The GP Advent Calendar - Door 23

Dec 23, 2022 5:44 pm
Hey there, lovely GP community!

Throughout the next 24 days, we, the mods, want to highlight some fun, exciting, cool or otherwise interesting GP posts, just to give you all a glimpse of what might be going on on the site outside of your own games and to share some gaming enthusiasm around.

Since we can only be in a small number of games, compared to all the many going on at the same time, there will definitely be some amazing posts that none of the mod team are aware of. If you saw a great post in a game you're in or you have written something that you're particularly proud of, please share it with me in a private message and we will put it under consideration for a future advent calendar door. Unfortunately, an advent calendar only has 24 doors so it's possible we won't be able to share everything that gets submitted to us if we get a lot of messages, but I'd still love to read as many posts you find fascinating as possible so don't be shy about submitting one or more posts you think would get other people excited 😊
Today's post comes from oopsylon and is technically two posts, but I'll ignore that for the sake of convenience. You can direct all complaints to Qralloq. He loves dealing with complaints about me.

After a hundred years prior, humans invaded a continent previously inhabited in relative harmony by all kinds of other races, a council sent out a group of envoys to make contact with the humans and establish whether peace between the old races and these invaders is possible or not. After some tribulations, the envoys make contact with the jarl of a human settlement, the first step towards achieving their goal of potential diplomatic relations...
Dec 23, 2022 5:44 pm
Fionn nervously steps forward and offers the Jarl a slightly awkward and uncertain bow, before launching into a variation of the same human greeting he practiced on Sir Gilen. "Greetings. It’s good to meet you, Jarl Freyr Redwood of Skoghem. My name is Fionn. This is Caladbolg and Coaxoch and Mervin." He gestures to each of them in turn, before answering the Jarl’s question in the Old Tongue, "Caladbolg and I have been sent to speak with you and your emperor on behalf of a great Council representing the many and varied native peoples of this land. Much has been lost in the continued conflict between our peoples and yours and it is our hope to negotiate a peaceful and mutually acceptable resolution to that conflict."
"We do represent a number of orcish tribes, but not all. As you may have heard, two members of our own party were captured by the orcs who attacked Skoghem recently, so it is… very unlikely that that particular tribe of orcs were represented at the Summit and, therefore, we cannot claim to speak for them." He pauses, frowning. "We do not come with a specific offer on the part of the council as we have no idea what more you could possibly want from us, given that you have already taken so much, but we do come with… grievances. Wrongs that must be righted before peace can be achieved. Caladbolg’s people have lost much more than mine to the human invasion so he could probably speak more authoritatively on this." Fionn steps back, inviting his friend to step forward and speak of his lost homeland.
Dec 23, 2022 8:42 pm
That's a metric ton of backstory and conflict, delivered succinctly through dialog. Nice!
Also, the current complaint line is full. Please direct further complaints about BowlofSpinach to @PunLovingTroublemaker.

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