1: Monastery of the Iron God

Dec 13, 2022 12:29 am
Day One. Early Morning. The Lowwater Road.

The rising sun brings about a new day, a day of adventure. Throughout the planning of the night, the group of adventures bent on looting the depths of the monastery of the Iron God had learned several key points of information. First, that the tombs contain Sacred Catacombs, which are deadly to those who enter without the proper reverence and rituals. Second, that the monastery itself was located nine miles up the Lowwater Road, a dangerous path that followed the coast of the Sinnar Ocean. It would take a day of walking to reach the ruins.

The morning travel is without issue, truly a blessed start to this expedition. Around high noon, a small troupe of minstrels pass from the opposite direction. They give a wide berth, but are friendly enough. Given the direction and armament of the group, they surmise that you are heading to the monastery and provide for you a cryptic warning to not attack the Guardian in Darkness. They also offer more advice at the cost of two gold coins per tidbit.

The day continues to pass as you trudge along, expecting (based on the reputation of the road) to cross paths with some danger, bandits or worse. But several hours after you encountered the minstrels, you pass only a mounted patrol of a bakers dozen soldiers. They question your intent, but determine that you are not bandits and continue on their way. It would seem they have more important duties to attend to, more dangerous foes to stand vigilant against.

Finally, as the day begins to come to an end, you find yourself at the base of a hill with a ruined cobble path leading to the site of what must have been the monastery. Not a tower nor wall was left standing, and the destruction is unnerving to see. You now have a choice. Do you camp outside the monastery for the night and venture forth come the morning, or do you head onward with weary legs? Either way, you suspect it will be dark as the darkest night within.

Day One. Late Evening. The Monastery of the Iron God.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Dec 13, 2022 11:49 am
Derrick can feel the bags under his eyes and his moustache drooping as the night closes in. "It is important to be alert when facing possible agents of the dark, I feel we should rest the night."
Dec 13, 2022 1:22 pm
Czespecem chuckles. "Well, men, here we are. On site for your first day of work - tomorrow!"
Dec 13, 2022 2:15 pm
Rogar and Brogan seem happy with the choice for rest. The former, dark-haired Rogar, drops his pack and draws the mace and shield to set them down as well for easy access. Fair-haired Brogan does the same with his pack and spear. "We should find somewhere hidden, and set watch."
Dec 13, 2022 2:20 pm
While Lith did not offer to pay for the men-at-arms, seeing himself as something of a hired help himself, he was intrigued by the advice provided by the minstrels and happy to invest in the mission's success.
"Please, feel free to share more folk knowledge with us," he says as he reaches for his coin purse.
Removing 2 gold from the inventory. Should we also all mark off 1 day worth of food, since I presume we are all going to choose resting for the night?
Dec 13, 2022 3:41 pm
The minstrel speaking takes on a grave face when he passes along some wisdom to Lith. "Iron allies await those who carry the three signs." If asked to elaborate, he shrugs and explains that he repeated the saying just as he had heard it.



Dec 13, 2022 3:45 pm
Please mark off one day's worth of rations. Given that I hadn't told you the distance, feel free to purchase more retroactively to make the preparation make sense. I will only allow it this one time. After this, what you bring is what you have.
Dec 13, 2022 4:31 pm
Benetolio had agreed to help pay the retainers' wages and readily commits coin to the cause.

He also jots down the minstrels' warnings onto a sheet of parchment that he retrieves from a rolled map case. Carefully replacing the cap onto a bottle of ink, he slides a quill and the bottle into the case and buckles the case shut. "Thank you kindly for the advice," he says.

The young apprentice is quite fatigued at the end of the day and hastily throws in his vote for taking rest. "My feet are killing me and I could use a good night's rest before continuing." Looking around, "I suppose we all could for that matter."

He considers the matter settles and tries to locate a suitable place to put in for the night. He doesn't know the first thing about such matters though and wanders around aimlessly for a time before tossing his sack down and taking a rest. He digs into his sack and begins to joylessly munch on a dried biscuit and a hunk of sausage.

"Do any of you know where we might make camp? Close to the road maybe?" he asks.

OOC: Will take the DM up on the offer to provision. Purchased 5 days of trail rations to go along with the 5 days of dried rations I had previously purchased.

Benetolio has 17 gp to chip on retainer fees. Just let me know how much you need him to contribute.
Dec 13, 2022 5:14 pm
Czespecem accepts one gold each from Benetolio and Derrik for Rogar and Brogan's hire.
The sturdy dwarf sits down with his back against a boulder and begins to gnaw a thick strip of tough bacon. In his other hand he has hard cheese. He sips from his water skin. "Did anyone see a spring to fill our water?" he asks. "Though I reckon there must be a good well in the ruins, they say lightning struck water is purest."
Marking off a day of rations ...
Dec 14, 2022 3:09 am
Day One. Late Evening. The Monastery of the Iron God.

Wise enough to set up a watch, the group finds themselves sleeping a cautious sleep. Even hidden away from the road, there was a sense that at any moment something terrible could happen. And so that feeling remains all the way until the sun is peeking over the hills, and dawn arrives. A time for breakfast, praying, memorizing, and sharpening. Torches are checked, steel is tested, and hearts are resolved.

Searching the ruins ends up fruitless, as the amount of rubble would take a dozen dwarves a dozen days to sift through. No bodies are to be found, nor treasures. But this is not unexpected. Just a short distance from the end of the walkway, presumably in what may have been some sort of foyer, lies a staircase heading down into the dark.

This is a great, dark chamber dominated by a huge, iron statue of the Iron God. The statue holds a massive jar, tipped downward so that the opening is almost (but not quite) level with the floor The mummified head of a goblin sits on the floor in the center of the room. When you enter the room, the mummified head suddenly hisses: "Begone, tomb robbers, or you will all find your fate. Death awaits you."

Two short hallways begin heading diagonally from the chamber, but are immediately blocked by heavy doors. They do not look damaged, likely due to the strength of the structure belowground.
[ +- ] Map of Room
Day Two. Early Morning. First Level of the Monastery of the Iron God.
Benetolio and Derrick, please list the spells you have prepared in your posts.
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Dec 14, 2022 8:50 am
Pulling out a torch and lightingit, Edgar quips,"Well this is a fine how do you do. We must be very cautious, lest we end up like that goblin over there. Who knows what traps these people have prepared"

Edgar pulls out his spear and shifts the Torch to his off hand. "i will stay in the middle of our group and provide light for those of us without dark sight. And with my spear i can stay behind others and still attack whatever comes our way. With this, hopefully i can provide both light and protection. "
sorry, Edgar only had a few silver to his name. He is currently unable to help pay the mercenaries, though he would be fine having it deducted from his final share... providedhe survives.
Dec 14, 2022 12:10 pm
From his short stature, Czespecem is well-positioned to peer into the Iron God's jar.
What does that symbolize?
He moves to do so, and gives the goblin head a solid kick as he passes it.
Dec 14, 2022 2:25 pm
tibbius says:
From his short stature, Czespecem is well-positioned to peer into the Iron God's jar.
The jar leads into a chute large enough for a man, and seems to go to a sub-level. What this is for is Czespecem's guess.
tibbius says:
He moves to do so, and gives the goblin head a solid kick as he passes it.
As he looks to the head for a proper kick, Czespecem can see that the skin is marked with pinpricks in a shamanic pattern, and the bone needle used to sew the skin has been left in the last stitch. Regardless of these two facts, the head rolls without further comment.
Dec 14, 2022 4:27 pm
"I think that a mummified head in the middle of the floor suggests people have been here before us," Czespecem conjectures, "how long we can't know. Perhaps the head was enchanted to speak, I have heard of such things. Maybe it was a ward left by the monks."
Dec 14, 2022 5:31 pm
Benetolio thanks Edgar for the torchlight and lets the party know he also has a lantern, should they have need of it.

He watches as the mummified heads careens off a wall and comes to a stop. Tilting his head, he ponders aloud, "Maybe the head might be useful as more than a football?" He slowly approaches the head again to see whether it has anything else to say. He keeps to what he judges to be a safe distance of about five feet while examining the head. He also turns his attention to the doors on either side of the chamber, looking for any signs of writing on the lintel or otherwise.

OOC: Prepared spell = Read Magic
Dec 14, 2022 5:39 pm
The head seems to have said its fill, as it does not make a noise other than "thud" upon impact with the wall. Even when approached, it remains a lifeless head.

Czespecem's guess that others have been here recently is somewhat confirmed when an examination of the ground reveals that the movement of some strange, non-human creatures has disturbed the dust of the floor.

However, the walls have plenty to say. Epitaphs for thousands of people are inscribed on the walls in spider scratches under the dust. Some of the incisions are clearly the work of a professional carver, others are in a barely legible scrawl, some are in languages that appear ancient.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Dec 14, 2022 9:07 pm
After a solid sleep and hearty breakfast, Derrick spends time grooming and dressing in his equipment with special care to his moustache.

Once ready he joins the band in their search, a serious look upon his face. Once the find the entrance he unstraps his shield and follows in giving a short prayer. "Oh Protector of Gods watch over this band and guide us to cleanse this place. This I ask in your service."

Once in the chamber Derrick examines the statue and attempts to recall any information he knows or researched upon the Iron God. Without taking his eyes from the statue he says, "I too have a lamp as we require."
Dec 14, 2022 9:58 pm
Though he is not from these lands, Derrick had done his due diligence in researching just who the Iron God is, or perhaps was. The information was scarce, but seeing the statue of a warrior in ancient battle dress made entirely of iron brought back some recollections. The Iron God is not good nor evil, but instead stands at the precipice of death. It is he who oversees and protects the dead, though his role as a psychopomp has been replaced long ago by other gods. It would seem this monastery is one of only a very few places he is still worshipped.
Dec 15, 2022 5:30 am
After my examination of the statue I walk over picking up the mummified head, and carry it back to the statue checking if the head will slip between the the jar and the floor.
"The Iron God I believe guided the dead, maybe this was one who did not get to following. Though I believe the Iron God has not guided for a long time."
Dec 15, 2022 4:16 pm
"A god of death you say? We had better be respectful lest he attempts to smite us like he did those monks. Though maybe we could avert his ire by sending him the souls of the wicked creatures that no doubt lurk here."

He cautiously moves toward the left door and looks it over. Trying to keep quiet he says, "can anyone check to see if these doors are trapped? It would be best to be overly cautious, better to be slow than dead.
Dec 15, 2022 4:27 pm
Czespecem moves along with Edgar and examines the stonework around the door. Surely if there are traps in the frame, his dwarf knowledge should reveal them ... (plus he is a thief as well as a fighter) ...


Save v traps (target 14) - (1d20+2)

(18) + 2 = 20

Dec 15, 2022 4:40 pm
tibbius says:
Czespecem moves along with Edgar and examines the stonework around the door. Surely if there are traps in the frame, his dwarf knowledge should reveal them ... (plus he is a thief as well as a fighter) ...
@tibbius, Detecting Traps is one part of the Thief Skill "Delicate Tasks".
Delicate Tasks: This percentage chance is used for disabling small mechanical traps like poisoned needles, and is also used for picking pockets. The skill is also used to detect whether a mechanism, keyhole, or other small location contains a trap that can be removed.
Go ahead and put in your d100 roll, with a target of 25% or lower.
Dec 15, 2022 4:56 pm
cowleyc says:
Go ahead and put in your d100 roll, with a target of 25% or lower.


detect traps (25-) - (1d100)

(33) = 33

Dec 15, 2022 5:16 pm
Mathfuric says:
After my examination of the statue I walk over picking up the mummified head, and carry it back to the statue checking if the head will slip between the the jar and the floor.
The jar opening is large enough for an entire person to slide down, so the head will absolutely fit down the chute. If he means to put it between the jar and the floor, it will be a tight squeeze, but still possible.
tibbius says:
Czespecem moves along with Edgar and examines the stonework around the door. Surely if there are traps in the frame, his dwarf knowledge should reveal them ... (plus he is a thief as well as a fighter) ...
As Czespecem takes his time examining the door and the stonework, he slowly but carefully pokes, prods, shifts, slides, taps, and perhaps even tastes everything in the localized area. At the end of his examination, he is not entirely confident about his findings, but the dwarf did not find any traps or secrets. The door does not seem to be locked.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Dec 16, 2022 9:41 am
Derrick looks at the jar briefly before dropping the head into the top of the jar.
Dec 16, 2022 11:55 am
Czespecem opens the door.
Dec 16, 2022 2:08 pm
Derrick watches as the head rolls down the jar until darkness swallows it (which does not take long in this dark place), and hears a thud as it lands in another chamber. By the sound of it, the room it landed in is only a little lower than this current one, and likely not even an entirely new floor.
As Czespecem opens the door, he can see that the hall continues another 15 feet before turning slightly right again. He can also see the opening of a junction at the corner. It should be noted that as the door opened, nothing fell, exploded, rang, or otherwise caused ill-effects.
[ +- ] Map of Hallway
Dec 16, 2022 3:16 pm
Lith watches as Derrick throws the head down the jar. Seeing no sign of a beast brutally attacking the remains, the elf turns to his fellow adventurer.
"Wanna go ahead and see what's down there?"
Removing 1 day worth of rations.
Dec 18, 2022 3:15 pm
"Since we don't know what is down there, shall I accompany whoever goes down? I might not be the quietist, but should there be trouble it would be vital that they have assistance."

He looks at the others and then at his torch and rethinks his statement.

"On second thought, maybe I shouldn't go. As I require light I would only reveal our location to whatever is out there. I still think that we should move in pairs, at the very least."
Dec 18, 2022 3:44 pm
"There are seven of us," says Czespecem. "Perhaps those with weak eyes should stick with me, in case your light goes out I can see a way out of trouble." He laughs. "Depending what the trouble is, you can follow the sound of me shrieking in fright."
Last edited Dec 18, 2022 3:44 pm
Dec 18, 2022 5:03 pm
Both Rogar and Brogan look at each other, then proceed to count out the two demihumans with the five humans. Splitting up in the way Czespecem was suggesting would be difficult and dangerous.
Dec 18, 2022 5:46 pm
"Ah, good point, Rogar," Czespecem admits. "Maybe it would be better then to keep all of us together in a group. Proceed patiently through, no dangerous shortcuts."
Dec 18, 2022 5:50 pm
Lith shrugs his shoulders.
"I doubt it's going to be a full floor. How about I rope down there and if anything wrong happens, you pull me up?"

He tugs the rope attached to his backpack.
Dec 18, 2022 10:45 pm
Benetolio had been looking down the newly opened corridor, but then overhears discussion about descending through the large jar to see what lies below.

"Maybe just a quick peek," he says to Lith.

The young wizard lends his support to any plan that does not involve separating the party.
Last edited Dec 18, 2022 10:45 pm
Dec 19, 2022 10:45 am
If all others agree, Lith takes down his backpack to lower his encumbrance a bit and then proceeds to tie a knot around his chest. If anybody else has more rope to spare, he inquires whether they can tie them together to make it longer in case it would be needed.

He would then carefully try to climb down the path from the jar, trying to move as silently as possible.
@cowleyc would a Climb walls check be needed here? If not, can I roll to Move silently, so as not to provoke anything hiding down in the dark?
Dec 19, 2022 12:18 pm
"Sorry I have no rope, mainly stuff for dealing with Undead. But happy to help with holding the rope if required." Derrick says looking for something to do.
Dec 19, 2022 2:03 pm
"I have fifty feet of rope," Czespecem says. "I think somebody said the bottom of the chute was visible from here? It can't be that far down. The torchlight wouldn't reach." He shrugs. "Here, tie on my length if you'd like. I don't think you'll need it. Probably just slow you down ..."
Dec 19, 2022 2:23 pm
Climbing down a rope with no time pressure doesn't require a roll; it's the easiest thing in the world.
As Lith the Elf begins descending down the now 100ft of rope, it doesn't take long before he finds himself standing on the ground again. The floor is only several feet below the room in which he previously stood, and it is likely that the previous room was some sort of entryway halfway down to the level proper. This much is visible to those standing by the statue, helping lower Lith into the next room.

cowleyc sent a note to seifi
Dec 19, 2022 3:06 pm
" 'tis a relatively small room," Lith whispers upwards, "used for some sort of rituals, maybe? I see cauldrons, shelves and wicker trays. A huge stone slab too. There's a staircase leading further down and a doorway going to who knows where."

The adventurer pulls out his shortsword, for at least some assurance in this dark tomb.

"I would say it is not a good idea to continue further just by myself... by the gods, you could carry people on those trays..."
@cowleyc Since Iron god was a god of death - could this be some sort of an embalming/mummification room?
Last edited Dec 19, 2022 3:07 pm
Dec 19, 2022 3:14 pm
Since Iron god was a god of death - could this be some sort of an embalming/mummification room?
It looks exactly like an embalming chamber.
Dec 19, 2022 4:04 pm
Also speaking quietly, Edgar responds, "Perhaps one of the side passages meets up with that room. Hurry back up Lith, then you can explain what you saw."

He moves and peeks his head down the opened passage to make sure that nothing is heading their way.
Dec 19, 2022 4:06 pm
He moves and peeks his head down the opened passage to make sure that nothing is heading their way.
The passage is quiet for now.
Dec 19, 2022 4:21 pm
Czespecem holds up a hand. "Hush a moment, everyone ... " he motions Edgar out of the way and aims his big hairy ear toward the opened passage.


Hear Sounds (3-6) - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Dec 19, 2022 4:27 pm
Czespecem leans in and with practiced concentration listens for any sort of noise coming from the hall. The passage seems deathly quiet, though he also knows that any doors would do a fine job of muffling noise from beyond.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc


Wandering Monsters

Dec 19, 2022 9:33 pm
"I actually wonder," Lith dares to make a few steps forward, "this looks awful lot like an embalming room. You know, the place where they prepare the dead for burial? Perhaps we could try this path. If I were to place a trap somewhere, it would at the entrance, not at one of the 'holy rooms', if you get what I mean. Could also be less scavenged by those who came before us."
Dec 20, 2022 12:04 am
How loud is Lith speaking and to whom?
Dec 20, 2022 8:41 am
Derrick had not moved from the edge of the jars after ‘helping’ to lower Lith into the chamber. He strains his ear to listen to the Elf as he explains what he sees, he makes no attempt to hide his contempt as other talk around him making it that more difficult to understand the whispering Ranger.

Finally he looks around at the group, "So is someone going to lower me down or are we going to find another path down?"
Dec 20, 2022 10:42 am
Having heard nothing from the hallway, Edgar returns to the group. He considers Derrick's proposal,
"It might be worth it to see if we can proceed from the embalming room. It could save us quite some time and hassle, provided there are no traps. Since we don't know what dangers lie beyond the door, we should send someone good at dealing with traps first. After that we can all head down."
Last edited Dec 20, 2022 10:45 am
Dec 20, 2022 12:57 pm
"Very well," answers Czespecem, "I have some skill with finding and disabling traps. I will go ahead down the chute, though something in me despises the image of a dwarf going down a slide." Saying this, he hoists himself into the jar and clambers down the rope - which someone, hopefully, is holding or has tied around the statue's feet.
Dec 20, 2022 2:08 pm
As the rest of the party begins descending one-by-one down the now 100ft of rope, it doesn't take long before they finds themselves standing on the ground again. The floor is only several feet below the room in which they previously stood, and it is likely that the previous room was some sort of entryway halfway down to the level proper.

There is a large stone slab in the middle of this room, carven with many runes, symbols, and languages. Stone shelves are built into the walls, and there are three large iron cauldrons beside the slab, dusted with a light covering of rust. In the corner of the room there is a pile of what look like big wicker trays six feet long and three feet or so wide.

A doorway can be seen in the far end of this chamber to the left, and a hallway extends further into a set of stairs heading down.
[ +- ] Map of Secret Chamber
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Dec 20, 2022 9:13 pm
"Let's not leave all the rope here," Czespecem proposes. He unties "his" 50 ft and coils it back into his back. This takes a few minutes.
Dec 21, 2022 12:14 am
Benetolio had been very nervous while descending the rope. More accustomed to quiet study in a library, feats of athletic prowess were never his strong suit.

In any event, he is all too pleased to make it down safely and intrigued by the carven runes, symbols, and languages atop the slab. He visually inspects these hoping to decipher their meaning.

OOC: Does Benetolio recognize any of the writing from his past studies?
Dec 21, 2022 12:46 am
Does Benetolio recognize any of the writing from his past studies?
The symbols and writing on the slab are all religious phrases and prayers to the Iron God. Some of these have been chiseled away and replaced with new writing about allowing the priesthood to keep certain offerings.
Dec 21, 2022 9:27 am
Lith sheathes his sword, instead opting for his throwing darts. He also makes sure someone gets him his backpack from "upstairs".
"So... You said you're good with traps, correct?" The elf looks at Czespecem.
"Care to take a look at that door?"
How hard is it actually to climb back up the jar? Does it make sense to leave some of the rope here or can we take all of it back?
Dec 21, 2022 10:51 am
Derrick joins Benetolio in looking over the slab and other items. The cleric muttering and making tatting noises as he sees signs of the priesthood moving from their core beliefs.
Is there any signs of the presence of another god or such?
Dec 21, 2022 1:24 pm
Czespecem again holds up his thick little hand, requesting silence. He listens intently ...

... then moves to check the door for traps, as he did upstairs.


delicate tasks (25%) (+ stone sense should help) - (1d100)

(67) = 67

hear noises (1-3) - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Dec 21, 2022 2:13 pm
Mathfuric says:
Is there any signs of the presence of another god or such?
Aside from the odd writings, there seems to be no signs of another god. It seems that these new directions are in worship of the Iron God.
seifi says:
How hard is it actually to climb back up the jar? Does it make sense to leave some of the rope here or can we take all of it back?
Climbing rope is an activity adventurers do frequently. I won't make you roll for climbing a rope unless there are adverse conditions. Your thief ability is to climb sheer surfaces like walls without assistance. As for leaving the rope, only one of the ropes would be needed to remain in case you wanted to flee quickly. The other 50' rope is effectively coiled on the floor.

Once again Czespecem goes about the task of searching for any sort of traps associated with the door in this new chamber. It is agonizingly slow work, more so in the dark, as he prods and slides and the works. In the end, he finds nothing dangerous about this particular door. Nor does hear any noises at the present.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Dec 21, 2022 6:10 pm
Seeing the dwarf finally finished with checking for traps, Lith breathes in heavily.
"Well then gentlemen, shall we?"
Dec 22, 2022 7:49 am
Satisfied somewhat Derrick drops the desecrated items of worship, "Greed!" he says to himself as he does so. As Lith speaks out the Cleric slings his shield back into place and sets himself into the March order.
Dec 22, 2022 2:26 pm
You find yourself in a room with a clutter of supplies against the west wall: five barrels, two boxes, and what appears to be a large spool of thread. Two doors lead out of the room; one to the north, and one to the west.
[ +- ] Map of Storehouse
Dec 26, 2022 4:44 pm
Standing a distance away from Lith so as to not give away their location due to the torchlight, Edgar tries to see what the group wants to do.

"so, what should we do now? I think we probably should check for sounds coming from the other rooms. That would give us an idea for which direction we should go. I also don't think we need to be as wary of traps around here.
Dec 26, 2022 7:08 pm
Lith walks up to one of the boxes and sees if there is any sort of an opening to the container.
"I believe it would also be nice to finally find something to fill in our pockets!"
Jan 1, 2023 4:27 am
Found a moment to post, and figured I'd do so early.
Amongst the containers, you find: 3 large barrels of embalming fluids; 2 barrels of stagnant water; 1 box of alum powder; 1 box of surgical instruments; and a long spool of catgut threat. It takes some time to go through all this, though the ensuing silence is something of a comfort.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc


Wandering Monsters

Jan 1, 2023 1:22 pm
Not seeing anything of particular interest, Lith leaves others to pick their loot. Should all do the same, he would pack the alum powder and the surgical instruments and move them to the "jar exit" to be taken later. He also turns to Czespecem.
"Would you mind going straight for trap searching next time we go through the loot? Could save us a bit of time."

The elf then suggests to go through the door to the left next.
Jan 2, 2023 1:36 pm
Benetolio looks over the contents of the containers but finds nothing of immediate interest or use. However, he does take mental note of each.

The young wizard then nods in agreement with Lith's assessment. The elf seemed very wise and seasoned but then again, Lith could be 200 years old for all he knew. Elves were said to live for a very long time.

He ponders this point for a short while and then eventually brings himself back to the moment. "Right. Very interesting items. They may become useful later."

OOC: Move into position. Ready to continue.
Jan 2, 2023 3:14 pm
Are you in the storehouse looking through both doors?
Jan 2, 2023 10:02 pm
I should apologize, I not quite understanding which passage. So I marked up the map! You guys just explored the contents of the Storehouse, which has two exits. There's also the passage leading north towards a staircase, out of the embalming chamber.

It sounded to me like you were going to peek out both doors in the storehouse. Please correct me if that is not correct! I don't want to accidentally march you into danger.
Jan 2, 2023 10:05 pm
Yeup, we are where we wanted to be.

Our next goal was to explore exit A.
Jan 2, 2023 10:10 pm
Right, I got a little mixed up where we are. I'm going to 86 that previous post.
Czespecem listens carefully at door A.


Hear Sounds 3 in 6 - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jan 2, 2023 10:14 pm
This room contains several smashed barrels and wooden boxes, but is otherwise empty. A door stands shut along the western wall.
I swear there is stuff to find, you're just taking the most quiet path!
[ +- ] Map of Empty Room
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Jan 2, 2023 11:06 pm
Lith stops as the group enters another room.
"Perhaps we should try the next exit from the storehouse? This path looks like it had already been looted."
Meaning we would go back and explore Door B.
Jan 2, 2023 11:19 pm
"Let's see if there's a way to barricade this door, here," suggests Czespecem. He looks to see whether the western door can be wedged with barrel staves.
Jan 2, 2023 11:30 pm
Between the pieces of wood and the barrels, it is quite simple to barricade the door.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Jan 3, 2023 9:51 am
Derrick leaves his fellow adventurers to searching and gathering of find items, really only taking a mental not of the surgical instruments. That said he does not let his guard down as he keeps his shield and eyes up looking for danger.

He does nod his approval of Częspecem’s suggest to barricade the door, and helps get the job done.
Jan 3, 2023 9:55 am
"Done this before, haven't you?"
Lith grins at the dwarf, before following the group back.
I'd say onward to door B we go!
Jan 3, 2023 1:21 pm
"when i had heard tales of this place, it seemed more sinister. Do you think the tales were false? Perhaps all of the danger lies in the center of the monastery." Edgar does seem to relax somewhat, though he does keep his weapon at the ready.
Jan 3, 2023 2:02 pm
The door opens into a featureless hallway that extends thirty feet before turning sharply to the east.
[ +- ] Map of Hallway
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Jan 3, 2023 4:10 pm
Czespecem and Rogar advance to the turn. Brogan follows, holding a torch in one hand, weapon in the other.
Jan 3, 2023 4:25 pm
As the companions march forward, they find themselves looking down the passage to the east. Ten feet down this new direction stands a door. A hint of mustiness seems to float down the passage from the doorway, but it is faint and disappears before any of you are convinced it existed in the first place.
[ +- ] Map of Hallway
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Jan 3, 2023 4:30 pm
Czespecem advances to the door, and checks for traps ...
I wonder whether as a default we could assume that Czespecem checks each door for traps, unless explicitly stated otherwise? Then you could roll secretly and we could proceed in uncertainty.
Last edited Jan 3, 2023 4:38 pm


Delicate Tasks 25% - (1d100)

(91) = 91

Jan 3, 2023 5:13 pm
tibbius says:
I wonder whether as a default we could assume that Czespecem checks each door for traps, unless explicitly stated otherwise? Then you could roll secretly and we could proceed in uncertainty.
I can absolutely do that. Operation Doorchecker is a go!

As per usual, the dwarf sets to examining the door and the surrounding stonework, as well as the patch of ground below and above. The minutes tick by as he goes about his work, and finally finishes his examinations without any confidence as to whether traps exist or not. He did not find any, in any case.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Jan 3, 2023 6:47 pm
"After you," Czespecem gestures to Rogar.
Jan 3, 2023 11:52 pm
Benetolio stays in position and grows more nervous with each passing moment. Watching the dwarf meticulously search the door for traps, he realizes just how perilous adventuring might be. It's one thing to hear about from others, but when it's your life on the line, something else altogether.

"Take your time," he offers at one point and when Czespecem has completed his search, "Well done."

Then he waits for Rogar to resume his appointed duties.

Benetolio pats his shoulder bag to ensure his spellbook is still secure and hopes he will find his moment to be useful.
Jan 4, 2023 12:14 am
Rogar shrugs and moves to the door. He hesitates and opens it slowly, as though he didn't trust the dwarfs eye... but when nothing explodes or stabs him, he releases a breath he hadn't realized he had held. The door opens into what appears to be a library. This room contains shelves of books; four books are open on a sturdy wooden table. Most spectacularly, the books appear to be made of iron instead of parchment or leather. Across the room stands another shut door.

The hireling takes a single step inside, and suddenly freezes as buzzing sounds come from each side of the room. From the corners of the ceiling fly two small, feathered, bat-winged anteaters, each with a vicious-looking proboscis. The moment you see them, they are easily recognized as Stirges, nasty creatures known to drain bodies of grown warriors of blood in no time at all. And two are bearing down on Rogar, standing dumbstruck in the doorway.

Surprise round of combat.
Both stirges stab their proboscis into the Rogar and pierce his leather armor. Not a drop of blood is shed, as the creatures slurp hungrily at every last pint that can extract from the man.

First round of combat.
1. Party
2. Stirges (AC12)

With the stirges hungrily drinking from Rogar, the rest of the group finds themselves ready to fight back! The man stands just inside the doorway, with the stirges taking their positions next to him inside the room. It should be easy enough for adventurers to shove past him into the room themselves.
[ +- ] Image of Creatures
[ +- ] Map of Library
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc


Wandering Monsters

Secret Roll

Secret Roll


Attack Roll

Attack Roll

Damage Roll

Damage Roll

Initiative (Party, Stirges)

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jan 4, 2023 12:50 am
tibbius says:
@cowleyc the problem with the absence of the post box is specific to the page of this thread that has your most recent post. On page 4 I am able to write this and post it. Please consider adding some text to your post.
Woo! That post was a doozy! I had everything listed as Private while I updated the post itself. In combat, we won't rely on individidual initiatives; instead, we're using Group Initiatives. The stirges may have caught you by surprise, but you lot won the first round of combat
Jan 4, 2023 1:00 am
Czespecem bursts in through the doorway as he whirls his shovel in both hands, striking toward and hopefully smashing a stirge.


shovel - Attack with - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

shovel - Damage - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Jan 4, 2023 1:04 am
I'm going to post for Rogar and Brogan, too
Gasping in pain, Rogar feebly tries to bash one of the stirges with his mace.

Brogan jabs his spear at the other.


Rogar mace attack - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Rogar mace damage - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Brogan spear attack - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Brogan spear damage - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jan 4, 2023 10:48 am
Hearing the commotion, Edgar gives a quiet curse. He was getting too careless.

Holding a torch in one hand and his spear in the other, he will move up behind Rogar and Brogan and strike at the stirge attacking Rogar.


Spear attack - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Potential spear damage - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jan 5, 2023 2:53 am
First round of combat.
1. Party
2. Stirges (AC12)

The party begins to strike at the stirges draining the life force from Rogar. With urgency stripping the individuals of their accuracy, only Brogan is able to pierce one of the creatures with his spear. The stirge continues its assault, not yet slain.
Jan 5, 2023 4:34 am
Caught by surprise at the stirges' sudden attack, Benetolio lets out a cry of alarm and stumbles back a few paces. The lantern swings about in his hand, casting strange shadows on the walls.

"Oh no," he laments as the lantern nearly smashes against the wall. The apprentice wizard steadies the lantern and looks for an opportunity to come to his party member's aid. However, there is too much activity in the confined hallway and he sees no opening. Frustrated, he does his best to hold the lantern steady.
Jan 5, 2023 6:52 am
As his companions rush in to confront the evils of the temple, Derrick tests his mace and shield before striding into what appears to be a library and strikes at the creature attacking their hired help . . .


Mace attack vs Stirge - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Damage - (1d6+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Jan 5, 2023 12:21 pm
Lith screams in terror upon seeing the bloodsucking monsters. However, the attack of his comrades wakes him up as the rogue grips his darts with a firmer grip. He then sends his darts forward to the unharmed insect, hoping to avoid hitting his comrades.
Not sure if I should roll separately for all three darts or make one big roll - making three rolls just in case and letting the GM decide!


Dart 1 attack roll - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Dart 1 damage roll - (1d3)

(2) = 2

Dart 2 attack roll - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Dart 2 damage roll - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Dart 3 attack roll - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Dart 3 damage roll - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Jan 5, 2023 2:19 pm
Not sure if I should roll separately for all three darts or make one big roll - making three rolls just in case and letting the GM decide!
Each dart should be an individual roll.
First round of combat.
1. Party
2. Stirges (AC12)

Two darts fly from behind and impale the wounded stirge, knocking it back and off of Rogar. The creature buzzes its last buzz, and lies dead. The second, however, is already attached and continues to drink the blood of the unlucky man. The pallor of Rogar's skin takes a pallid hue as he finds himself with dangerously little blood left, but still he stands.
Second round of combat.
1. Party
2. Stirge (AC12)

The singular stirge continues sucking blood without any regard for its companion. These creatures seem to have very limited intelligence, though one might fly off it it takes sufficient damage without dying. That is a theory you will have to test, as you did too much damage to the previous.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc


Stirge Bloodsucking Damge

Initiative (Party, Stirges)

Jan 5, 2023 4:13 pm
Again, Czespecem whirls his shovel; Rogar tries to brush off the stirge with his mace; and Brogan jabs his spear.


shovel - Attack with - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

shovel - Damage - (1d6+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Rogar mace - Attack - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Rogar mace - Damage - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Brogan spear - Attack - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Brogan spear - Damage - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jan 5, 2023 4:23 pm
Second round of combat.

With fury and urgency, the hirelings and dwarf surround the remaining stirge and beat it down until it lays on the ground as dead as can be. Rogar drops to his knees, the puncture wounds still bleeding some, and takes a shuddering breath. "By the gods, I'm alive. I have little strength left, but enough to bear a torch for you!"

Combat is over.

The room lays silent before you, though the adrenaline is still noisily pumping blood through your veins. A quick look through the room reveals that there are no more creatures within sight. Only the shelves, table, and open books remain.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Jan 7, 2023 12:56 am
Seeing that no more creatures are to be engaged Derrick moves along side Rogar, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Sekhmet has not granted me the powers of healing, but my studies have give me a little knowledge of healing. Let me see if I can help stop the bleeding at least."

Derrick takes a little time ripping some cloth from Rogar’s bedroll and makes a bandage to wrap the wound. Afterwards he will search the books of the library.
Jan 7, 2023 1:18 am
The Iron God says:
This room contains shelves of books; four books are open on a sturdy wooden table. Most spectacularly, the books appear to be made of iron instead of parchment or leather.
After receiving some thanks from Rogar, Derrick enters the room to examine the books. He finds that all of the books are made of iron, but the detail suggests that they have been turned to iron. The four open on the table are each frozen to particular pages.
[ +- ] Book One
[ +- ] Book Two
[ +- ] Book Three
[ +- ] Book Four

The Iron God says:
Across the room stands another shut door.
[ +- ] Map of Library
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Jan 7, 2023 1:28 am
Derrick reads the open pages of the ‘iron’ books, hefting the books to feel their weight. While pointing to one of the books (book 1) Derrick turns to the academic Benetolio, "You may find this interesting, it seems to have part of a spell written in it."
Last edited Jan 7, 2023 1:28 am
Jan 7, 2023 4:42 am
Seeing what the creatures did to Rogar, Edgar mutters "Nasty little things. I guess i was wrong about this place, it is dangerous. "

He joins the others in looking at the books. He glances through them with an increasingly worried face. "I suppose that either this so called eater of the dead supports the creation of undead, or the Iron God did. Regardless, I an pretty sure that we we will have to face undead creatures at some point. Does anyone know anything useful about them?"
Jan 7, 2023 6:23 am
The books each weigh 50lbs. And they are formed solid, so you cannot flip through them.
Jan 8, 2023 10:41 am
Still disturbed from the sudden attack, Lith goes to examine whether he can recover the darts he threw at the bloodsuckers. After inspection, he turns to Edgar.
"Not really," he replies to the question about the undead, "never even saw one in my life."
The thought of an animated body trying to kill him makes the elf shudder and he tries to focus his thoughts on the iron books. They seem rather heavy, too heavy to be carried as loot. As he digs one of his nails into iron to test it out, he turns to others.
"Do you think we can sell the one with the spell and the preparation for reanimation? What could it be worth?"

His mule could probably carry one or two of those...
Jan 8, 2023 11:55 am
Lith finds that all three darts are recoverable. The iron books do seem to be made of, well, iron.


Dart Recovery

Jan 8, 2023 8:29 pm
Czespecem listens at the opposite door ...


Hear Sounds 3 in 6 - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 8, 2023 9:39 pm
The dwarf waits by the door to listen for some time, frequently having to shush the party. Minutes tick by as he hears no noise coming from the other side of the door. Satisfied, he begins examining the door for any traps, deadly or frustrating or anything in between.

Nothing. He can't find anything. But he doesn't find anything that suggests no traps, but sometimes that's all you get in life.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc


Czespecem: Delicate Tasks 25%

Jan 8, 2023 11:10 pm
Czespecem looks at Rogar, trying to assess the man's condition. The dwarf does not want to lose a man, at all. Better if someone's going to open a possibly trapped door, that it should be ... "Here, Brogan," Czespecem says, "the door seems clear of traps, and I hear nothing beyond it. Ready your spear just in case, and I'll open 'er up." He looks to the rest of the party. "When you're ready ...?"
Jan 9, 2023 1:27 am
Not looking up from his examination of the books Derrick answers the undead question, "If properly protected we should never fear the walking dead, but by the looks of this Temple proper protection was not afforded. Luckily I have brought some items to deal with them, as well as some knowledge on the subject."

A short time later he resets his shield and checks his mace, "Ready as I ever will Czespecem."
Jan 9, 2023 5:38 am
Benetolio's interest is piqued by Derrick's comment, so he approaches the iron book and uses his lantern to illuminate its pages.

The wizard spends some time studying the book looking for signs of magical writing.

OOC: I have Read Magic prepared, if you want me to attempt to use it here.
Jan 9, 2023 2:18 pm
The book does indeed require a spell to interpret, even in its stone form. With some gestures and words of power, Benetolio is able to enchant his own sight with that of interpretation, specifically of magical lettering. The words and sigils begin to make sense, and he is able to determine that this is a formulae for the spell Mirror Image.
Benetolio may attempt to add the spell to his spellbook, but the rules don't state how long. My thought is one hour per spell level, or perhaps only ten minutes per spell level. For the sake of this game, let's go with 10min/spell level. I don't know how likely it is you'll gain a level to be able to use this spell, but who knows!
[ +- ] Mirror Image
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Jan 9, 2023 5:30 pm
"Ah! Very interesting," Benetolio remarks to his companions. "I have heard of such spells, but their mastery is far beyond my ability." He looks up from the book to see if any of the party heard him.

He then explains what the spell does and asks for some time to copy the spell into his own book.

"Such a find is treasure indeed!"

OOC: You guys good with taking a breather here while I copy the spell into my book?
Jan 10, 2023 2:55 am
pawndream says:

OOC: You guys good with taking a breather here while I copy the spell into my book?
That is the sort of thing you could do while Czespecem is checking for traps and noises.
Jan 10, 2023 12:04 pm
OOC: Okay, sounds good. Thanks. Cast Read Magic to scribe spell into book.

Benetolio retrieves his spellbook and begins the meticulous work of transferring the spell from the iron book into his own tome...
Jan 11, 2023 4:05 pm
Let's keep moving this along, folks.
The passage leading from the door continues 15ft to the east, 15ft to the south, and then continues east for another 25ft. At the end, there are three options. To the north stands a 10ft long hallway leading to an open passage. To the south, the passage continues another 5ft before heading east another 20ft and turning once again south; on the southern face of the 5ft section lies a closed door.

Upon reaching the intersection, some noises can be heard echoing through the stone halls to the southeast. It is practically impossible to identify what the sounds could be, but they don't sound like voices.


cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc


Wandering Monsters

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jan 11, 2023 4:18 pm
"I'll take point," says the dwarf, "and Brogan can follow with spear in hand. The rest of you follow behind. Keep Rogar in the middle, I'd like him to live through this. Which way, now?"
Jan 12, 2023 9:38 am
Gripping his spear as he listens to the noises, Edgar seems perturbed. "I think we should go through the door. They're are creatures nearby that would surely do us harm, perhaps more than those we just fought. I would prefer to have a door behind me as we move further in rather than unknown creatures.
Jan 12, 2023 12:22 pm
Taking his place within the marching order Derrick studies his environment as the travel, quieting his movements as much as possible upon hearing the noises down the hall. "I am not interested in having an unknown door behind us, perhaps we should take a peek inside."
Jan 12, 2023 3:06 pm
As per your instructions...
Knowing that the party plans on entering through the door, or at least taking a look, Czespecem sets to work to ensure the door is safe. Ten frustrating minutes later, he can find no sign of a trap. Throughout the process, the rest of the group continues to listen to whatever the noise is, and while it seems to be coming closer it also seem to be moving quite slowly.

Behind the door is am empty room with a deep layer of dust. In one corner, the wall juts outwards to create a small and seemingly empty nook.
[ +- ] Map of Empty Room
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc


Delicate Tasks (25%)

Jan 13, 2023 2:51 pm
Czespecem immediately moves to investigate the nook.
Jan 13, 2023 3:03 pm
As soon as Czespecem enters the room and passes through the center, glowing circles from the floor reveal themselves through the dust. To those other than the dwarf, it appears to be a pattern of concentric circles; the center circle is only about 2ft in diameter. Czespecem, however, is suddenly thrown into a trance, floating upwards and crossing his stubby legs in a lotus position.

cowleyc sent a note to tibbius
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Jan 13, 2023 5:01 pm
tibbius sent a note to tibbius,cowleyc
Jan 13, 2023 5:14 pm
Gently, Czespecem lowers to the ground and he regains some clarity of the room. His shovel appears in his hand, and the spade head gleams with a cold light and the edge seems much more keen. Whatever material it had been made from before, it is now very clearly iron. All in all, this only took a matter of seconds, not much time at all.

cowleyc sent a note to tibbius
Jan 13, 2023 9:30 pm
"There are only two levels in these catacombs," Czespecem informs you. "There is a cache of coins that we are not to touch, I will know when I see it. Otherwise, the Iron God bids us to cleanse and empty the place, completing his punishment of the recreant monks."
Jan 14, 2023 12:57 am
Seeing the whole situation unfold, Lith drops his dart to the ground and comes with the only sensible reply to the situation:
"What the fuck."
Jan 14, 2023 9:58 pm
Benetolio stands, mouth agape, and watches the scene with great fascination. When Czesecem returns to the ground, Benetolio either seems unconcerned with his companion's fate or unable to separate the wonder of the moment with how bad that could have been.

"Wait," he cuts in. "How do you know this? Did the Iron God speak to you?" he asks.
Jan 15, 2023 7:23 am
There is a look a great interest and awe as Czespecem goes through his journey within light. Look of almost mid interest is in Derrick’s eyes as he looks upon the spade welding Dwarf, "An honour to speak with a god, and even more interesting is that he is still present within this temple after destroying it so many years ago."

The Cleric quickly scans and searches the room, looking for evidence of the possession of Czespecem.
Last edited Jan 15, 2023 9:06 am
Jan 15, 2023 4:03 pm
"Yes," the little fellow answers. His voice shakes for a moment. "Even in the vision, he was a statue of iron. His head spun around and he spoke to me. He told me what I have told you. It was in a big room, ... it was like a dream but real. Very big statue."
Jan 15, 2023 4:52 pm
Derrick begins clearing the dust from the floor, and finds that the pattern of concentric circles that had glowed are actually inset into the floor, and made of iron. They do not seem to react to touching, stepping, or invoking, now that the dwarf had triggered them already. His quick scan of the room reveals nothing else.

Czespecem had meant to examine the nook in the southwest corner of the room, but the vision had distracted him.
Jan 15, 2023 8:58 pm
Czespecem moves to the corner with the nook.
Jan 15, 2023 9:06 pm
In the niche, along the diagonal wall, Czespecem manages to find a secret door, disguised in the stone and covered in dust. It looks to be a simple push and perhaps sliding door.
[ +- ] Map of Vision Room


Secret Roll

Jan 17, 2023 2:58 pm
What do you do?
Jan 17, 2023 4:01 pm
"Guys - there is a hidden door here." Czespecem checks for traps.
Jan 17, 2023 5:39 pm
As usual, after finding the door Czespecem goes to work searching for hidden dangers. And, as usual, he finds nothing. So far it seems that this upper level has not been trapped, nor dangerously guarded.

The secret door opens into a room, hexagonal in shape and fifteen feet from wall to wall. This room is hung with undisturbed tapestries, dusty and frayed, but finely crafted. On the east wall is a door, and Lith's keen senses are able to find another secret door hidden on the northwest wall. Neither new door seems to be trapped.
[ +- ] Map of Secret Room
There, now you have choices to make!
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc


Czespecem: Delicate Tasks 25%

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Lith: Delicate Tasks 15%

Czespecem: Delicate Tasks 25%

Jan 20, 2023 5:47 am
Edgar peeks his head into the room and looks around.
"That hidden door intrigues me. There is a good chance that there is something valuable behind it, or else why is it hidden. Also, if we do stumble upon that cache, I don't mind leaving it to the Iron God."
Jan 20, 2023 3:13 pm
Czespecem nods. His expression is solemn. "At least I will check it for traps," he comments. "Did we shut the other door behind us now?"
Jan 20, 2023 3:17 pm
I updated the previous post of mine to include this room. Both Lith and Czespecem checked for traps to save some time. None were found.
Jan 20, 2023 4:25 pm
Gesturing to Brogan to flank him, and to Rogar to hold aside the tapestry on the northwest wall, Czespecem cautiously opens the hidden door.
Jan 20, 2023 4:36 pm
The door opens into a room with two doors, one to the north and one to the south. There are several small carpets on the floor of this room, but they are frayed and foul. Rogar grunts in annoyance at yet another empty room. "At least these tapestries should fetch us some money," he mutters, disappointedly.

Without any obvious danger in the room, the thieves begin their work. But where the dwarf struggles to find any traps, it is the elf who steps back from the door with confidence that it is but a normal door.
[ +- ] Map of Room
You now have three doors nearby. The two in this room, and the one in the tapestry room. No traps have been found.


Czespecem: Delicate Tasks 25%

Lith: Delicate Tasks 15%

Jan 20, 2023 5:07 pm
"Rogar, that's a good point," Czespecem comments. "They might be heavy to move all the way to a market, though."
Jan 21, 2023 11:23 pm
The empty rooms grind on Derrick a little but he thinks back to his temple training. He slows his breath and goes through the prayers to Sekhmet, calming himself and refocusing his energies. "There will be dangers and treasures enough, be thankful we are being watched over for now."

He hefts his shield and follows into the next room.
Jan 23, 2023 3:14 am
Benetolio shuffles along with the rest of the party. He is still quite pleased with the fact he was able to add such a valuable spell to his spellbook. Of course, he couldn't cast it yet, but it will no doubt prove useful someday.

He snaps back to attention and adjusts the wick of his lantern while moving ahead.
Jan 23, 2023 2:11 pm
The three doors await your decision.
Jan 23, 2023 2:38 pm
"That one?" Czespecem suggests, waving his hand toward the South door.
Jan 23, 2023 4:01 pm
Lith nods at the dwarf, his darts at the ready.
Jan 23, 2023 4:09 pm
As usual, the party has both Rogar and Brogan handle the door to the next room. While nothing happens with the door, it is what is in the next room that catches everybody by surprise. There are eight goblins in this room, armed with ancient-looking swords and armor and festooned with trinkets obviously looted from graves. One of the goblins is huge, as large as a man. It would seem that neither group- the party and the goblins- had expected to run into each other, and so a few seconds pass as everyone processes this information, and then all hell breaks loose.

First Round of Combat
Combat Order

The goblins surge past the hirelings and into the room occupied by the party, each one finding a target to engage with. The larger one strolls in at a more relaxed, confident pace, and steps up to Derrick. Swords swing, teeth gnash, and goblins bark; the combat is upon you. Within seconds, Edgar takes a mortal wound as a goblin shoves his blade through the man's chest, his defense not yet being complete. The dwarf too is stabbed violently; Rogar and Brogan, being the closest to the door, are not only stabbed but trampled as the goblins charge in, their spirits can almost be seen drifting from their bodies.
Edgar takes 6 damage.
Czespecem takes 4 damage.
Rogar takes 6 damage and dies.
Brogan takes 5 damage and dies.
When a character (or creature) is hit, the amount of damage is deducted from hit points. When total hit points reach 0, the character is unconscious, and if hit points are brought down to –1 or lower, the character dies.
Oof, that was a nasty round! But your characters should know that goblins aren't the toughest creatures, just dangerous when in large numbers.
[ +- ] Map of Goblin Lair
[ +- ] Image of Goblins
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll





Jan 23, 2023 8:10 pm
Czespecem flees. Back to the tapestries room.https://i.imgur.com/sZokDBu.png

Edit to add: If any goblins stands between him and escape, Czespecem hits it with the shovel.
Last edited Jan 23, 2023 8:29 pm


shovel - Attack with - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

shovel - Damage - (1d6+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Jan 23, 2023 8:40 pm
Lith screams in terror as he sees the green menace swarming the party. As one of the green men approaches him, he sends out two darts his way, and a third one at the goblin running at Czespecem.
Seeing the party getting decimated so fast Lith then follows suit with the retreat.


Dart 1 - Attacking Lith's Goblin - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Dart 1 - Damage roll - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Dart 2 - Attacking Lith's Goblin - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Dart 2 - Damage roll - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Dart 3 - Attacking Czespecem's Goblin - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Dart 3 - Damage roll - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Jan 23, 2023 8:53 pm
Forgot to mention, the goblins have AC14.
Czespecem cleaves a goblin in half as he protects his own escape from the room, the enchanted shovel finding little resistance from the paltry armor and unhealthy goblin flesh. Simulteneously, Lith manages to connect dart-to-face with a goblin before him, and the pitiful creature drops to the ground from a mortal headache.

cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Jan 23, 2023 10:19 pm
of course waiting for others to post, but C's general plan is to lurk around the edge of the door in the tapestry room and decapitate whatever goblin pops its head in ... the fact that the goblin will have to struggle through the tapestry over the door should help with this plan
Last edited Jan 23, 2023 10:20 pm
Jan 24, 2023 4:51 am
Benetolio panics when he sees the pack of goblins overwhelm the party and then doubly panics when he notices others fleeing as fast as they can. He briefly sees Rogar and Brogan go down, but knowing there is nothing to be done about it, he races as fast as he can toward the tapestry room.
Jan 24, 2023 7:24 am
It appears that Edgar is dead.
Jan 24, 2023 10:51 am
Derrick sniggers as the others flee, but does glup a big glup as the man-size goblin squares up with him. The Cleric holds his shield steady swing at the goblin leader with his heavy mace, before retreat back through the door with the others.


Mace vs man-size goblin - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Damage - (1d6+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Jan 24, 2023 1:49 pm
"We have only two full combat effectives," Czespecem comments as he holds the tapestry aside for Derrick, Lith, and Benetolio. He drops the heavy wall hanging as the last of his companions get through the door, then raises his shovel poised to wack whatever lump next appears behind the precious work of art. "Retreat would be wise."
Jan 24, 2023 1:59 pm
Retreat would be wise, without a doubt, but the goblins have no intention of letting this happen. They have the advantage, and they desire to push it.

Second Round of Combat
The goblins charge after the party, but it would seem the had not encountered the tapestry room as of yet (you recall it was hidden by two secret doors, and you had not seen an outlet for the third door). They WOOPH run straight into the heavy tapestry and struggle to work their way free of it; unfortunately, a knife appears and tears through from top to bottom, likely from the larger goblin.
You all have an opportunity to attack before they enter the room on round three. Good luck, and may the Iron God watch over your souls.
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc
Jan 24, 2023 2:09 pm
Czespecem takes a good hard flat swing with the sharp edge of the shovel at the middle of the knife-wielding bulge.


shovel - Attack with - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

shovel - Damage - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Jan 24, 2023 2:15 pm
By the way shouldn't we make some disengagement rolls since some of us were engaged in melee? I am still pretty green with the rules, just want to know for the future as it did not seem to happen last round.
"I don't think we can outclimb them back at the rope!"
Lith growls, his darts flying against the little goblins and leaving the big boss to his comrades. Every dart flies at a different enemy.


Dart 1 - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Dart 1 - Damage - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Dart 2 - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Dart 2 - Damage - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Dart 3 - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Dart 3 - Damage - (1d3)

(2) = 2

Jan 24, 2023 2:22 pm
seifi says:
By the way shouldn't we make some disengagement rolls since some of us were engaged in melee? I am still pretty green with the rules, just want to know for the future as it did not seem to happen last round.
The SRD says:
It is up to the Referee to decide if there will be any special rules for retreating away from a melee combat. Most Referees allow the enemy a free attack if a hero (or monster) tries to move out of the ten-foot "melee range." In some cases the free attack is made at +2 to hit.
I will be following this rule from here on, though I will not be giving the monsters a bonus to attack. You can also do stuff like shielding your allies escape.
The larger goblin gives an Ooph as the shovel smacks into it, though it didn't feel like a solid hit. One dart finds its way into a goblin.



Jan 25, 2023 11:19 am
As Lith’s dart hits the target Derrick steps in swing his mace on a long arc . . .


Mace vs Goblin - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Damage - (1d6+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Jan 26, 2023 3:32 am
Benetolio had hoped the goblins would not give chase. Those hopes are quickly dashed and he finds himself madly grabbing for the darts in his side pouch. He flings several at the goblins as they tear through the tapestry.


flinging darts (Attack, Damage) - (d20+1, d3, d20+1, d3, d20+1, d3)

d20+1 : (11) + 1 = 12

d3 : (2) = 2

d20+1 : (10) + 1 = 11

d3 : (1) = 1

d20+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

d3 : (1) = 1

Jan 26, 2023 3:55 am
Benetolio's darts fail to find any living targets, but Derrik's mace does strike true. A thud indicates that a goblin falls dead.

Third Round of Combat

From under and around the tapestry come the goblin's, pressing their advantage. The four remaining plus the larger goblin enter swinging, and manage to tear through much of your defense and flesh. Only Czespecem finds himself matched fairly with a goblin and avoids losing his precious flesh and blood.
Derrick takes 8 damage.
Benetolio takes 6 damage.
Lith takes 6 damage.
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc




Jan 26, 2023 2:33 pm
Benetolio recoils backward from the impact of the blow, slumps against a nearby wall, and bleeds out onto the cold, stone floor. As his last actions, he clutches his precious spellbook to his chest, utters a single word of protest "mother", and expires in the tomb.
Last edited Jan 26, 2023 2:33 pm
Jan 26, 2023 3:11 pm
"Eat dirt," Czespecem says succinctly, and swings his shovel at the neck of the biggest goblin.
Ok, that's gotta be good for a morale check at disadvantage.
Last edited Jan 26, 2023 3:12 pm


shovel - Attack with - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

shovel - Damage - (1d6+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Jan 26, 2023 3:24 pm
If there was one thing goblin's knew, it was that a single dwarf was more than a match for a goblin. And that a dwarf surrounded by his fallen allies was even more dangerous! Two things! Czespecem hews the goblin head from the head goblin, and as it drops to the ground the other goblin's flee in terror! The room is now filled with dead adventurers and beautiful tapestries, bloodied now.

Unless the dwarf wishes to pursue the goblins, this is the...
End of Combat
Edit: Czespecem can make a single attack against a fleeing goblin should he choose.



Jan 26, 2023 3:35 pm
"Let the name Czespecem be unsaid in your halls!" exclaims the dwarf. He hews at the back of a fleeing goblin.


shovel - Attack with - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

shovel - Damage - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Jan 26, 2023 3:36 pm
Taking stock, who's still alive?
Jan 26, 2023 3:42 pm
"Holy sh**" says Czespecem after he takes a breath, "that did not go ... well."

He proceeds to exit the dungeon.
Jan 26, 2023 3:46 pm
Lith had a mule that should probably be still outside of the dungeon and possibly able to carry some of the supplies back to the village.
Jan 26, 2023 3:50 pm
Czespecem would be in no mind to spend time grabbing anything, what if those goblins get their nerve back and come for revenge or an ambush?
Jan 26, 2023 11:37 pm
Derricks eyes widen as the goblin blade slips past his shield biting deep into his forehead. The cleric slumps to the floor twitching, not even having time to register that buying a helmet may have been a good idea . . .
Jan 27, 2023 12:04 am
Another goblin falls in its retreat, and Czespecem is left standing as the sole survivor of this expedition... so far. It takes about half of an hour for Czespecem to make it back to the entrance of the monastery, cautiously peering around corners as he goes. The goblins had disappeared almost immediately into their own hidey-holes, and no other horrors emerge as he runs. And finally he emerges from the darkness into a open-air with the sun high in the sky. It appears to be around noon, and Lith's mule waits patiently. The dwarf is alone, and the town is still a full-days travel away. He can push through the night if he wishes, but there are dangers that lurk in the dark.

Day Two. High noon. First Level of the Monastery of the Iron God.
Jan 27, 2023 1:17 am
"Hey ... mule," Czespecem says in a friendly way while he approaches the beast. "What have you got in your pack, eh?"

Considering the options of pushing through the night to reach a place where he had last slept safely, or spending four to six nights out doors and alone, he decides that back to the tavern as fast as he can is the better choice. Hopefully the mule will cooperate ... and there will be no dangers in the night.

"We'd best be away from this spot," he tells the mule, "there's no good folk here."
Jan 27, 2023 1:28 am
It is through luck that the mule responds to Czespecem, likely aided by the day they had already spent together walking side-by-side. Some hours pass, when the dwarf notices something strange. Trees on the roadside with too many shadows. Stretching towards the cart, but not reaching it. The mule senses something amiss, and speeds up. And soon, this strange occurrence is behind you.

So the dwarf keeps on. More hours pass in silence. The sun begins to set, and then it is gone. The road is not difficult in the dark, not for the mule nor for the dwarf who sees in the night. Around a bend, however, a light can be seen. A lantern. A man on a donkey, swaying as though drunk. As he approaches and hears you coming by, he calls out in a scratchy voice, "Lo, you who walk in the dark, have you heard the great truth? The monastery was but the beginning, all the gods will smite all the lands! Not a soul will be left alive, save those who pay fealty to none! Repent, and disown the gods!" The heresies he speak are strange to hear, especially at this time and place. But the man continues by, preaching at the figure he cannot see, and then he is gone.

Morning comes. As the sun rises, the sound of hooves can be heard. A knight comes into sight, with a retinue; all are armed, all are mounted upon well-treated steeds. As he pulls beside, the knight gestures for Czespecem to stop. He raises the visor of his helm and reveals a stern face with the nose of a drunkard. "You, dwarf, I come seeking one who would challenge the faith and corrupt the gullible and weak. Reports put him on this road. Have you seen such a man?"






Jan 27, 2023 3:20 am
"Well met, sirrah," answers Czespecem. "I'm late come from the Monastery of the Iron God, where there be goblins lurking. As of the one you speak, yes, he passed me in the night. Riding a donkey and holding a lantern and talking into the darkness. An atheist, if you'll believe it. Or not quite that, he claimed belief, but ..." the dwarf shakes his head. "A bunch of nonsense! We passed quick by each other, I being in no mood for conversation." The dwarf waits to see whether the knight will take this hint.
Jan 27, 2023 4:15 am
The knight frowns down at the dwarf. "And you managed to purge his words from your ears, it seems. That is most fortunate for you! Such heresies cannot stand to exist." He turns to a particularly short and rotund man sweating on a pony behind him, whom is holding a rather large and ornate sword, "As I said, Porthos, we are on his trail. If they passed in the night, we shall be upon him by supper at the latest. Ho!" he cries out, and the horses begin moving once again.

By the time the sun is high in the sky, Czespecem finds himself outside the tavern where he had only left a few days before.

Day Three. High noon. Somewhere in the Eastreach Province.

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