03 - the boulders

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Jan 15, 2023 10:10 pm
How good are these look-outs?
Gonna give them +1 (because there are two of them) but they are not WC:


Look-outs notice Test - (1d6, RA)

(1) = 1

Jan 15, 2023 10:21 pm
You leave the fields behind you. The terrain quickly changes to being quite uneven with jagged rocks sticking out all over the place. Some the size of a fist, some much larger and of course some are veritable boulders, like the ones the look-outs have chosen for their vantage point.

It seems that because you guys know they are there, you can spot them - "Thank you, crow". One on one boulder, and one on another. Occasionally one sticks his head out and looks out and then the other. They each carry what looks like a huge bone club which they heft easily with one hand.

They seem to either turn their gaze far across the fields (wonder if they spot the rest of the clan yet?) or high up in the sky. The path to the mountains continues between those two boulders and at their narrowest are only about 3 or 4 meters wide. It's a good spot for a bottle-neck, but these look-outs are rubbish!
They have not noticed you approach. And you have noticed that they have noticed!
You can easily sneak up on them if you wanted to, or make yourself known or keep walking past them even. or perhaps even something else.
Jan 16, 2023 9:40 pm
Without making a sound, Ruko gestures to his clansfolk to carry on unseen towards the mountains, making the most to their stroke of luck.
Jan 16, 2023 9:44 pm
He nods at the Hunter and begins to follow in silemce, but keeps turning to the others to see if they will do the same, or if they will speak to the lookouts.
Jan 16, 2023 10:16 pm
Wait, I don't want to blow it--I thought we were approaching them?! OR would it make sense that Mag could be distracting them while Winterskull and Ruko continue on (and anyone else for that matter)? We didn't talk about that option, but we could do it on the fly and retcon it?! Thoughts????
Jan 16, 2023 10:31 pm
My preference was always not to attract their attention, and it looks like we now have a chance to sneak past them.

@Dunko: Not sure you need to distract them, as they do not see us yet. We could all just carry on past them. If we get spotted we deal with them then. But I am fine with you having Mag get himself noticed and try to negotiate with them. I do know that Wolfhowl's preference is to sneak into the mountain, so he will follow Ruko. Twist is not keen on getting killed, so she will also follow the larger group.

Hope that helps?

@Dr_B: What do you think?
Jan 16, 2023 10:36 pm
I think we should use this lucky turn of events to at least try to find a shelter unseen and try guide the rest of the clan to it - There will be time in the new day to make contact with the new tribe, but we would at least avoid potential warfare now, with the night so close
Jan 16, 2023 11:56 pm
If we are all agreement on that idea Wolfhowl can use his Survival skill (he has D8 in the skill) to mark a path thru the rocks that will, hopefully, keep our tribe screened from the other tribe. We might get away with it if the rolls go our way.
Last edited January 16, 2023 11:57 pm
Jan 17, 2023 12:59 am
Mag watches the lookouts as the party sneaks past. He's eager to see who these people are, instead he quietly agrees to the others and follows deeper into the foothills.
Jan 17, 2023 9:19 am
The "look-outs" are now "listen-outs". So they will get another Notice test (this time it is more based on hearing rather than sight, though). Still the same roll, though.
Every1 attempting to sneak past, please make a Stealth test. The TN is the "listen-outs's" Notice test bellow.


do they hear you? - (1d6+1, RA)

(1) + 1 = 2

Jan 17, 2023 10:00 am
Jan 17, 2023 3:52 pm
Twist and Wolfhowl rolling their Stealth
Haha! Wolfhowl passes by light a shadow in the night! Meanwhile Twist just about manages to keep her staff from knocking against the rocks as she drags it
Last edited January 17, 2023 3:53 pm


Wolfhowl - Stealth - (1d8, RA)

(883) = 19

Wolfhowl - Wild Dice Stealth - (1d6, RA)

(4) = 4

Twist - Stealth - (1d4, RA)

(2) = 2

Twist - Wild Dice Stealth - (1d6, RA)

(4) = 4

Jan 17, 2023 4:57 pm
spending 1 benny
Last edited January 17, 2023 4:57 pm


RUKO: Stealth* - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (1) = 1

RUKO: Stealth* (benny 1) - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (5) = 5

Jan 17, 2023 5:00 pm
rolls too


Winterskull: Stealth* - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (64) = 10

Jan 17, 2023 9:01 pm


Stealth Trait - (1d6, RA)

(64) = 10

Stealth Wild - (1d6, RA)

(2) = 2

Jan 18, 2023 9:48 am
Ulum and Ugo attempt to walk past the centries....


Ulum Stealth - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (1) = 1

Ugo stealth - (1d4-2, RA)

(3) - 2 = 1

Jan 18, 2023 9:50 am
5-1=4 bennies to Ulum (Beast Bond Edge)
As Ugo was about to step onto a twig, i pull him by his ear (gently!)


Ugo is clumsy - (1d4-2, RA)

(3) - 2 = 1

Jan 18, 2023 9:51 am
4-1=3 bennies to Ulum (Beast Bond Edge)
As Ugo was about to step onto a twig, i pull him by his ear (gently!)
No supper for this fat, little piggie!


Ugo is also blind! - (1d4-2, RA)

(41) - 2 = 3

Jan 18, 2023 10:01 am
Phew! that was a close one. The centries must be focused intensely on something else....

Creaping past the centries, the uneven jagged terrain continues maybe 30ft before it reaches the foot of the steep mountains. Directly in front of you is a cave opening. Outside are two small hairy humanoids. They have scraped out a little hole in the ground and seem to playing a game of sorts. Throwing some bones in and catching them, and flicking them with twigs etc.
Another child comes out of the cave. Goes up to one of the players, pulls the hair on his head and as the child tries to retaliate runs back into the cave. The two then carry on with their game.

Either side of your location the two big boulders upon which the centries hide continue to conceal your presence. With these Stealth rolls you can crouch and watch unobserved for a little. You can also hear more voices from withing the cave. Adult ones.

What now?
Jan 18, 2023 3:55 pm
Mag whispers to his companions. "So they are not just a warband. We can use that information. Maybe negotiation is a better option." He grunts at the twist fate has played.
Jan 21, 2023 10:50 am
"They will be alarmed to find us here, past their sentries. Perhaps it is best if one of us goes forward to talk to them, the rest staying behind, half visible. We can hint that there are many more of us, to gain more leverage." he whispers to the others. " The unseen makes people easy to fool. " he adds with a tooth-gaped grin.
he proposes for the group to stay half hidden, spreading in a wide arc around the cave entrance to look more numerous. Then for one of them, maybe himself as he looks not much of a threat, to step forward and talk to the cave occupants.
Jan 21, 2023 5:08 pm
Wolfhowl nods his agreement and gets ready to find a secure position.

Twist just scowls at Winterskull and says nothing.
Jan 21, 2023 7:34 pm
you are still safely hidden away. Will give it a few more days of real life / seconds of game time and then the sentries get another notice check.........
Jan 21, 2023 9:08 pm
Mag agrees, but offers, "I'll go back the way we came, and approach the sentries from the plains. If anything goes wrong, send the raven to the air and I'll rush in--we could all be dead at that point anyway, so Caution won't be a concern."
Jan 22, 2023 12:26 am
"If Mag will need the raven to signal him then it is best if Winterskull stays with the partially hidden group," Twist reminds the other in a whisper. "I say Ruko or Wolfhowl go talk with the hairy folk."
Considering how ugly/deformed Wolfhowl looks he may not be the best choice
Last edited January 22, 2023 12:27 am
Jan 22, 2023 8:51 am
so..... Mag walks out, leaves the rest between the boulders (hopefully hidden) and then makes himself known to the sentries. Right?
Jan 22, 2023 9:18 pm
That was my idea, but if others want to move a different direction we can! I wasn't sure if we intended to sneak all the way past, and check out the land further in the mountains or if we were gonna see what's up with these people.
Jan 22, 2023 10:06 pm
I think we set off to sneak past the sentries and explore beyond to find shelter. The fact that now we went unnoticed and have a chance to talk to the tribe chiefs/elders directly to see if they'll let us share their shelter is happenstance. We can try that, or carry on sneaking and look for our own shelter past this tribe.
Jan 22, 2023 10:07 pm
It is hard to know the best course of action, without any reference point on what these hairy people are like. Not sure if our tribe has ever met them before, traded, etc. Our aim is to find safer ground for our tribe, with ready food supply, etc. It would be great to sneak our whole tribe past them and explore further up the mountain, but that is unlikely to go well for us as our tribe is largish.

Maybe we have no choice but to talk to the hairy tribe, and see how it goes. They have a cave, so maybe there is room for all of us to shelter, and if they turn out to be friendly then we might gain some allies. If it all starts going horribly wrong hopefully we are strong enough to defeat them.
It sounds like we want to sneak past, and carry on further. Is that what you are both thinking? I agree with the strategy if it is
Last edited January 22, 2023 10:09 pm
Jan 23, 2023 9:09 am
Drakis2 says:
It is hard to know the best course of action, without any reference point on what these hairy people are like. Not sure if our tribe has ever met them before, traded, etc.
some good points there indeed. This would be a common knowledge check. Every1 can roll for it.
Jan 23, 2023 9:19 am
hmmmm...... nope.... nada off Ulum. He shrugs.


Com. Know. - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (3) = 3

Jan 23, 2023 5:45 pm
Mag thinks.


Common Knowledge Trait - (1d4, RA)

(3) = 3

Common Knowledge Wild - (1d6, RA)

(4) = 4

Jan 23, 2023 6:46 pm
Rolling Common Knowledge
"You are always telling tales of your hunts to the children and women Wolfhowl. What do you know of this tribe?" Twist pokes Wolfhowl painfully in the ribs.

"I have seen them before, and know something of them, yes," he rubs the sore point as he whispers back.
Last edited January 23, 2023 6:48 pm


Wolfhowl - Common Knowledge - (1d4, RA)

(3) = 3

Wolfhowl - Wild Dice Common Knowledge - (1d6, RA)

(64) = 10

Twist - Common Knowledge - (1d6, RA)

(2) = 2

Twist - Wild Dice Common Knowledge - (1d6, RA)

(2) = 2

Jan 23, 2023 11:30 pm


RUKO: Common Knowledge* - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (1) = 1

Jan 23, 2023 11:30 pm
rolls too
"My eyesight isn't that good... can't tell... I don't think I know these hairy ones. " he says pointing at his one eye, and shaking his head.
Last edited January 23, 2023 11:32 pm


Winterskull: Common Knowledge* - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (3) = 3

Jan 24, 2023 8:54 am
"These are the Buege ppl. Proud, territorial, fierce. Much dwindled in numbers; evidently...."
Jan 27, 2023 2:58 pm
"Well, let's see what they have to say. Maybe these strange times will make them seek an alliance."

Ruko waits for his companions to be in place as agreed: scattered in a wide arch and partially concealed, as if to give a sense of a larger group. Winterskull and his raven get ready too, in case the bird needs to be sent to call Mag back here to help.

He then steps forward in the open, walking towards the cave entrance, but careful not to get too close to the vulnerable children playing.
Once he is spotted, he will clearly lower his arms to the ground and show his open hands.

"Children, call your guardians, we want to talk." he says. "Tell them we are not here to fight. See?" he points at the weapons on the ground.
Jan 27, 2023 3:54 pm
please make a Persuasion (spirit) test...........
Jan 27, 2023 3:58 pm


RUKO: Persuasion* - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (663) = 15

Jan 27, 2023 4:03 pm
"See I was right. I told you he would put them at ease," Twist whispers to Winterskull and Wolfhowl, and she eases her hold on her weapons.
Jan 27, 2023 9:57 pm
From his crouch, Mag tightens his grip on his spear. "Yeah, we'll see..." he whispers back to Twist.
Jan 29, 2023 7:27 pm
Dr_B says:
can Ruko plz gimme a Linquistix test?
Jan 29, 2023 7:39 pm
he only has Language (Native), not sure it is what you need


RUKO: Language (Native) - (1d8, 1d6, RA)

1d8 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (3) = 3

Jan 29, 2023 8:15 pm
Ruko steps out and goes all William Shakespear on the hairy ppl.....
armed with the information from Wolfhowl with regard to the Buege ppl (made com. know. test with a raise)....
and despite a minor (-1) language barrier.....
Ruko strikes the perfect balance between a show of strength and respect to their territory and might.

Their reaction is as would be expected: initially, surprise as how you could have advanced so far into their position without being detected....
then a brief show of force of bone bashing and chimping out....
and once you do not budge either to attack or defend yourself their quickly quieten down.

Meanwhile the children that were playing, pretty much carry on after a brief pause to examine you. They do not feel threatened.

Forthwith an elder stagger out of the cave. He reminds you of Ugnult. only hairier and more bent over. His hairs are mostly white now. Either side of him are two of the nastiest looking Buege. Standing well over 6 feed with long muscular arms. They each carry a spear.

The elder approaches you with his guards, and scrutinizes Ruko mostly and gestures. He seems to be briefly indicating the children, the mothers and the warriors of his clan and utters a singular word with a strong accent: "Buege"
He then punches his chest and says: "Buege" (Wolfhowl will have heard of this guy - he is a bit of a legend as this clan seems to have his name)
He then punches Ruko on the chest and says: "You - who? How many - you? show Buege!"
You are all in character and can do whatever you like: linguistix tests, hide tests if you wanna carry on hiding, you can attack, you can do Notice, whatever.....
Jan 29, 2023 8:39 pm
Twist squeezes closer behind her boulder, trying to keep hidden, but she finds it difficult to stop herself from poking her head around the boulder to watch Ruko and the Buege.
She has no Stealth skill, so rolling unskilled
Last edited January 29, 2023 8:42 pm


Stealth - (1d4-2, RA)

(2) - 2 = 0

Wild Dice Stealth - (1d6-2, RA)

(5) - 2 = 3

Jan 29, 2023 8:41 pm
Wolfhowl grips his weapon, ready to help protect the group if the Buege decide to attack, but he remains hidden.

He scans around the area trying to spot for any danger from the other tribes people.
Last edited January 29, 2023 8:43 pm


Stealth - (1d8, RA)

(4) = 4

Wild Dice Stealth - (1d6, RA)

(63) = 9

Notice - (1d6, RA)

(5) = 5

Wild Dice Notice - (1d6, RA)

(5) = 5

Jan 30, 2023 11:57 pm
Ruko beats his chest too in response. "Ruko. There's many of us," he says making a wide gesture towards his half-hidden companions. "But we want no fight. We want shelter for the night. You understand? We are not here for war."
Feb 2, 2023 11:05 pm
Mag, picking up on the mood of Ruko's comment, stands up and steps out from his hiding place. He walks forward, showing the width of his shoulders, and size of his arms, but keeps his spear lowered at an unthreatening angle.

I'll show them I'm a force to be reckoned with, backing up Ruko's words, but that I'm no danger...yet, he thinks.
Feb 5, 2023 10:42 am
Buege gestures with his head towards where you are shuffling about:
Ruko and Mag have stepped out. As does Ulum and the pig.
Wolfhowl is hiding (ostensibly), and Twist is attempting to hide.
One of his bodyguards leaves his side to walk among you. (weather your Stealth test was successful or not they spot you).

Then he looks up at the "sentries" and barks a command and they go back to looking out. They then start chimping out again clearly alarmed by what they can see.

"Cave too small for your number. Women and children can stay a night - if you bring food"
Feb 5, 2023 11:38 am
Ruko looks at Mag by his side "What do you say? At least part of the clan will be sheltered... we have a little food..." he whispers.
Feb 5, 2023 11:54 am
"What about the elders?" he steps out from his hiding spot and calls out to Buege. The raven flaps its wings. "We can trade stories... men need to be united when gods fight..."
he wants to extend the sheltering deal to the elders, rolling Persuade to bargain


Winterskull: Persuasion* - (1d4, 1d6, RA)

1d4 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (65) = 11

Feb 5, 2023 2:33 pm
A curt nod Ruko. "Agreed. And it'll gives us time to prove our worth, to our new allies. "
Feb 6, 2023 1:25 pm
"Stories for me, food for my people. Field full of fresh meat. Bring cow to caveā€¦. Hurry; not much sunlight left."
Feb 6, 2023 4:36 pm
Wolfhowl will offer to trot off to meet the tribe, and tell them the news that shelter has been found so long as they trade with food.

"The hunt for meat is easy for Mag and Ruko, as you do not need me to track them for you."
Feb 6, 2023 4:37 pm
Twist smiles at the chief and finds a rock to sit down on to wait.
Feb 6, 2023 10:53 pm
"You have our gratitude, Buege. The children and women will soon be here. And our few elders," he adds pointing at Winterskull.

He turns to the clan and starts gathering the food they cut from the dead animal killed by the branch. He holds a leather satchel for others to drop their portion of food as a peace offering to Buege's tribe. "It's alright. Small price to pay to stay in the cave. Look: I'm putting mine in too," he says, giving the example.

To Mag, Wolfhowl and other able men he says, "let us prepare to leave, once the clan is here. We can find our own shelter, and we'll move faster alone."
Last edited February 6, 2023 10:55 pm
Feb 6, 2023 10:56 pm
is the food they carry with them a sufficient offer for Buege? Or did he want the whole dead animal carried here?
Last edited February 6, 2023 10:56 pm
Feb 6, 2023 11:33 pm
Yes, it sounded like the Buegge wanted us to go kill another cow for them? Mag and Ruko could probably do it pretty easily, and meanwhile Wolfhowl could get the non-hunters of the tribe up the caves
Feb 7, 2023 9:01 am
Dr_B says:
is the food they carry with them a sufficient offer for Buege? Or did he want the whole dead animal carried here?
He doesn't know about the half eaten corpse you found. He wants fresh food..... ;-)
Feb 7, 2023 9:04 am
Drakis2 says:
Wolfhowl will offer to trot off to meet the tribe, and tell them the news that shelter has been found so long as they trade with food.

"The hunt for meat is easy for Mag and Ruko, as you do not need me to track them for you."
His two bodyguards (who, though stooped slightly over, are still as tall as Mag) step forward with their spears.
"They will join you on the hunt"
Feb 7, 2023 9:27 am
The initial fight averted, Buege turn slightly and gestures. A young female comes out with a chalky-white powder-liquid. She places her hand in it and then places it on the face of the first body guard who lift his spear and growls. She repeats with the 2nd bodyguard who lifts his spear and howls.
"Step forward if you are joining the hunt....."
Feb 7, 2023 9:31 am
He steps forward and drags his pig by his ear. The woman slaps a white hand print on his face and he lifts his spear and lets out a boy-ish shout. And she does the same to the pig. He then stands by the Buege bodyguards.
Feb 7, 2023 1:46 pm
Ruko stops his meat collecting, having misunderstood Buege's request.
He leaves the meat bag with Winterskull and approaches the other tribe's woman who is doing the chalk markings.
"Me. I will hunt."

He observes the hunched, hairy woman up close, the first time he had a chance in such close.proximity. So different, yet... such human eyes.
Feb 7, 2023 3:34 pm
Ruko now has a white hand print on his face
Feb 7, 2023 3:37 pm
but narrower (female) with longer digits (monkey-ish). the finger imprint starts at the forehead and got up into your hair. with the ball of the palm being almost on your mouth (depending on size of head etc....) For Ulum..... it covers almost his entire face :-P
Feb 8, 2023 4:03 am
Mag steps forward to receive his handprint, his spear casually over his shoulder.
Feb 8, 2023 9:03 am
Dunko says:
Mag steps forward to receive his handprint, his spear casually over his shoulder.
Mag now has a white hand print on his face
Feb 8, 2023 2:59 pm
Wolfhowl is unsure if he needs the face mark, as he is not needed on the hunt, but after a few sharp words from Twist he steps forward and pushes his face towards the painter.
Feb 8, 2023 3:52 pm
Drakis2 says:
Wolfhowl is unsure if he needs the face mark, as he is not needed on the hunt, but after a few sharp words from Twist he steps forward and pushes his face towards the painter.
Wolfhowl now has a white hand print on his face

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