Character Backgrounds

Dec 16, 2022 4:49 am
Here is where you may write a little bit about your characters. It would be great if you can also post a picture of your character as well, I need something for your tokens :)
Dec 16, 2022 4:05 pm
I am thinking of going with a small Thri-Kreen, which is a WotC option but does not seem to fit the Forgotten Realms lore so He would be an oddity. The Stixhaven school background looks cool and works with my idea of a thief druid so he can wild shape.

Chitkree, small for a Thri-Kreen of Faerun, was born in the western Shaar Desolation. Due to his small stature he was looked down upon and never accepted into any of the family unit tribes in his area. Seeing no way to be accepted by his people without first proving his might Chitkree decided his best couse was to follow the druidic path. However he could not find any willing to teach him. So he left Shaar in search of a druid to teach him. Once he entered lands unfamiliar with the Thri-kreen he began wearing a cloak and long gloves to hide his nature while using his natural agility to maintain his life by procuring items he needed. Hearing of schools that taught magic he quickly set out to a the Witherbloom school of magic where he began studying magic and the druidic ways.
Last edited December 16, 2022 4:06 pm
Dec 16, 2022 4:35 pm
Sounds good! The only thing I'll let you be aware of is that because of your race being both monstrous and rare, you might get disadvantage in terms of persuading people in Phlan, at least at first until you gain a bit of renown. However I'll then counteract that by giving you advantage on intimidation. Again, at least until townspeople start to know you better.
Dec 16, 2022 5:01 pm
Sounds totally fair. I never planned on being the "Face" of the party seeing as mine gives some people nightmares :)
Dec 17, 2022 2:56 am
Griffin is a native of Phlan, born and bred. He joined the city watch at a young age because he idealistically wanted to help protect the city and help its populace. He swiftly learned that Phlan's city watch is not really that kind of organization. He stuck with it for a few years as it helped keep them off his family's back but Griffin has now left the guard and hopes to do better as a freelance hero.
Dec 17, 2022 6:22 am
Hello everyone! I finally came up with a history of the Monk I mentioned! His name is Urzog.

Urzog hails from the Dragonspine Mountains. Urzog was born to low-ranking warrior and one of his several wives in a tribe that was under the dominion of the chieftain in the mountains.

As any of his other orc brethren - he was constantly surrounded by death and bloodshed from the moment he was born. As a male, this orc was expected to become a warrior just like his father. When he was around 10 years old, Urzog's mother had provided his father a daughter - Dura. This had upset his father as females were seen as nothing more as possessions much less respected tribe members. Urzog came to love his sister. She seemed to be a single flower in a field of decay and dust. She never liked fighting, and she often spoke out against his father's commands. She often tried to offer the tribe a different way of thinking - a peaceful approach in a culture that was built off of combat. This led to their father giving her to another tribe to one day become a wife or a worker - it didn't matter to him, so long as she was out of his sight and gone from his life.

One day when Urzog was 12 years old and now seen as a fully grown adult, he attempted to travel through the mountains to see how his sister was doing in the neighboring tribe - only to come across a burned and destroyed land littered with the corpses of his kin. It was a goblin night raid that had taken the orcs by surprise and his younger sister stood no chance in defending herself. Urzog had carried his sister's remains and buried them to hopefully bring her the peace that she had once sought. Urzog returned home and informed his father of the raid and what had happened to his sister. His father could care less about what happened to her and only seemed to care about where the goblin lair was to seek their resources and take survivors as slaves.

This enraged the young orc and caused him to lash out at his father. His father - albeit it low-ranking - was still much older, experienced, and stronger than him which resulted in the young orc being nearly beat to death. His father laughed and called him weak. He said that he should've died with his sister and he will simply bare another son who will become a much greater warrior than he. Urzog recovered from his injuries but within himself was a burning fire filled with nothing but hate and rage. He had to become stronger than his father to enact his vengeance for his sister.

As he aged, the orc participated in many raids. He slashed, broke, tore, and lit aflame many homes of many races. He rose through the ranks of his tribe and had challenged his father to a fight to the death. Urzog taunted and embarassed his father in front of their kin before killing him. The lower-chieftain of the tribe recognized this young orc's potential and offered him the rank of Bloodrager - the highest honor of their tribe. Despite the young orc achieving his goal, he could still feel as if there was a massive part of himself missing in the whirlwind of hellfire that was his soul.

Due to his unsatisfactory victory, Urzog accepted this position and now led a group of raiders to a nearby human village to take their resources. During the raid, Urzog came across a young girl who was his sister's age and within her eyes was the same innocence she had. This tortured the orc's mind and without thinking, his body forced him to drop his blade and run - run as far as he can.
Once his body began to give out, he dropped to his knees and witnessed the blood on his hands. It was the blood of people who did not deserve to die. Urzog reflected in the snow of the mountain and pondered if he could change his ways. Maybe, just maybe he could seek out a life that his sister would often mention when she was in this world. Maybe he could plant more flowers instead of stomping them below his feet. And so, he left the mountains in seek of peace, wisdom, and the strength to make his sister's dreams come true.

The orc traveled East to Shou Lung and came across a group of monks called the Iron Hand. There, he was welcomed as a new-comer and was trained mentally, spiritually, and physically in the way of Mercy. A few more years had passed, and now Urzog became older and wiser. He became a true warrior that would not crave battle but instead sought to prevent them.

After he finished his training, his master had told him to continue his pilgrimage to aid those in need, continue learning, and bring peace. He had heard on his travels that the city of Phlan was experiencing great troubles after their leader had died. Enemies that were clawing for power within their own ranks, cults, and monsters were causing havoc for the innocent civilians both within and outside of the city. Urzog knew that hidden forces had guided him there for a reason and that he would discover that reason soon enough.


Whew! What a read, huh? Sorry about the super lengthy post, but I enjoy this stuff! I hope that is a pretty decent backstory to Urzog! As I mentioned before, any feedback or criticism is welcome! That way Urzog can continue to flourish and hopefully become a great part in this first chapter!
Last edited December 17, 2022 6:23 am
Dec 17, 2022 6:32 am
That’s a great backstory :) don’t really have much else to add
Dec 17, 2022 3:05 pm

Pierce was born in college.

More specifically, he was created by a human artificer, Sanri, studying at a formalized institution for magical learning. This clearly made the school the most beneficial for those who cast spells -- although the school wouldn't turn away anyone dedicated to learning, even if their capacity for magic was limited at best. Whether you were there to hone a few innate abilities, pick up a few extra tools to round out your skillset, or dedicate your life to tapping into magic in whatever form it took, the school could help. The school had different houses, if you will, that focused on different types of magic. History and spirits, for example, or nature in all its mighty glory.

Sanri though belong to the Prismari house.

The Prismari was a house for artists. And art? Art takes many forms. Art could be music, singing, painting... art could be buildings, scultpures, smithing... art could even be bending the raw elements to your will, putting on breathtaking displays of force. If it was a form of expression, it was art.

Sanri believed art was meant to last, to endure, to be marvelled at and inspired by for years, decades, centuries. Sanri was an artificer, dreaming of crafting amazing things that would last the tests of time. One of those projects (one that he is most proud of, if you can ever get him to admit it) was Pierce.

Pierce was a construct, made to look more or less human while being so much more. Brought to life by forge, fire, and magic, Pierce was a rarity. (He also brought Sanri top marks for his project.)

Pierce learned from Sanri. He learned to craft, and to begin to harness and weave magical energies. However... over time, Pierce realized that his own views on art were very different from those of his creator. Pierce saw that most people lived short lives, lives that were often difficult and unfair... sometimes downright cruel. In those lifes... moments were what made them worth living. Fleeting, transient moments. A first kiss. A first kill. The birth of a child. The death of a parent. Overcoming an obstacle that was believed to be insurmountable.

Pierce realized that art... the things in life that touch us, that move us, that burn themselves into our souls... were not things that simply existed. Art was not eternal...

Art was an explosion.

Sanri and Pierce haven't agreed on art since. That's not to say there's animosity. There isn't. They both admire and respect the other, and want the best for them. Just don't get them debating the finer points of "True Art" and they'll be fine.

After a handful of years, Pierce came to understand that the structured learning environment had given him all he could hope to learn. If he wanted to find his art, it was out in the world. He packed up and set out, determined to make as many explosions as he could -- figurative or literal -- and fill his soul with art.

Pierce recently fell in with the Lord's Alliance. They work to keep people safe, and that appeals to Pierce... especially if he can create explosions to help do so. Although there is one other reason he joined... not that he'd ever admit it, but on the very slim chance that Sanri was right -- that art endures -- Pierce wants to leave a legacy that will honor his creator.
Dec 17, 2022 5:05 pm
Such an awesome group so far! Maybe Thri-Kreen and Pierce crossed paths at Strixhaven? That would make for some great roleplay.
Dec 17, 2022 6:08 pm
Yeah, it looks great so far. We can consider starting next week if everyone is okay with it being a bit more sporadic through the Christmas break (which for me runs December 23rd to January 2nd)
Dec 17, 2022 6:32 pm
I'm fine with that. I was planning on submitting the character sheet by today so I'll be ready to post whenever this begins.
Dec 17, 2022 7:10 pm
Totally up for a friendly college rivalry and university solidarity. Bring it!
Dec 21, 2022 2:28 pm
My character sheet still need about 24 hours to bake and my background wouldn't be too detailed, but here it is:
[ +- ] Goblin Zrukz
Dec 21, 2022 2:38 pm
Nice story, should be fun. Great mug shot. Did you say Goblin or Gremlin? Now Chitkree has a small telepathic friend. (antennae waving in the air excitedly) Zrukz, this may be the beginning or a horrific friendship.
Dec 21, 2022 3:02 pm
I have this image in my head of the game starting with Griffin letting all the monstrous characters out of a jail with an apology for assuming they were evil.
Dec 21, 2022 3:36 pm
No no no, not evil. Just opportunistically inclined. (Insert insectoid face trying to "smile" here. Please hold all screaming until the ride is complete)
Oct 29, 2023 12:33 am
Lord Aramil Liadon, scion of the noble Liadon family, was destined for a life of luxury and entitlement within the illustrious elven society. However, from a young age, Aramil displayed an insatiable curiosity that extended beyond the confines of his noble upbringing. While being groomed for the responsibilities of his family's lineage, Aramil found solace and fascination in the secrets of the wilderness, often wandering the expansive forests.

His penchant for the bow and the art of archery became evident early on, guided by a personal mentor, an elderly elven ranger who took a special interest in the young lord. Aramil's thirst for knowledge extended beyond combat tactics, delving into history, philosophy, and the complexities of different cultures.

Contrary to the common arrogance associated with nobility, Aramil firmly believed in equality among all beings, regardless of their background. This ideology sparked a rift between him and some traditionalists within the aristocratic circles. Unwilling to conform to the typical haughty behavior expected of his station, Aramil sought a greater purpose.

A couple of years ago, disillusioned with the elitism and seeking a path where he could put his beliefs into action, Aramil joined the Harpers, a clandestine organization devoted to defending the innocent from the forces of evil across the Realms. His education, persuasive nature, combat prowess and wilderness survival skills made him a valuable asset to the group.

In the service of the Harpers, Aramil travels extensively, using his diplomatic charm to gather intelligence and forge alliances. His experiences have sharpened his understanding of the world's diversity, further solidifying his belief that every individual deserves respect and dignity.

The conflict between his noble lineage's expectations and his own moral compass also serves as a continuous internal struggle for Aramil, driving him to prove that true nobility lies not in titles but in one's actions and treatment of others.
Feb 6, 2024 11:54 pm
Donkog, a young hobgoblin fighter, had always been fiercely loyal to his tribe, known as the Bloodfang Clan. They were a nomadic group, constantly on the move across the rugged landscapes of their homeland, the rugged mountain ranges of Gorgothar. As a member of the Bloodfangs, Donkog learned the ways of combat from a young age, honing his skills with sword and shield, and earning a reputation as a fierce warrior among his kin.

However, fate dealt a cruel hand to Donkog and his tribe one fateful day during their migration. As they traversed through a narrow mountain pass, they were ambushed by a rival orc warband, the Ironfang Clan. The battle was brutal and chaotic, and in the chaos, Donkog found himself separated from his tribe. Despite his best efforts to reunite with them, the unforgiving terrain and relentless pursuit of the enemy forced him to flee deeper into the mountains, alone and desperate.

For years, Donkog wandered the harsh wilderness, driven by an unyielding determination to find his lost tribe. He faced countless dangers – from fierce beasts prowling the shadows to treacherous cliffs and unforgiving weather. But with each passing day, his resolve only grew stronger, fueled by memories of his comrades and the desire to reunite with his kin.

Eventually, fate intervened once again, leading Donkog to stumble upon a secluded valley nestled amidst the towering peaks of the mountains. Here, he encountered a clan of giants known as the Stoneheart Tribe. Initially wary of the hobgoblin intruder, the giants were impressed by Donkog's resilience and determination. Seeing potential in him, they decided to take him in, offering him shelter, food, and protection.

Under the tutelage of the Stoneheart giants, Donkog found a new purpose and direction in life. Though initially a stranger in their midst, he gradually earned their trust and respect through his hard work and dedication. The giants taught him their ways – the art of forging weapons from stone, the ancient rituals of the mountains, and the importance of community and kinship.

Over time, Donkog forged strong bonds with his newfound giant kin, becoming an integral part of their clan. Yet, despite the warmth and acceptance he found among the Stonehearts, his longing for his lost tribe never waned. He continued to search for clues and rumors of the Bloodfang Clan, hoping against hope that one day he would finally be reunited with his true family.

As Donkog's journey continues, he carries with him the lessons and experiences gained from both his hobgoblin upbringing and his time among the giants. Armed with unwavering determination and the strength of his newfound allies, he sets forth into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges the future may hold in his quest to find his lost tribe and reclaim his place among them.
Last edited February 6, 2024 11:56 pm
Feb 8, 2024 8:41 pm

Davin considers himself a living miracle, the born from an elf and a half-orc, two warriors that once considered each other sworn enemies turned lovers. Some would even say that he was blessed by the gods themselves as he had gained the best features from both of his parents.

At a young age, Davin was breaking hearts and wooing crowds and was often picked to be in plays, concerts, anything that brought him onto a stage and would be the center of attention. Women loved him because of his exotic look and his wild lifestyle, they wanted to be the one that could hold him down and marry him. Men also weren't able to escape his charm, and would contemplate their sexuality after spending some time around him.

His parents were disappointed that they didn't raise a warrior like they were and often tried to get him involved in that field. But Davin had other plans, he wanted to be famous across the entire planet, maybe, even if possible, seducing a god. But those were future plans, as of right now, he was fine with doing it to the people on this plane of existence.

He left his parents while still a teenager, joining a travelling play that would perform from city to city, acting and playing music for anyone that had enough coin to pay the fee they asked for. This lasted for some time and boosted his ego and reputation with nobles and wealthy merchants. But egos would begin to flare up and the other talent had grown jealous of his performances and that he was taking the spotlight away from them.

So he left the group when he was an adult and had learned how to take care of himself, or at least he thought he could. Turns out, he was not great with finances, and if he had coin on himself, it would soon be leaving his pockets and into the pouches of tavern and brothel owners. Luckily, he hadn't gotten himself into any debts, but he has angered some people and left many couples possibly on the verge of breaking up.

The lone wanderer life has been alright, but he's not going to lie, he does miss the comradery of being in a group again. So, wherever he is now, he looks and listens for someone that could use his talents and put up with his ego.

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