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Jul 21, 2016 1:09 am
I heard about PbP on a podcast recently and thought that it could be a viable output for me to delve into RPGs. I played one game of 3.5e d&d in college, and that is the extent of my RPG experience. I don't know many people interested in playing these types of games, and the slower pace of PbP seems up my alley.

As a newb, with only minor d&d experience, I have no idea what system would be best to play in, but I think I lean more towards storytelling. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Other identifying information, I'm a QAQC Lab technician at an enzyme producing plant, my house contains a menagerie of pets, and have found a passion in the arts and writing.
Jul 21, 2016 1:31 am
Hi CheshirePope! A lab tech at an enzyme plant? That sounds like the start to a spy or horror game already! Mind if I ask what cast you heard of GP on?

Don't fret being on the newer end. What sort of game do you want to play? Any particular theme/genre? Do you want to try something rules heavy or rules light?
Jul 21, 2016 2:20 am
One Shot Podcast posted 6/30/16.

Several times at work I have considered the optimal locations for attacking and recouping from zombie hordes, however, I think a lot of people consider that. Not many places of work have tanks of sulfuric acid though...

I think I would like to try out something rules light, centered more around exploration of the world and discovering plots and hidden motives. I would be content with anything fantasy, scifi, or horror as long at my fellow teammates and I jive well.

I know that is pretty vague, but hopefully that helps.
Jul 21, 2016 12:29 pm
Welcome to the site! For rules-light with emphasis on storytelling I highly recommend Dungeon World. Luckily, Diamond_Rhombus just created a game! Check it out here.
Jul 21, 2016 1:20 pm
Depending on the gm any system is open. My experience is the gm is more then will to teach you how to play mechanics wise. Pbp is more Roleplaying i feel and i think everyone can do that. So then it just depends what you feel like playing. Right now my fav has been FF stars games but i have enjoyed the 5e and savage worlds (which i had no clue about but my gm was super patient with me). Soon when i get time i will get on another new game. Just Letting all the new people to get a chance first.
Jul 21, 2016 2:00 pm
Greetings Cheshire! Welcome to GP and may your games be fun and fruitful!
Jul 21, 2016 3:24 pm
Welcome, CheshirePope! Apply to games you are intrigued by, but send a PM to the GM first (always good practice) about your inexperience. That way they will know how much they need to teach.

Lots of us play in games we've never played before; that's part of the appeal of a site like this.

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