Character Sheet

Dec 21, 2022 7:15 pm
The sheet looks very complex but it's mostly code to automate rolls :D
[ +- ] Character sheet template
Dec 21, 2022 11:43 pm
How to make a character
Name: What do people call your character? Doesnā€™t even have to be their real name, just a sound they respond to.
Race: This is a D&D setting, so there are a lot of races all around. This is basically the population genetics you drew from. Each race has one trait and a favoured skill group. Though everything can probably work, hereā€™s some common suggestions:
[ +- ] Races

Training: Basically, your class but simplified. A training has a favored skill group, trained skills and a special ability. Unfortunately, the time spend training some skills, means other were neglected. You can mix and match at will but hereā€™s some suggestions.
[ +- ] Training

Skills: These are the general actions a character can take and their level determine how often they are successful at doing it. Basically, picking skills allows you to personalize your character in unique ways. Follow the next steps to set up your skill levels:

* Add +2 levels to 3 of your racial skill group. Then add +2 levels to 1 skill from each other group.
* Add +2 levels to 2 of your training skill group. These are your trained skills. Then add +2 to 1 skill from each other group but take -1 level from 1 skill from those same groups
* Add +1 level to 2 skills from each group.
[ +- ] Skills
Dec 22, 2022 10:49 pm
Character details
Weariness: There are two weariness meters in this game: fatigue and corruption.
* Fatigue is a general adventure weariness gained over time. It represents how likely a character is to get wounded as the more fatigued, the more dangerous a mistake will be.
* Corruption is more of a roleplay guideline as there are some evil magic in the game to which prolonged exposure can lead to paranoia and aggressivity. I think it could be cool to add this counter to reflect that.

Abilities are the special moves or bonuses a character has access to. All character start with four abilities
* Raise stakes: You can "raise" (re-roll) any roll once. By doing so, you can rescue a failed action (near miss) or increase it's impact (critical), but you risk increasing your fatigue if you fail.
* Racial trait: Each race as a trait that you can use at anytime to help you, effectively working as a passive buff.
* Trained skills: Your trained skills indicate advanced methods you can use to help you, however, these specialized bonuses are complex and demanding and will take a fatigue toll on your character.
* Training ability: This ability lets you use a raise action to do achieve a specific outcome associated with your character's training, functioning similar to a "critical effect"

Magic Magic works like the other skills. However, you are allowed to empower any spell at any time. By taking a -1 penalty to your roll, you can try to make a more difficult casting of a more powerful spell as if you took another action. This means you either add damage to the same target or add another target (similar to twinning metamagic). Each player is allowed two starting spell effects (or for non-casters, abilities)
[ +- ] Spells
Equipment: Equipment is another way to improve your character. Like characters, equipment has a weariness value after which it becomes unusable. Equipment can provide bonuses or penalties to actions (e.g. magic sword), recover weariness and wounds (e.g. potions), provide new abilities (e.g stun) or skills (e.g. spells scrolls), limit actions (e.g. spell components) or protect the character (e.g. armor)

Background and secrets Icewind Dale is where people go to hide. Literally the end of the world, the last place people will look. The Rime of the Frostmaiden suggests some secrets so we can work these out once you have an idea of what you want to play.
Dec 23, 2022 12:15 am
example of rolls using the character sheet
red āŒ FAIL
green āœ… SUCCESS


Insight - 7, SR: 5-11 (f10-c1) - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Deception - 3, SR: 5-7 (f10-c1) - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Persuasion - 2, SR: 5-6 (f10-c1) - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Intimidation - 0, SR: 5-4 (f10-c1) - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Intimidation - 1, SR: 5-5 (f0-c0) - (2d6)

(52) = 7

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