Jan 13, 2023 2:28 am

"Our story began in a tavern..."
Though the cliché does not
The party has been together for some time now. Meeting along the way, adventuring, and more. It was not a tavern where they met, but a meeting at a tavern that brings them to their greatest journey yet...
Having only a small portion of renown in the capital city of Imprei, Lord's Perch. Yet, it seems their limited fame has been brought to the attention of one Arthur Rondelm, the kingdom's governor of affairs. One evening, the party received a letter from the governor, requesting that they come to the Rusted Buckler tavern as swiftly as they might.
Upon entry to the seedy establishment, they were led back to a private room that was rented out for their audience. Unfortunately, it would never happen. For as soon as the door swung in to the room, it was apparent that Sir Rondelm was asphyxiating - a silver flask was spilled out over the dark wood floor. The barmaid that led the party back shrieked as she ran to call for the city guard to come. Still struggling for breath, the dying man proffered a hastily scribbled note that read: "Find Ursula Dumein." He passed away just seconds after...
Guards then came bursting through the front door, flooding the tavern and surrounding it. The squad leader called out for the party to surrender, seemingly thinking that they were the culprits. The barmaid tried to protest the claim, but was taken away outside. With such numbers against them, it was decided that it would be best to surrender for the time being until they might be able to secure their innocence via a trial. However, instead of going to the city jail, the party was led down below, into the Imprei Oubliette...
Our adventure starts in a dark, dank dungeon...
Greetings everyone!
Recently, I decided to close down an Old School Essentials game due to loss of my steam for it. However, I still want to run something OSR - thus, here we are.
I've had an idea for an adventure for a couple of years now, but I've had difficulty trying to get a sense of duration for it. Well, let's see how it goes as a shorter venture, aye?
I have it set up as three acts, though I'm certain the first will likely take the longest. In terms of commitment from the players goes, I expect the game to take up the better part of the year, at the least. That's keeping in mind potential breaks, slow downs, etc.
As far as posting goes, I'd be looking at 4/week. I tend to not post Fri-Sun unless I have the mind for it/have something important to put up.
Now, the one thing to be decided is the system itself... While OSE is fun, not everyone has access to it since it is a paid product. Thus, I've decided to opt for more widely available systems. So far the potential options for the game are:
* Basic Fantasy
* For Gold & Glory
For those unfamiliar with the above:
* OSRIC is one of the closest OSR games to 1e D&D, with changes made here and there
* Basic Fantasy is more barebones in comparison to OSRIC, but quicker and easier to pick up and play. It also modernizes some mechanics, more notably ascending AC and stat modifiers that one would see today.
* For Gold & Glory is more in line with 2e D&D

Now, as far as players go, I'll probably be looking to bring in at least five people, capping out at seven. Lethality and luck go hand and hand with these games, so a larger party ought to be able to do well.
The following questions will act as a form of application for the game. There are no right or wrong answers, and don't worry, they're multiple choice ;)
Additionally, a short description of your potential character you wish to play would be wonderful.
Spoilering both would get great to keep things condensed.
[ +- ] Questions
Question 1: On a clear day you chance upon a strange animal, its leg trapped in a hunter's clawsnare. Judging from the bleeding it will not survive long.
A. Draw your dagger, mercifully ending its life with a single thrust.
B. Use herbs from your pack to put it to sleep.
C. Do not interfere in the natural evolution of events, but rather take the opportunity to learn more about a strange animal you have never seen before.
Question 2: One Summer afternoon your father gives you a choice of chores.
A. Work in the forge with him casting iron for a new plow.
B. Gather herbs for your mother who is preparing dinner.
C. Go catch fish at the stream using a net and line.
Question 3: Your cousin has given you a very embarrassing nickname and, even worse, likes to call you it in front of your friends. You asked him to stop, but he finds it very amusing to watch you blush.
A. Beat up your cousin, then tell him that if he ever calls you that nickname again, you will bloody him worse than this time.
B. Make up a story that makes your nickname a badge of honor instead of something humiliating.
C. Make up an even more embarrassing nickname for him and use it constantly until he learns his lesson.
Question 4: There is a lot of heated discussion at the local tavern over a group of people called 'Telepaths'. They have been hired by certain City-State kings. Rumor has it these Telepaths read a person's mind and tell their lord whether a follower is telling the truth or not.
A. This is a terrible practice. A person's thoughts are his own and no one, not even a king, has the right to make such an invasion into another human's mind.
B. Loyal followers to the king have nothing to fear from a Telepath. It is important to have a method of finding assassins and spies before it is too late.
C. In these times, it is a necessary evil. Although you do not necessarily like the idea, a Telepath could have certain advantages during a time of war or in finding someone innocent of a crime.
Question 5: Your mother sends you to the market with a list of goods to buy. After you finish you find that by mistake a shopkeeper has given you too much money back in exchange for one of the items.
A. Return to the store and give the shopkeeper his hard-earned money, explaining to him the mistake.
B. Decide to put the extra money to good use and purchase items that would help your family.
C. Pocket the extra money, knowing that shopkeepers in general tend to overcharge customers anyway.
Question 6: While in the market place you witness a thief cut a purse from a noble. Even as he does so, the noble notices and calls for the city guards. In his haste to get away, the thief drops the purse near you. Surprisingly no one seems to notice the bag of coins at your feet.
A. Pick up the bag and signal to the guard, knowing that the only honorable thing to do is return the money to its rightful owner.
B. Leave the bag there, knowing that it is better not to get involved.
C. Pick up the bag and pocket it, knowing that the extra windfall will help your family in times of trouble.
Question 7: Your father sends you on a task which you loathe, cleaning the stables. On the way there, pitchfork in hand, you run into your friend from the homestead near your own. He offers to do it for you, in return for a future favor of his choosing.
A. Decline his offer, knowing that your father expects you to do the work, and it is better not to be in debt.
B. Ask him to help you, knowing that two people can do the job faster than one, and agree to help him with one task of his choosing in the future.
C. Accept his offer, reasoning that as long as the stables are cleaned, it matters not who does the cleaning.
Question 8: Your mother asks you to help fix the stove. While you are working, a very hot pipe slips its mooring and falls towards her.
A. Position yourself between the pipe and your mother.
B. Grab the hot pipe and try to push it away.
C. Push your mother out of the way.
Question 9: While in town the baker gives you a sweetroll. Delighted, you take it into an alley to enjoy only to be intercepted by a gang of three other kids your age. The leader demands the sweetroll, or else he and his friends will beat you and take it.
A. Drop the sweetroll and step on it, then get ready for the fight.
B. Give him the sweetroll now without argument, knowing that later this afternoon you will have all your friends with you and can come and take whatever he owes you.
C. Act like you're going to give him the sweetroll, but at the last minute throw it in the air, hoping that they'll pay attention to it long enough for you to get a shot in on the leader.
Question 10: Entering town you find that you are witness to a very well-dressed man running from a crowd. He screams to you for help. The crowd behind him seem very angry.
A. Rush to the town's aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances.
B. Stand aside and allow the man and the mob to pass, realizing it is probably best not to get involved.
C. Rush to the man's aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances.
A. Draw your dagger, mercifully ending its life with a single thrust.
B. Use herbs from your pack to put it to sleep.
C. Do not interfere in the natural evolution of events, but rather take the opportunity to learn more about a strange animal you have never seen before.
Question 2: One Summer afternoon your father gives you a choice of chores.
A. Work in the forge with him casting iron for a new plow.
B. Gather herbs for your mother who is preparing dinner.
C. Go catch fish at the stream using a net and line.
Question 3: Your cousin has given you a very embarrassing nickname and, even worse, likes to call you it in front of your friends. You asked him to stop, but he finds it very amusing to watch you blush.
A. Beat up your cousin, then tell him that if he ever calls you that nickname again, you will bloody him worse than this time.
B. Make up a story that makes your nickname a badge of honor instead of something humiliating.
C. Make up an even more embarrassing nickname for him and use it constantly until he learns his lesson.
Question 4: There is a lot of heated discussion at the local tavern over a group of people called 'Telepaths'. They have been hired by certain City-State kings. Rumor has it these Telepaths read a person's mind and tell their lord whether a follower is telling the truth or not.
A. This is a terrible practice. A person's thoughts are his own and no one, not even a king, has the right to make such an invasion into another human's mind.
B. Loyal followers to the king have nothing to fear from a Telepath. It is important to have a method of finding assassins and spies before it is too late.
C. In these times, it is a necessary evil. Although you do not necessarily like the idea, a Telepath could have certain advantages during a time of war or in finding someone innocent of a crime.
Question 5: Your mother sends you to the market with a list of goods to buy. After you finish you find that by mistake a shopkeeper has given you too much money back in exchange for one of the items.
A. Return to the store and give the shopkeeper his hard-earned money, explaining to him the mistake.
B. Decide to put the extra money to good use and purchase items that would help your family.
C. Pocket the extra money, knowing that shopkeepers in general tend to overcharge customers anyway.
Question 6: While in the market place you witness a thief cut a purse from a noble. Even as he does so, the noble notices and calls for the city guards. In his haste to get away, the thief drops the purse near you. Surprisingly no one seems to notice the bag of coins at your feet.
A. Pick up the bag and signal to the guard, knowing that the only honorable thing to do is return the money to its rightful owner.
B. Leave the bag there, knowing that it is better not to get involved.
C. Pick up the bag and pocket it, knowing that the extra windfall will help your family in times of trouble.
Question 7: Your father sends you on a task which you loathe, cleaning the stables. On the way there, pitchfork in hand, you run into your friend from the homestead near your own. He offers to do it for you, in return for a future favor of his choosing.
A. Decline his offer, knowing that your father expects you to do the work, and it is better not to be in debt.
B. Ask him to help you, knowing that two people can do the job faster than one, and agree to help him with one task of his choosing in the future.
C. Accept his offer, reasoning that as long as the stables are cleaned, it matters not who does the cleaning.
Question 8: Your mother asks you to help fix the stove. While you are working, a very hot pipe slips its mooring and falls towards her.
A. Position yourself between the pipe and your mother.
B. Grab the hot pipe and try to push it away.
C. Push your mother out of the way.
Question 9: While in town the baker gives you a sweetroll. Delighted, you take it into an alley to enjoy only to be intercepted by a gang of three other kids your age. The leader demands the sweetroll, or else he and his friends will beat you and take it.
A. Drop the sweetroll and step on it, then get ready for the fight.
B. Give him the sweetroll now without argument, knowing that later this afternoon you will have all your friends with you and can come and take whatever he owes you.
C. Act like you're going to give him the sweetroll, but at the last minute throw it in the air, hoping that they'll pay attention to it long enough for you to get a shot in on the leader.
Question 10: Entering town you find that you are witness to a very well-dressed man running from a crowd. He screams to you for help. The crowd behind him seem very angry.
A. Rush to the town's aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances.
B. Stand aside and allow the man and the mob to pass, realizing it is probably best not to get involved.
C. Rush to the man's aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances.
Should there be any questions or things I might've missed/forgotten, feel free to bring them up!