Safety Tools

Dec 15, 2022 11:48 am
I saw this used in another game and I think it's a great idea to help set expectations. Safety tools are an easy way to make sure everybody in the game is having a fun time. Since we're all strangers we have no idea what each others' lives are like, so it's important to share at the beginning of the game what kind of things we want to exclude from our story - topics that make you uncomfortable or ruin the fun for you. Also, let's talk about how we will deal with unexpected uncomfortable events when they come up in the game.

Here's the tools we are using:

In general, this game will strive for a PG-13 rating. The kinds of things you would expect to see in a summer blockbuster movie.

Even within the overall rating, there may be some subjects we want to avoid. Our Lines are these hard limits, things we do not want to come up in this game. Lines represent places we don't want to go in roleplaying.

A veil is a "pan away" or "fade to black" moment. When we veil something, we're making it a part of the story, but keeping it out of the spotlight. Think of it as a way to still deal with certain themes while avoiding having to describe them in graphic detail.

Veils: Bloodsucking or bloodletting.

Any time the game is going in a direction that makes you uncomfortable, just post "Pause for a second" and explain what is making you uncomfortable. No justification is necessary, just let us know what the problem is. As a group we will talk about how to adjust on the fly. We can retcon or change things to eliminate the thing ruining your fun, and we can all give input about how we "fix the script" so that we are all satisfied with the result.

If you prefer, you can PM me privately and I'll make the call to pause for a second. I'll explain the issue anonymously and we will go from there.

If something comes up and you need to leave the game or pause your participation, don't hesitate to let me know. We can work together to help make that smooth for you. Also, not every game is right for everyone, and not every DM is for everyone. If you're not having fun or my style isn't for you, let me know and we can try to adjust things. But, if it ultimately it doesn't work out, no hard feelings. I understand and thanks for letting me know.

Please list any topics that you want to handle with care, and let me know if it is a Line or a Veil. You can post them as a reply to this post, or you can PM me if you want to remain anonymous about it. We will read each others' lists and agree to avoid the Line topics and put the Veil topics outside of the scene background. If have nothing to add, just post something to let me know you're good. As always, if you're not sure about something, just ask.

Thanks everyone!
Dec 15, 2022 1:34 pm
All very reasonable.

I'll go on record as saying I don't have lines or veils, but if someone else does I'll certainly respect them to the best of my ability.

For context, I really don't have them. I played Kult (2nd Ed.) back in the late 90s. With Marines. 😂
Dec 15, 2022 1:57 pm
I will speak up if anything specific bothers but as long as it stays PG-13 I should be good.
Dec 15, 2022 2:39 pm
My main veil is bloodsucking or bloodletting. They don't have to be excluded from the game but a brief mention rather than a graphic description is what I need. Doubt it will come up but there you are.
Dec 15, 2022 3:49 pm
Cool, I’ll write it down and keep that in mind.
Dec 16, 2022 3:47 am
No real lines or veils really for me. If there are, as with everyone else, I will definitely let you know!

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