[ OPEN ] Tiny Intro : A fantasy for new players

OpenCustomPublic1 / weekPsybermagi
This game is for those that are new to role playing, play by post, gamersplane, or TinyD6. It's purpose is to help these people get familiar with these topics and how to use this site for these activities.

This is a high fantasy setting with magic, gods, spirits, and wondrous items. Explore the world and strive to obtain all your desires, honor, fame, glory, wealth, or the joy of a full life. It is the beginning of the 2nd age of the world. The time is ripe for those seeking fame and fortune as the world begins to recover after the end of the Dawn War between the Mortal People with their Deity and the Immortals and Incarnations.
This is a public forum game, Tiny Intro, for new players who are looking for a simple game to get their feet wet. It uses a rules light system, Tiny Dungeons, that is simple and easy to learn and use. People looking for a short term game to become familiar with Role Playing Games (RPG), Play by Post (PbP), or Gamersplain can join in for a quick/short story with help on getting familiar with how things work. The posting rate is not fixed and can be faster, going up to 1+ posts/day or as slow as 1/week
Characters start at the edges of civilized lands based on their heritage. Those that continue playing past the basic intro will be guided towards an ruins from the Dawn Age before the Shattering. Note: This world has its own lore, explained in the Reference forum, but you do not need to know or understand most of it just to play.

Those interested in additional/continuing TinyDungeon 2 in the same setting can apply to the associated game Tiny Shattered Lands.

Nov 19, 2022 4:15 pm
I am running a game specific for newcomers to Role Playing, play by post, gamersplane.com, or the TinyD6 system. The game is in a fantasy setting and uses TinyD6, a rules lite system, that is simple and quick to learn. The game starts with everyone on their own and walks you through some of the site and tiny d6 mechanics. Post as much or as little as you like.

Apply directly by clicking the "Game Details" here or above then the "Apply to Game" in the next page.
https://i.imgur.com/WIjCnpf.png https://i.imgur.com/yoKY4SC.png

Or you can post in this thread and I will send an invitation to join the game

I can help you though the process of joining a game and creating your character then on with the adventure.
Last edited March 26, 2025 2:49 am
Nov 19, 2022 8:04 pm
Hi, I'm not new to Role Playing and play by post, but I'm kinda new to gamersplane and never played TinyD6. I'd love to join your game.
Nov 20, 2022 2:18 pm
fairly new to Play by Post and Pen and Paper. However, have a pile of TinyD6 games here.

I’d love to participate/accompany.
Nov 23, 2022 1:42 am
If a spot opens up please let me know. I would like to observe the game as well if allowed!
Dec 5, 2022 5:11 pm
This is my first post on here. I have some experience with Play by Post and roleplaying as I've been part of two games over on Myth Weavers since early summer of this year, but both of those games are on hold at the moment. Because of that, and since the systems I'm interested in are pretty niche, I decided to branch out to some other websites, so here I am.

As I said, I have some experience with roleplaying and play by post, but still lots of room to improve, especially when it comes to roleplaying. I'm completely new to TinyD6 and the site, so a game to learn the ropes of those sounds great.
Dec 10, 2022 2:04 am
Psybermagi says:
I am opening the game up for addditional newcomers. Post here if you are interested and I will send an invite to the game.
If there still remains space, I would be keen to join! I'm new to here as a place but I've a long history with @tibbius who can vouch for me I'm sure
Jan 23, 2023 3:14 pm
I'd be interested in joining up! Not new to RP but definitely new to the site as well as TinyD6.
Jan 28, 2023 4:54 am
Hey Psybermagi. I'm ready to give this a shot. I've started to look through the setting materials. Let me know what the next step is!
Feb 7, 2023 4:16 pm
I'm new to the site and tiny d6, so I would love to join and be taught some of the mechanics in this setting. I'm fairly decent at figuring things out as I go, but I will never turn down a chance to be taught! I hope I can join.
Feb 7, 2023 5:30 pm
Hey :D I am also new to pbp and tinyd6 so I went ahead and applied via the game link. Hope there is still space.
Mar 21, 2023 5:58 pm
Hey there! I applied through the game page; I think this will be a great way to get my feet wet as regards the site and PBP format.
Mar 25, 2023 7:53 pm
Hey! I'm new to the gamersplane and tinyd6. I would love to join the game.
Apr 1, 2023 1:13 pm
If there are openings, I would love to be able to join!

I am new to Gamers Plane. And while I have all of the TinyD6 stuff, I have not had a chance to play yet.
Apr 27, 2023 6:00 am
I'd like to join this game, if I can. I'm not new to roleplaying or RPGs, but I am new to tinyD6 and GP
May 19, 2023 1:39 pm
Hey Psybermagi!
I'm an amateur RPer and I'm just starting to learn about PbP and the GP interface because I'd like to learn how to run a game for some far flung friends. If you have room here I'd love to join.
May 20, 2023 1:58 am
I'm interested in learning the tinyd6 system
Last edited May 20, 2023 1:58 am
May 22, 2023 11:41 am
Oh wow. If you have more openings, let me know. I won't claim to be a newcomer to gaming, but I am a newcomer to this site. I've also played my fair share of Fantasy d6, Space d6, Star Wars D6 and mini 6.
May 22, 2023 1:35 pm
Psybermagi says:
Give me a bit - the game is at capacity at the moment but I will check to seee if I can fit you in
No worries. I know what it's like to have a group that's too big and hard to manage. If you need to keep me on the wait list for when and if a vacancy opens, that's fine too.
Jun 3, 2023 10:47 am
I would be interested in playing if you have room for another! I’m new to GP and PbP. This sounds like a great way to learn the ropes.
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