "We looked out for each other during the last leg of the journey." Since he doesn't want to get involved in anything dubious their new travel companion might be up to.

Looking the soldier at the gate up and down, he continues with an grim expression: "I too would like speaking to the commander of the guard. Regrettably, we bear sad news out of the wastelands."
Nov 10, 2022 9:37 am
Tereze stays silent, offering no more than a grunt in agreement to signal she was with the others instead of a more elaborate explanation. Instead her gaze was fixed on the grand cathedral.

What an evil building. Likely filled with even eviler inhabitants. She felt an instinctive pull to her warhammer. An overwhelming demand on her senses to push past these fussy gatekeepers, storm right up to the church doors and start pummelling.

She wasn't one for staying in one place for long, but she reckoned that cathedral would look a darn sight less malevolent if it was devoted to Sehanine, or at least any deities that didn't attract surrounding clouds of doom.
Doing a religion check to see if I notice anything notable about the cathedral as I squint at it suspiciously


Religion - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Nov 10, 2022 12:28 pm
Kailani steps around the curious woman and approaches the leading soldier. Other than Auras and Faelan, she speaks with lower volume, giving the impression of familiarity with the man. "As the ... more esteemed members of our company have explained, 'tis research that brings us to your fine city. Finding out stuff and the like - you understand. We also bring some intel privy to the higher-ups. Found some... bodies, you see. Gruesome business."

She takes a step back and beams at the armed delegation. "I am Kailani Hauaka. 'Tis my first time in Bazzoxan. Surely you can help us find our way and earn praise for recognizing such distinguished guests before your gates." The woman gestures back at the nobles, riding the bandwagon of what they had started. Certainly she can throw their weight around as well.

A little quieter with a wink and cheeky grin she adds"Wouldn't mind learning of a good tavern, myself"
Last edited November 10, 2022 12:31 pm


persuasion - (1d20+7)

(8) + 7 = 15

Nov 11, 2022 11:26 pm
Tereze swears she spots some dubious, hateful figures lurking in the dirty stained glass windows watching them arrive from all that distance, but maybe it's just the feeling of such, because it's way too far to actually make anything out.

The main guard listens intently to each of your reasons, assessing you each individually and attempting to pierce any fronts. He makes a swift whistle sound, and keeps his eyes trained on all of you as, without moving from their positions, the four guards behind him begin scanning the surroundings: the ground, the skyline, the sky, the wall, everything to make sure you are alone. They each give a quick, concise, trained "clear". The leader whistles again and the guard split and take posts at either side of the gate, keeping the entryway open for you.

His tone remains stern as he continues what seems to be the standard welcoming to the town, "I will take you to the commander for your business. You may keep your weapons on you, but do not try anything funny. The streets are not safe, but they are heavily patrolled. Demon and devil attacks are frequent, therefore you must always stay together and be on standby while within the city walls. The commander is busy, so prepare your business as we walk. Follow me."

He turns and walks into the entryway, simply expecting you all to follow. (Assuming) You enter the gate, you immediately notice how tense this town is. There are pairs of Aurora Watch patrol on nearly every corner; you are never not within sight of at least two sets of eyes. The buildings here are old and bruised, showing signs of both ancient and recent battles. You even spot the occasional blood splatter that has accidentally been overlooked. There is a noticeable lack of average citizenry in this town. For every person you see without the Aurora Watch cloak, there are 10 with one. And even those without are clad in full armor with a weapon or spellbook within reach at all times. There are very few shops. What would be parks or trade centers are training grounds. Most of the buildings appear to be barracks, mess halls, or storage.

"You may find the taverns in Bazzoxan lacking, traveler, seeing as there are none. You can find rooms, food, and a beverage at the Ready Room, but you do not want to be caught inebriated when a legion of demons finds a new escape route from the Rise."

"We do not live in Bazzoxan, we defend it. If you are within the walls, you are responsible for defending the town and all of its residents. THe Kryn Dynasty and consequently all of Wynandir is at stake here, we cannot be caught unprepared or backstabbed."
He promptly stops dead in his tracks and swivels around to face the party. His eyes narrow and he growls severely, "Understood?"
Nov 12, 2022 1:13 pm
As might be expected Faelan had heard of the Bazzoxan and the heavy duty the Aurora Watch had to shoulder around here. But seeing it with his own eyes is something completely different. Silently admiring the guards and their discipline, the fighter follows the half-orc through the gate and listens carefully. It could mean the difference of live and death in this extremely remarkable place.

"Understood." the noble replies instantly and wholeheartedly.
Nov 12, 2022 3:43 pm
Kailani nodds. She will help defend those that need defending if it comes to that. The woman cocks her head to the side in contemplation, then asks: "Who, if you don't mind my asking, chooses to live here as resident besides the soldiers and those who aid them such as ...blacksmiths maybe? What kind of people inhabit the streets other than the Watch? And has there been much ... hostile activity as of late?"
Nov 12, 2022 10:32 pm
Tereze watches the civilians as they pass by. It seemed unlikely she'd have any contacts here, even ignoring the spooky cathedral. That was unfortunate, she and they could do with some allies like their recent companion, Auras. Though, the guardsmen at least were tolerating their presence.

After a nod of agreement to defend the town, Tereze raises her voice to ask a question. "Is it at least quiet enough to sleep at night undisturbed? There is a night watch?". She supposed the taverns probably had some defences, even if it were just a lock on the windows.
Nov 13, 2022 2:59 pm
auras was amazed at the ease they were being let in and allowed to keep their weapons and tool. tho given where they were it wasn't a surprise. they where more terrifying things than them in this wasteland and below their feet. auras nodded "inescapably clear." auras was amazed at the security and amount of the watch here. this obviously was a very important location, now the real challenge getting into the temple. auras then whispers to Faelan "so the name Alyxian obviously means something to you and your friends. so are we going to help each other to help him. or are we going to be getting in each other way and possibly doom him? I much rather prefer that we help each other rather than us becoming enemies or worse. it does us no good and there is no profit in it for either of us" auras sighed not all profit is silver and gold. there are things much more valuable than that such as knowledge and wisdom.
Nov 13, 2022 3:48 pm
Confronted with the fact, that Bazzoxan won't be a pleasant place to gather some intel before taking their following step, Faelan continues his own line of thought of what to do next and how to accomplish that. The half-drow clad in his well kept, dark attire doesn't seem too much out of place here. His apparel reveals his noble origins, for it is not foppishly shows how much gold it had cost, but is of considerate craft, just shy of an understatement. Practical - just like his gilded rapier with its well-worn hilt at his left hip.

Shifting his blue eyes to Auras, the Roshonian listens very carefully without letting an emotion show on his dark features before the woman has finished her thoughts. Pensive he replies with barely a whisper: "You are right. The world has gold enough and is in need of wisdom and knowledge. We are not here to harm somebody, but to right an ancient evil. The details aren't clear to us either, as they came as a very vague vision." Giving the dancer a moment time to digest these news, the noble continues after they have passed a couple of people standing too close for his taste. "So let's meet our common friend together and see where this takes us - for I can't tell."
Nov 13, 2022 4:00 pm
Kailani, having overheard, nods in agreement and smiles encouragingly. Her thoughts aren't quite as sunny, though. Dark work lies before them.
Nov 17, 2022 11:47 pm
The commander's intense glare slackens slightly as the party affirms their comprehension of the fragile and important situation here in Bazzoxan. "Good. Continue with me." He swivels his massive form on one heel and continues down the streets.

Without turning his head, he responds to Kailani as they walk, "The residents here are either the loved ones of someone stationed here permanently, craftsmen employed by the Watch, or just plain stubborn." He eyes and nods to gnollish woman who passes the group, who hollers back over her shoulder, "Damn right!" The commander continues, "Some of the best warriors and adventurers throughout the Dynasty's history have decided to retire here, so that they don't lose their edge. They and their descendants own the only proper houses in town."

Eventually, the commander stops in his tracks and salutes at a young drow warrior armored from head to toe in beautiful, shiny, but certainly well-used armor with a spear at his side. The man is speaking to three other Auroras Watch members, giving them orders and directions, occasionally requesting advice from them. The drow, clearly someone of high rank and respect, notices your arrival and dismisses the other three Watch soldiers.

The drow takes his horned helmet off, revealing an elegantly handsome but weathered face with long silver hair. He sets his helmet down on a barrel behind him and leans back on it. The drow leans on the barrel, surveys the group, then nods to the commander, "Commander, at ease. Friends of yours?" he smiles.

"Taskhand Thelyss, this party just arrived to the station, requesting to meet with you."

The Taskhand considers for a moment, "Thank you, Commander. You may return to your post."

"Yes sir." The commander immediately turns and begins heading back the way you came.

The Taskhand looks to you expectantly.
Nov 18, 2022 3:09 pm
Peeking up as the commander of this town - and the resposibility of overseeing a "city" like Bzzoxan comes with - is presented. Happy that he had kept an eye on his appearance, the noble from the capital straightens just a tiny bit before striding in front of the officer. A Taskhand, nonetheless. A leader and high-ranking military official, with the ear of the queen through rank alone.

Bowing with all etiquette and grace the young half-elf posses, Faelan looks up and greats the man from Den Thelyss in formal undercommon: "Shaded skies and sharp blades, Taskhand Thelyss." with an admiring undertone.

"This are happy times, it joys my heart to see you again. Well and highly decorated.

You may not remember, but Faelan Hythenos is my name and my elders and I have been guest two years pasts on your mothers' famous end of summer ball in the Lucid Bastion."
Examining the armored man up and down for a moment while the fighter awaits an answer, Faelan tries to remember the nobles first name and how long the Thelyss has been Taskhand of Bazzoxan.

But couldn't for his live recall this piece of information...
At least not a natural 1. ;-)
Last edited November 18, 2022 3:11 pm


History? - (1d20-1)

(2) - 1 = 1

Nov 20, 2022 7:12 pm
auras bows to the taskhand then hears faelan speak in undercommon which she doesn't speak. annoying her somewhat but keeps her mouth shut on that matter. auras were recalling the history of the den of Thelyss before introducing herself in common "I am Auras Shadowwhisper I trust you got my mother's message about my arrival? im here to do historical research both on the temple and a hero who visited this place in times past. may I count on you and your learned colleagues for support in this matter?" she inquired.


history - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Nov 21, 2022 7:24 pm
Kailani gives a brief nod, then focuses her attention elsewhere. Faelan and Auras would make sure they are treated as persons of importance. This should get the whole group some leeway in the city. The young woman is sure that between those two, Thelyss woudn't have much choice - he would have to comply with their wishes. Kailani feels no need to engage in this conversation. She trusts Faelan to do his thing and having the scholar now as well might help.

Instead she concentrates on her surroundings. She looks at the place, seizes it up. How many have they seen on their brisk walk, what kind of defenses? What treasures? What part of town is this and what has it got to offer? She lets her eyes wander inconspicuously and trusts her situational awareness to help her learn what she needs to know right now.
Last edited November 21, 2022 7:25 pm
Nov 22, 2022 10:28 am
Tereze's eyes instinctively slide to the helmet. A fine piece of craftswork, and elaborate. Possibly someone born into this position? Though, by the subtle marks on their armour and blade, it seemed they weren't there on inheritance alone.

Calculating how best to introduce herself, and not ruin the other's attempts, she settles for a short salute. She reckoned it was probably more appropriate than a bow or some other display of reverence. Besides, she never liked bowing down to someone she hadn't had the chance to verify was worth bowing to.
Nov 23, 2022 12:38 am
Kailani begins surveying her surroundings. This town is old and has seen many a scuffle, plenty a battle, and perhaps a siege or three. But calling is a town is a misnomer. This is a military station, a fort. The walls around the city are tall and thick, mostly to keep things out, but perhaps sometimes to keep them in when they escape their temple. The town is all the same; there was no difference between the buildings near the entrance and the buildings around her, everything is built to survive, not to thrive. This place has little to offer, besides maybe the Rise at the top of the mountain.

The Taskhand acknowledges each of your nods and salutes, but at Faelen's formal greeting, the Taskhand immediately pushes off the support he was leaning on to face Faelen respectfully. He smiles and gives a very slight bow, returning the traditional flipped phrase in Undercommon "Ah, sharp skies and shaded blades to you, Hythenos. I'll be honest, I don't remember most of my mother's end-of-summer balls: I was always absent, sometimes physically but most of the time mentally." He chuckles, and Faelen doe snow remember how much the Taskhand enjoyed his cups, but the man never got out of hand. "But I am glad to see you again. I have certainly changed much since the last time you saw me, those were simpler times, before I was posted here in Bazzoxan."

He seems wistful for a moment, but immediately returns his smile and turns to Auras with a hint of vague recollection on his face, "Uh, yes. I do believe we received some sort of correspondence from the Archivist of Shadows, but unfortunately, we don't have the resources currently to aid you very much. There is a squad of Aurora Watch escorting a team from the Cobalt Soul through the Rise as we speak, and that took weeks to organize. I know there are a few scholars in town, an archeologist from -"

Just then, the ground shakes. The Taskhand immediately throws on his helmet and spins his glaive to the ready.

One bell gongs in the distance. Then another one, considerably closer. Within a few seconds, the air is filled with chimes and loud resounding booms. Shouts and screams begin to arise. The Taskhand begins to run off but then noises begin coming from all directions. He takes a moment to consider, then shouts back at you all in much more authoritative and commanding voice, "We are under attack! Find a safe location or follow me to fight!

Nov 23, 2022 8:36 am
Also remembering home, a little less fondly, Faelan nods and smiles at the recollection of ... aehm ... Taskhand. His name, what was his name again? "We all change with the challenges we face." the half-drow replies sympathetic with a familiar saying. True none the less. Holding back something in the lines of "Your character represents the sum of the battles you fought." the fighter reaches into the interior pocket of his cloak to retrieve the dog-tags he collect on their way down here as the earthquake hits the outpost. Reflexively bending his knees the nobles hand rests on the hilt of his rapier within a blink of an eye, while expecting incoming enemies. All this talk about demons and fighting them off, had left an impression on the roshonian.

As the Thelyss starts running Faelan falls in line right behind him without needing to hear the man's orders. The shield slips on his arm and the fighter turns to his friends: "Let's make ourselfs useful!" while drawing the keen blade he carries into battle.
Last edited November 23, 2022 8:43 am
Nov 23, 2022 7:31 pm
Auras was about nod her understanding when the earthquake hit. she quickly cast her eldrich invocation armor of shadows on herself she then followed the taskhand and readied herself for a fight. prepping eldrich blast on the first enemy they came across. "now the real battles begin." she thought as she steeled herself "be safe my love." she muttered under her breath, then shouted for I refuse to die till I see you again!"
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