[CLOSED]Sassafras' Adventurers League! (5e)

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ClosedDungeons & Dragons 5thPublic1 / daySassafras
Playing through the 5e Adventurers League, one season at a time.

Dec 15, 2022 11:31 am

Okay! What's the game!

Basically we're going to play the 5e Adventurers League modules from the beginning and onwards. The reason that I'm doing this is that I think it suits PBP quite well in that it still has overarching stories, but that arc contains of smaller, slightly more self-contained stories. It also allows a more seamless entry for new players down the line.

Wait, so will I be committing to playing 10+ seasons of Adventurers League!?

Yes! You'll be signing the contract in your blood, it'll devour your soul if you drop the game. No, the great thing about Adventurers League is that it's somewhat flexible in terms of dropping in and out of games.

So what are you asking me to commit to?

All I'm asking is to play as long as you think it's fun. If that's 1 module or 10 seasons, then that's how it is. If for whatever reason you're not feeling the game or my DM style, then there are no hard feelings from my side. If you want to take a break and return at another point, that's also cool. In an ideal world, I'd ask players to exit in between modules, but I know that life sometimes gets in the way.

As for the weekly time. I'm asking everyone to commit to posting at least once per day during weekdays. You're still allowed to post on weekends, but I know from myself that they can get really busy so I have no expectations. I'm not going to be a monster about this, if you miss a day for whatever reason it's fine, but if it's a continuing issue then I might replace you. In turn I will do my best to post frequently, I have learned from previous mistakes and will only run this one game, so you have my full GP attention. Of course all of this doesn't mean that you can't be absent for whatever reason for a longer period, but just let me know so I can act accordingly.


What will Season One be about?

Dragons! The first season is called Tyranny of Dragons and is happening around the same time as the official adventures, Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat. The adventure is centered around the town Phlan in the Moonsea region of Faerun. Cultists! Scummy guards! A cozy bed and breakfast! It really has it all.

Here's a short description:

Built in 367 DR, PHLAN represents the perseverance of humans and their tenacity to bring civilization to the savage wilderness. Since its founding, it has been razed repeatedly by inhuman creatures from the north but continually rose, like the phoenix, from the ashes of its own destruction. The city’s ruler, LORD PROTECTOR ANIVAR DAORAN is dead, and the city in disorder. The Lord Reagent, KNIGHT COMMANDER ECTOR BRAHMS, and greedy NOBLE HOUSES and LABOR GUILDS vie for control of the city. From the shadows, the WELCOMERS--a criminal organization turned vigilante group--work against them and for their trouble, are hunted by the remnants of the KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK FIST, the militia that struggles in vain to keep the city's peace. Phlan has grown rich from trade with the untamed wilds to the north of the MOONSEA. Those seeking their fortunes flock to Phlan before adventuring out into the enchanted QUIVERING FOREST, the mysterious SORCERER'S ISLE, and the orc, goblin and dragon-infested DRAGONSPINE MOUNTAINS. But even the city itself has its share of dangers and secrets. Deep beneath the city, the POOL OF RADIANCE lies dormant; at least for now. The CULT OF THE DRAGON and their allies, the RED WIZARDS have sent agents far and wide in search of the DRAGON MASKS and other resources to assist them in their agenda. And somewhere within Phlan, the depths of the sleeping Pool, and the surrounding wilderness, the Cult may find just what it is that they need.

Level wise you should expect to go from level 1 to somewhere in tier 2 (Level 5-10).

How many players are you looking for?

I'll be looking to have a an active party of five players at all time. If a player drops out, I'll look to replace them as soon as possible.

How many characters will I play?

Each season will have Tier 1 (Level 1 to 4) adventures, so it all depends on how long you play. For the first season, I'd expect everyone to play the same character the whole way through. For subsequent seasons, there's the possibility of playing multiple characters at different levels. But honestly, let's take it one season at a time.


Will there be any adult content or controversial themes?

This will all be based on officially released material, so not really. There will in all likelihood be some swearing. There can be characters affected by mental illness and there might be spells or situations that can create similar effects on your characters.`I will try to depict these situtations with care and I expect you to do the same. There will also be some description of blood and gore, although nothing to extreme. Basically, PG-13.

I saw in Len's game that he discusses Safety Tools on day one and I think that is a great idea, so I'll be doing that as well. If for whatever reason you have any concerns that you feel uncomfortable with sharing with the larger group, you can always send me a PM.

Overall the absolute key is that everyone are respectful of each other.

What will the tone be?

In the end, the players set the tone. It's all somewhat grounded in classic Forgotten Realms "reality", but don't be afraid to try weird solutions to your problems. Ultimately our aim should be to have fun as long as the stakes are taken somewhat seriously.

When are we starting?

With the holidays coming up, I'm expecting the game to start on January 3rd. The time up until then can be used to apply here, creating your characters and setting up the game without any stress or rush in a usually pretty busy period. If everyone are in sync with it we might start before, but no promises.

Who can apply?

Everybody! Doesn't matter if you a rookie or a seasoned pro, as long as you're prepared to have fun and be active.

How do I apply?

Express your interest here...that's basically it. Maybe write a little bit about your motivation for applying. If you have a character idea already, great. If not, no worries. It's pretty much first come, first served. Just be mindful of the aforementioned requirements. I'll be handing out invites.

What is character creation going to be like?

I'll be using experience points for progression. If for whatever reason we lose a player, I'll let a new player create a character at the same level as the rest.

There are a lot of rules and restrictions in terms of the official Adventurers League that I'll NOT be using. Basically, all official races and classes are up for grabs as long as the character makes sense. You get to keep all the magical items that you find. You will be rolling for your stats (2d6+6 with the ability to re-roll your lowest score). You can start with standard equipment or you can roll for gold.

Alignment has to either be good or neutral (evil people saving the world doesn't really gel)

Do I have any questions?

...how should I know? But if you DO have any, let me know either here or in a PM.
Last edited March 12, 2025 7:58 pm
Dec 15, 2022 12:01 pm
Hey now... some evil people save the world because if it's destroyed they have nothing to rule over! (Besides, why should the other guy get to destroy the world when you'll do such a better job than that hack?!) 🤣

But in all seriousness... I'm down for a good, long term game.
Dec 15, 2022 12:30 pm
I am a huge Pool of Radiance fanboy since the SSI game in 1988. I would love to do some adventuring in Phlan.
Dec 15, 2022 12:36 pm
Well...can't beat that logic xD

Perfect, I'll invite you both!
Dec 15, 2022 1:31 pm
I'm interested in plating if you guys are willing to help refresh me. It's been almost 20 years since my last session so I know some things have changed. Just recently found this website to rekindle my interest in dnd style. If not it's OK I'm still gonna find a game to learn in
Dec 15, 2022 1:32 pm
This sound really cool. A journey through the forgotten realms may update my lore a bit. I haven't read much new since high school. I played the Pool or radiance and most/all(?) of its sequels. Man sleep and fireball sure make quick work of the mob battles. I have never run any of these modules but as I understand it most start with a new character and work them up the levels which should be fun. Great way to explore various paths and still get familiar with the game and its players. Sign me up :)
Dec 15, 2022 1:38 pm
This sounds great! I haven’t played any "classic" D&D in sometime so I’d love to be part of this long term game!
Dec 15, 2022 1:43 pm
Brilliant, I'm sending an invite to you three as well. I'm going to close the thread for now, but will post in the future if we lose any players.
Last edited December 15, 2022 1:45 pm
Dec 15, 2022 1:47 pm
I was hoping to play AL in my city but people who try to organise that.... gave up.
Anyhow I support the idea as much as to volunteer to help DM in any way he need regardless if I am accepted as player or not.
Dec 15, 2022 2:01 pm
If there are any spots available in the future please let me know. This sounds super cool and would love to play!
Dec 15, 2022 9:14 pm
Expressing lots of interest.
Dec 16, 2022 1:22 am
Please add me to the list for consideration in the future.
Last edited December 16, 2022 1:22 am
Dec 16, 2022 4:50 am
Thanks for the interest guys, I’ll let you know if a spot opens up 🙂
Apr 17, 2023 3:43 am
Hey y’all! We have one spot open if anyone’s interested. We have completed the first two modules. The party has three level 3 and one level 2 characters. The new player would start on the lower end of level 2 (500 xp points). Feel free to lurk around and see if the game looks like it might be to your liking before applying.
Apr 17, 2023 5:52 pm
If you’re up for it Gene then I’ll send you an invite
Apr 24, 2023 4:07 pm
Gene had to pass in the end, so I still have a spot open
Last edited April 24, 2023 4:07 pm
Apr 24, 2023 5:51 pm
Okay, I’ve found my player so I will close it up again for now.
Oct 26, 2023 1:29 pm
Hey everybody! We need two players for this game as we are about to start the next module soon. You'll start as a level 3 character. Let me know if you're interested, either in this thread or you can send me a PM as well, or let me know if you have any questions. You can also take a look at the game board to see if it might be of interest.
Oct 26, 2023 1:55 pm
I'm still around.
Last edited October 26, 2023 1:56 pm
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