Character Creation

Dec 15, 2022 11:35 am
You can roll your character here. Start off at level 1. Stat building is 2d6+6. Either roll for gold or use default starting equipment based on class. All official 5e races/classes are okay, but alignment ought to be good or neutral (evil people saving the world doesn't really gel).
Dec 15, 2022 1:13 pm
You are allowed to be a member of either of the five big factions although you don't need to, you can read more about them here.

It's up to you guys if you are from Phlan or just passing through.
Dec 15, 2022 1:40 pm
Alright... I have some lofty goals, so dice roller and RNGesus don't fail me now!

Oh! Quick question... if we take starting gear based on class and background... can we potentially sell any of it if there's something we don't want/need? If not, can we just leave that item behind? Or, if so, are we selling at 50%?


Stat 1 - (2d6+6)

(54) + 6 = 15

Stat 2 - (2d6+6)

(33) + 6 = 12

Stat 3 - (2d6+6)

(55) + 6 = 16

Stat 4 - (2d6+6)

(24) + 6 = 12

Stat 5 - (2d6+6)

(35) + 6 = 14

Stat 6 - (2d6+6)

(14) + 6 = 11

Reroll Lowest - (2d6+6)

(32) + 6 = 11

Dec 15, 2022 1:49 pm
Always awesome when you make an identical reroll :P

I'll say that you can sell whatever gear you don't need at half price
Dec 15, 2022 1:51 pm
Awesome, thank you!

And yeah... looks like my lowest is an 11 no matter how I slice it. Lol No negative modifiers though, so I'll take it.
Dec 15, 2022 2:05 pm
What is with re-rolling the lowest? I didn't see that explained.
Are you allowing Variant Human, Tasha's customization of race/backgrounds?
LoL gota love those 11's
Last edited December 15, 2022 2:07 pm


stats - (2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6)

2d6+6 : (66) + 6 = 18

2d6+6 : (45) + 6 = 15

2d6+6 : (56) + 6 = 17

2d6+6 : (23) + 6 = 11

2d6+6 : (16) + 6 = 13

2d6+6 : (65) + 6 = 17

reroll lowest? - (2d6+6)

(23) + 6 = 11

Dec 15, 2022 2:09 pm
Daaamn... that's a pretty great stat spread.
Dec 15, 2022 2:13 pm
I'm not complaining. Any thoughts on class? We should try to cover the bases and I am not feeling a particular need to fill at this time so can fill party skill gaps
Dec 15, 2022 2:50 pm
Here goes: Well that is a pretty respectable set of stats. Very nice indeed.
Last edited December 15, 2022 2:52 pm


Stat - (2d6+6)

(55) + 6 = 16

Stat - (2d6+6)

(63) + 6 = 15

Stat - (2d6+6)

(34) + 6 = 13

Stat - (2d6+6)

(11) + 6 = 8

Stat - (2d6+6)

(16) + 6 = 13

Stat - (2d6+6)

(26) + 6 = 14

Reroll the 8 - (2d6+6)

(61) + 6 = 13

Dec 15, 2022 3:45 pm
Psybermagi says:
What is with re-rolling the lowest? I didn't see that explained.
Are you allowing Variant Human, Tasha's customization of race/backgrounds?
LoL gota love those 11's
Rerolling the lowest is just that you can reroll the lowest stat and see if you get a better one. But you all seem to love those 11s so it doesn’t matter in your case 😅 and yeah, those are also allowed
Dec 16, 2022 3:54 am
Haven't rolled for a D&D character in ages! Let's get this puppy going!

Not too bad!
Last edited December 16, 2022 3:54 am


Stat 1 - (2d6+6)

(55) + 6 = 16

Stat 2 - (2d6+6)

(54) + 6 = 15

Stat 3 - (2d6+6)

(46) + 6 = 16

Stat 4 - (2d6+6)

(41) + 6 = 11

Stat 5 - (2d6+6)

(55) + 6 = 16

Stat 6 - (2d6+6)

(22) + 6 = 10

Re-roll lowest - (2d6+6)

(42) + 6 = 12

Dec 16, 2022 4:46 am
Wow, three 16s 😮
Dec 16, 2022 12:55 pm
Sorry for late post but this is my rolls
Stat 1 (3,3)+6=12

Stat 2 (1,2)+6= 9

Stat 3 (5,6)+6= 17

Stat 4 (3,1)+6=10

Stat 5 (6,5)+6= 17

Stat 6 (5,2)+6= 13

Reroll lowest Stat (3,5)+6=14
Last edited December 16, 2022 12:58 pm
Dec 16, 2022 2:26 pm
Sheesh... looking at some of these rolls just confirms one thing: The GP dice roller hates me. 😂
Dec 16, 2022 2:31 pm
I had someone once roll 14,14,12,10,9,9. That's still my benchmark xD
Dec 16, 2022 2:42 pm
This was one of my best rolls here on GP. And while it's certainly solid... well, comparatively the numbers speak for themselves. 😂
Dec 21, 2022 7:01 am
Hi, Everyone.

And the dice say - You guys will need to bear with my PC low damage output in a combat :). But don't you worry - I will try to build a support character to help others.
Last edited December 21, 2022 7:05 am


Stats rolling - (2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6)

2d6+6 : (12) + 6 = 9

2d6+6 : (62) + 6 = 14

2d6+6 : (26) + 6 = 14

2d6+6 : (24) + 6 = 12

2d6+6 : (14) + 6 = 11

2d6+6 : (42) + 6 = 12

Reroll lowest - (2d6+6)

(12) + 6 = 9

Dec 21, 2022 3:30 pm
I'm choosing starting gold bot my sorcerer instead of equipment


Starting gold - (3d4)

(441) = 9

Jan 20, 2023 4:58 am
I don’t think I’ve mentioned, but when you level up you can roll the HD and take that, but even if you do you get the average as your minimum added HP. So for instance if your class HD is 1d10, then you can roll it and if it’s above a 6, you take the roll, if it’s below a 6, then you just take the 6. Does that make sense? It’s early in the morning in Denmark 😅
Jan 20, 2023 7:32 am
Nice... well I only have 1d6, nevertheless rolling to see if I can get more than 4


lvl 2 hp increase - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jan 20, 2023 7:59 am
Level 2


Druid - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Jan 20, 2023 5:25 pm
Artificer lvl 2

Edit: Yeah, 5 it is.
Last edited January 20, 2023 5:31 pm


HP - (1d8+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Jan 24, 2023 2:31 pm
Urzog, have you levelled up?
Jan 24, 2023 4:21 pm
Sorry, completely slipped my mind. Let me do that now.

Edit: Forgot it's a +3 so 5
Last edited January 24, 2023 4:37 pm


Level 2 HP - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Feb 5, 2023 10:20 pm
Hello gang, it looks like I'll be joining your monstrous crew. Let's roll some stats!


Stat 1 - (2d6+6)

(63) + 6 = 15

Stat 2 - (2d6+6)

(43) + 6 = 13

Stat 3 - (2d6+6)

(25) + 6 = 13

Stat 4 - (2d6+6)

(33) + 6 = 12

Stat 5 - (2d6+6)

(56) + 6 = 17

Stat 6 - (2d6+6)

(15) + 6 = 12

Stat Reroll - (2d6+6)

(21) + 6 = 9

Feb 5, 2023 10:25 pm
Welcome to the mixer party :)
Feb 6, 2023 2:28 am
HP roll


HP Roll - (1d10+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Apr 17, 2023 8:05 pm
Stats: 15, 14, 13, 12, 12, 11 (Smiles. Got rid of that '9'.)
Last edited April 17, 2023 8:07 pm


Stats & Reroll. - (2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6)

2d6+6 : (35) + 6 = 14

2d6+6 : (12) + 6 = 9

2d6+6 : (45) + 6 = 15

2d6+6 : (33) + 6 = 12

2d6+6 : (34) + 6 = 13

2d6+6 : (51) + 6 = 12

2d6+6 : (41) + 6 = 11

Apr 18, 2023 8:36 am
As far as I remember we roll HP and chose either rolled or average in this game


LVL 3 HP - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Apr 18, 2023 11:45 am
Yup, that’s correct
Apr 19, 2023 12:48 am
Earra is coming along.
[ +- ] Picture of Earra
Apr 19, 2023 3:57 am
Well, another oddity for the menagerie. I assume elf, drow or shadat-kai. We need a quest where the human paladin really sticks out and so need to disguise himself. 😊
Apr 19, 2023 4:38 am
There is actually a module down the road where that might work 😅
Apr 25, 2023 7:54 pm
Time to see what I am working with here.

Edit: Forgot my reroll.
Last edited April 25, 2023 8:07 pm


Stat 1 - (2d6+6)

(41) + 6 = 11

Stat 2 - (2d6+6)

(32) + 6 = 11

Stat 3 - (2d6+6)

(42) + 6 = 12

Stat 4 - (2d6+6)

(66) + 6 = 18

Stat 5 - (2d6+6)

(15) + 6 = 12

Stat 6 - (2d6+6)

(25) + 6 = 13

Stat reroll - (2d6+6)

(12) + 6 = 9

May 1, 2023 7:15 pm
Ok Here is my character! I will transfer it to a GP character sheet once approved. What do you think GM?

Lunarspike Character Sheet
May 1, 2023 8:02 pm
Looks good to me :)
May 2, 2023 3:17 pm
Great! I have submitted the character to the game. What's next?
May 2, 2023 3:43 pm
We get started on the next chapter!
Oct 27, 2023 5:33 am
Let me roll some stats and see what I have to work with


stats - (2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6)

2d6+6 : (34) + 6 = 13

2d6+6 : (62) + 6 = 14

2d6+6 : (66) + 6 = 18

2d6+6 : (12) + 6 = 9

2d6+6 : (13) + 6 = 10

2d6+6 : (15) + 6 = 12

reroll lowest - (2d6+6)

(62) + 6 = 14

Oct 27, 2023 8:07 am
Pretty good all around rolls
Oct 27, 2023 8:48 am
Sassafras says:
Pretty good all around rolls
Yes, have to figure out what I want to do with it.
Leaning towards a Githyanki Cleric(Arcane) who belongs to the secret organization,Sha'sal Khou, that works to bring all the sons and daughters of Gith back into one nation, but I'm not committed to the idea yet-

Tiamat and the red dragons have a deal with the Gith, and what also something that would make the character relevent to the adventure
Last edited October 27, 2023 8:58 am
Oct 27, 2023 10:14 am
Rolling hit dice for level up...


Lvl 3 HP - (1d10+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Oct 27, 2023 1:34 pm
Let me roll the stats as well.


stats - ((2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6, 2d6+6))

(2d6+6 : (64) + 6 = 16

2d6+6 : (63) + 6 = 15

2d6+6 : (12) + 6 = 9

2d6+6 : (11) + 6 = 8

2d6+6 : (56) + 6 = 17

2d6+6) : (32) + 6 = 11

reroll lowest - ((2d6+6))

(35) + 6 = 14

Oct 27, 2023 2:17 pm
And for hitpoints (Fighter)


Rolling hit dices for level up (2 and 3) - (1d0, 1d0)

1d0 : (0) = 0

1d0 : (0) = 0

Rolling hit dices for level up (2 and 3) - Correct die - (1d10, 1d10)

1d10 : (7) = 7

1d10 : (8) = 8

Oct 27, 2023 4:18 pm
Don't know how I should buy equipment, as we are at the 3rd level... =/ Submitted without it.

Whats next, GM?
Oct 27, 2023 4:56 pm
At lvl 3 I'm considering my Paladin oath. Currently I'm between Devotion, Ancients, and Redemption. What does the rest of the crew think?
Oct 27, 2023 5:11 pm
Under the dark influence of the evil goblin sorcerer and mind bending thri-kreen he is pulled into the fold of the Ancients <Evil laugh> Mwahahahahahahahah!!!!
Just do what you feel best for you/your character :)
Last edited October 27, 2023 5:12 pm
Oct 27, 2023 5:32 pm
Actually, Ancients is what I was leaning most towards. Devotion was my original intention, but the tenets of Ancients seems to fit Augustine's character better. I'm hesitant about it's nature feel but the overall principles fit really well.
Oct 28, 2023 7:57 am
htech says:
Don't know how I should buy equipment, as we are at the 3rd level... =/ Submitted without it.

Whats next, GM?
Awesome, I just approved it. We’re wrapping up the last module and doing a bit of downtime and then I’ll set up the next one, hopefully just on the other side of the weekend. You’re welcome to introduce your character during the downtime period if you wish, although you can also wait if you’d prefer to do so at the start of the next module. Feel free to write a character background as well.

Since you’re level 3, I’d allow you and @runekyndig to choose one common potion or scroll on top of the starting equipment and an additional 50 gp.
Oct 28, 2023 8:32 am
Thank you
Oct 28, 2023 9:25 am
Common potion + 190gp worth of equipment then. =)

I will update my sheet during the weekend and introduce my character after downtime. If I do something wrong with equipment, just let me know and I'll fix it.
Last edited October 28, 2023 9:29 am


Starting wealth (fighter) - (5d4)

(41324) = 14

Oct 28, 2023 9:37 am
I have submittet my character sheet for GM's inspection. I have some minor details to sort out, but the rought parts are there
Oct 29, 2023 5:03 pm
I'm going to an Eladring bladesinger wizard tonight to see witch one I like the best.
The wizard or the Gith cleric
Oct 29, 2023 8:37 pm
Vaxis "Vess" Siannodel is an Eladrin Bladesinger wizard (Background Far traveler, as she is from the feywild)

Question for @Sassafras. Is it okey that I have Pseudodragon as a familiar?
[ +- ] Pseudodragon (familiar variant)

There is a prophecy, "The Guardian of the Balance": A prophecy foretells the arrival of an Eladrin who will play a pivotal role in maintaining the balance between the Forgotten realm and the Feywild. The details of this prophecy are a bit vague as it talks about preventing a great calamity or preventing the two planes from merging, which would have catastrophic consequences. Nevertheless Vess is sure that she is that Eladrin. The Pseudodragon might have something to do with Vess believing that she is The Guardian of the Balance
[ +- ] Image
Oct 30, 2023 7:39 am
Absolutely, that is fine with me
Oct 30, 2023 1:49 pm
Just quickly, you will each start at the threshold of Level 3 with 900 experience points, so slightly behind the rest. I'll start the next module either tonight or tomorrow morning, and then you can introduce your characters.
Jan 30, 2024 11:35 pm
Alright here we go!

13, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 not bad, not bad.
Last edited January 30, 2024 11:36 pm


Stat 1 - (2d6+6)

(61) + 6 = 13

Stat 2 - (2d6+6)

(15) + 6 = 12

Stat 3 - (2d6+6)

(12) + 6 = 9

Stat 4 - (2d6+6)

(26) + 6 = 14

Stat 5 - (2d6+6)

(36) + 6 = 15

Stat 6 - (2d6+6)

(55) + 6 = 16

Re-roll lowest - (2d6+6)

(16) + 6 = 13

Jan 30, 2024 11:59 pm
Question before I start building.
I used to play AL before I have logs for a level 6 character.
He was a Level 4 rogue and a Level 2 wizard.
I don't have the character sheet anymore, but I could easily make it using your character creation rules.

If not, let me know and will figure something out.
What do we have for classes so far?
I will roll for stats now also.

16 12 12 13 13 16

160GP for Roll for gold
Last edited February 1, 2024 2:33 am


Stats 1 - (2d6+6)

(12) + 6 = 9

Stats 2 - (2d6+6)

(46) + 6 = 16

Stats 3 - (2d6+6)

(24) + 6 = 12

Stats 4 - (2d6+6)

(51) + 6 = 12

Stats 5 - (2d6+6)

(52) + 6 = 13

Stats 6 - (2d6+6)

(25) + 6 = 13

Reroll Stat - (2d6+6)

(55) + 6 = 16

Roll for Gold 5d4 × 10 - (5d4)

(24244) = 16

Jan 31, 2024 10:25 am
Good point, I forgot to specify what level the party is at. At this point everyone are level 3, so I'd like for you to make a character at the same level. Normally my rule is that new players start at the level threshold in terms of experience points (aka 900 points as a new level 3), but since the three other players are one, maybe two modules away from levelling up, I'll look at the points and find a happy medium.

We have a Rogue/Druid, a Sorcerer and a Artificer so far
Jan 31, 2024 3:49 pm
I might build a Monk.
Kaneda_Shepard What were you thinking?
Jan 31, 2024 4:36 pm
If that helps
- Only our Rogue/Druid prefer melee, more melee is welcome
- I've roller 14 as best score, so my Sorcerer is a poor party face rolling terrible skill checks and decision making skills appropriate for a goblin (and he is one). Not to mention lot of NPCs have default attitude to goblin ever worse that to Monstrosity or a Manufactured creature. Bottom line: if anyone want to make Cha based PC to be party face, I will welcome that
- Scout/sneak/perception roller roles are occupied I believe
- I don't believe we ever needed one, but we currently lack a PC with good Athletics to jump/climb/break doors/etc. Who knows, we may need one.

P.S. I've also occupied the roles of coward, dumb idea implementer and the mistrustful. LOL
Jan 31, 2024 8:27 pm
Hey if you want to build a monk, I got no problem with that, I can come up with a character that can be the charismatic one of the group. Haven't played a bard in a long time so this should be fun!

Just to be specific, what race & classes are we already working with?
Last edited January 31, 2024 9:06 pm
Feb 1, 2024 12:42 am
I was thinking of doing a Str based Monk but I don't know how Good it would be.

Maybe a Str Based Fighter with the Unarmed Fighting style. Thinking maybe Battle Master.
Thinking Harengon, Hobgoblin, or Dwarf (Hill)
Working on building it now.
Last edited February 1, 2024 12:54 am
Feb 1, 2024 8:40 pm
Alright, got my Eloquent Bard made and submitted!
Feb 1, 2024 9:21 pm
Can you wear a phantom of the Opera style mask so as not to ruin the warforged, goblin, thri-kreen monster motif of the party? 😈 😁 😈
Feb 1, 2024 9:50 pm
Monster party. Rabbitfolk or hobgoblin then?
Feb 1, 2024 10:13 pm
Just happened on chance and it's come up a couple times.
Maybe changeling? Then your can go pretty or ugly on a whim 😁

It's all you. Just making your aware of our social uniqueness
Last edited February 1, 2024 10:15 pm
Feb 2, 2024 7:44 pm
Both have been accepted 👍👍 anyone if you originals want to use your downtime on something or should we just slowly move on to the next module?
Feb 2, 2024 10:40 pm
Is the Giant Foundling Feat Ok?

Giant Foundling
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Survival

Languages: Giant and one other language of your choice

Equipment: A backpack, a set of traveler's clothes, a small stone or sprig that reminds you of home, and a pouch containing 10 gp

Origin Stories
How you came to live among colossal creatures is up to you to determine, but the Foundling Origin table suggests a variety of possibilities.

Foundling Origin
d6 Origin
1 You were found as a baby by a family of nomadic giants who raised you as one of their own.
2 A family of stone giants rescued you when you fell into a mountain chasm, and you have lived with them underground ever since.
3 You were lost or abandoned as a child in a jungle that teemed with ravenous dinosaurs. There, you found an equally lost frost giant; together, you survived.
4 Your farm was crushed and your family killed in a battle between warring groups of giants. Racked with guilt over the destruction, a sympathetic giant soldier promised to care for you.
5 After you had a series of strange dreams as a child, your superstitious parents sent you to study with a powerful but aloof storm giant oracle.
6 While playing hide-and-seek with your friends, you stumbled into the castle of a cloud giant, who immediately adopted you.
Building a Giant Foundling Character
Your life among giants has given you a unique perspective. Though you are unusually large for your kind, you're no larger than a giant child, so you might be very mindful of your size.

Feature: Strike of the Giants
You gain the
[ +- ] Strike of the Giants
Suggested Characteristics
The Giant Foundling Personality Traits table suggests a variety of traits you might adopt for your character.

d6 Personality Trait
1 What I lack in stature compared to giants, I make up for with sheer spite.
2 I insist on being taken seriously as a full-grown adult. Nobody talks down to me!
3 Crowded spaces make me uncomfortable. I'd much rather be in an open field than a bustling tavern.
4 I embrace my shorter stature. It helps me stay unnoticed—and underestimated.
5 Every avalanche begins as a single pebble.
6 The world always feels too big, and I'm afraid I'll never find my place in it.
Feb 4, 2024 2:18 am
Pierce would continue working on his pistol during downtime.
Feb 5, 2024 7:54 pm
Nope, don't need any downtime myself and am good to move on.
Feb 5, 2024 8:23 pm

Yeah, I’ll allow that
Feb 6, 2024 1:58 am
I should be done with my character.
Let me know if you need anything else.
Feb 6, 2024 8:33 pm
It looks good. Maybe you guys would like to write a little bit about your characters in the backstory thread, but that’s up to you :)

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