0 End of Year Celebration

Dec 21, 2022 11:19 pm
It was a winter time, a waited time, a time of joy for all inhabitants of Newtown, Albo New was amongst them.

It is true that Lucinda New, leader of the village, a positive person even by halfling standard did a lot for this Newtown Winter Celebration and this time her positive attitude is not the reason for everyone joyful demeanor.

Would would ever think that this blonde diminutive halfling would bring the village where it is today, and this wonderful ideas of giving the last name New to every coming halfling to make them feel like family.

So this morning was the start of the celebration, the shop were decorated every one smiled, sung and help to make the town even more beautiful that it already was.
Dec 21, 2022 11:32 pm
But then they arrived Orcus' Claws and his Crueltide elves swept into the village while every single person in the village was gathered around the festival tree in the center of town. Silently and stealthily, these nefarious creatures stole every piece of metal and every tools they could get their hand on.

From tiny screws pried from windows frames to massive cellar iron doors the Crueltide elves stole it all. Then at the stroke of midnight, after Claws and his elves haul the stolen loot to their secret lair, they came charging into the village and began to slaughter the News living in Newville.

After several formerly musical News were left dead and the village was in shambles, Claws and his Crueltide elves fled into the night with cries that they would return for "Twelve Bloody Nights of Clawsmas."

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