good system for two groups of opposing players?

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Jul 19, 2016 3:56 pm
hey all, just thinking here. I know there's been a couple of threads here about people wanting to do games where two groups of players each do their own thing and affect stuff for the other teams, then meet up in a final confrontation. What system would be most conducive to this? I've heard people talk about this with D&D, but I am so tired of running D&D irl that I don't want to play it on here.

some systems that I was thinking about was urban shadows, 7th sea, oh! maybe even star wars (rebels and empire players, anyone?)

as far as the mechanics of how to do it, you can change people's permissions in the forums, right? like make it so one group can't read or post in the other group's forums? and then create a new thread where everyone can post for the final confrontation?

anyway, this might be a fun thing to do, it's just that the game itself might take so long that we'd need a large group of very dedicated players...
Jul 19, 2016 4:01 pm
I'd think that this would be easily possible with pretty much any system. There are a couple of roadblocks, though.

1. Need a large group of dedicated players over an extended period.
2. If you want actions to have an effect on the other team in "real-time", you'd have to keep them at about the same in-game pace (can't let one group get two weeks ahead of the other in-game or you couldn't really affect the other side much.
Jul 19, 2016 4:03 pm
yeah, any lag in posting would be a major problem here... maybe having a set schedule of two or three definite posting days for the GM? seems like the best way to slow down the pace is to slow down the GM
Jul 19, 2016 4:12 pm
Yeah, I'd do it one day at a time, for sure. Once Team A finishes up Day 17, they are stopped until Team B also finishes up Day 17.

As the GM, I'd try to make it so that each day that Team A has some sort of 'encounter' (whether it be combat, RP, or otherwise), Team B would also have something happen to try to make the catch-up periods as short as possible
Jul 19, 2016 4:14 pm
it would be a juggling act, to be sure.. my question is what setting would make it the most interesting and not be sure rules heavy? shadowrun would be awesome for the setting but MY GOD the rules
Jul 19, 2016 4:20 pm
I would recommend Dungeon World for this.
Jul 19, 2016 6:47 pm
I'm already doing some crossover with StarWars FFG. I think the three 'factions' or elements of GCW Star Wars offer a lot of opportunities here. Imperials and Rebels and Fringe/Independents provide a lot of fodder for different levels of interaction (e.g. Imperials and Fringe elements may not ALWAYS be opposed to one another, but might due to circumstances, ditto Fringe and Rebel or Fringe and Fringe).

At the meta level, the Shiny Cube my EOTE game is looking to heist, is the same holocron my FAD crew needs to complete the restoration of their out-of-the-way Jedi temple. So one will affect the other, for sure. Managing the time frames is going to be handwavy in true Star Wars fashion.
Jul 20, 2016 8:28 pm
I'm so mad I had to take a hiatus from those games falryx, just as things were getting interesting...maybe I'll have to jump back in for Urik...
Jul 20, 2016 9:13 pm
We will leave the lights on for Urik and Lin. I'll PM you my current plans!

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