[OOC] 'Round the Table

Jan 18, 2023 9:46 pm
Chit for chat
Jan 18, 2023 10:26 pm
What's up my chat-chums?
Jan 18, 2023 11:32 pm
Hey there all! Looking forward to exploring the bottom of a pit trap with y'all!
Jan 19, 2023 12:35 am
Oh you're in there all right, but you're not alone XD
Jan 19, 2023 1:35 am
So what's the starting level? Seems we've known each other for a while now and have SOME sort of small town renown... Three?

Also, since BF has a lot of supplemental material and optional rules such as cantrips, various mage abilities, optional classes like assassin, illusionist, barbarian, etc, what will be allowed in?
Last edited January 19, 2023 1:36 am
Jan 19, 2023 1:53 am
Stop kidding yourself, Dom. You'll be playing a Dwarf Fighter or Cleric.
Jan 19, 2023 2:14 am
My father-in-law is in the ICU with heart trouble. I do want to participate and will try to keep pace, but if I miss a beat here or there, please be forgiving. I expect this will be at least through the weekend. They are putting a permanent pacemaker in him tomorrow and then he just has to conquer aspirational pneumonia and get his kidneys back on track. As many of you know, my wife is blind and I serve as her eyes, including driving her to visit him (45 minutes away).
Jan 19, 2023 2:30 am
cowleyc says:
Stop kidding yourself, Dom. You'll be playing a Dwarf Fighter or Cleric.
Dwarf fighter is just such a perfect adventurer...
Jan 19, 2023 2:31 am
Man I'm sorry to hear that WhtKnt, hope the good sir is okay.
Jan 19, 2023 3:11 am
It's fine, WhtKnt! We won't be playing proper for at least a week while I go over things.

That said, I was actually looking over most of the things available a la carte. I can certainly say the additional classes, cantrips/orisons, gnomes, and half-races are available for you lot.
I'm still determining the starting level because of the differing XP amounts. For now, players may go off of 5000 XP - which, funnily enough, is about 3rd level for most classes. I might raise that amount, since 5000 was the lowest is was thinking.
Jan 19, 2023 3:40 am
Rolling 3d6 straight down or assign at will or some other method?
Jan 19, 2023 5:04 am
I've been debating that too. I've been stuck between 3d6 vs 4d6... Hrrrmmmmm...
Y'know what, 3d6 will do fine. Down the line, with one free swap between stats.
Jan 19, 2023 6:10 am
Ho boy, here we go...


Attributes - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (116) = 8

3d6 : (126) = 9

3d6 : (646) = 16

3d6 : (111) = 3

3d6 : (366) = 15

3d6 : (543) = 12

Jan 19, 2023 6:11 am
Oh FFS... I don't think I've ever rolled a three before! Good gods, he's gonna be SOME sort of troglodyte, that's for sure 😂
Jan 19, 2023 6:58 am
Ooooooooough, now THAT is hilarious! Too bad an 18 wasn't in the mix, then you really would've had the min-max special. But hey! 15 & 16 ain't bad to compensate!
Jan 19, 2023 1:38 pm
Let's get this train a'rollin!

Three 14s in Str, Dex, and Cha. And 10s in Int, Wis, and a 9 in Con. I could swap Str and Int to make a dagger-throwing magic-user. Or stay as is for a good thief.

Really, this damn character could be anything. That's almost frustrating.
Last edited January 19, 2023 2:00 pm


Classy Stattys - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (365) = 14

3d6 : (136) = 10

3d6 : (154) = 10

3d6 : (554) = 14

3d6 : (333) = 9

3d6 : (446) = 14

Jan 19, 2023 1:53 pm
Difficult on a tablet, but lets see what I get.


Strength - (3d6)

(653) = 14

Intelligence - (3d6)

(416) = 11

Wisdom - (3d6)

(645) = 15

Dexterity - (3d6)

(262) = 10

Constitution - (3d6)

(224) = 8

Charisma - (3d6)

(443) = 11

Jan 19, 2023 2:00 pm
Surprisingly, I can live with these rolls. Looks like a good cleric to me, so I’m going with a dwarf cleric who complains about everything, but is extremely loyal to her allies. I’m swapping Charisma and Constitution.

Strength 14
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 15
Dexterity 10
Constitution 11
Charisma 8

Will have to wait until I can get to the books to do the rest.
Jan 19, 2023 5:11 pm
Could I perhaps swap two of my attributes? I'm thinking with a 3 stat the only truly viable course would be to make a half-ogre or bisren fighter or barbarian who's too stupid to even speak but feels eternal kinship and protectiveness over his companions for being the only people ever to not scream and spit at him.

I would want to swap Dex with Int and Str with Wis to end up with:

Str 16
Int 3
Wis 8
Dex 9
Con 15
Cha 12

Last edited January 19, 2023 5:35 pm
Jan 19, 2023 7:44 pm
I'm thinking of going with Tibor the Yellow (or Tibor the Subversive), Human Magic-User. He is known for causing as many problems as he solves, for the stagnation of society is one such problem he has sworn to correct.
[ +- ] Image of Tibor the Yellow
Jan 19, 2023 9:35 pm
Hello everybody :) looking forward to playing with you all. This is my first PbP game, so I might mess some things up at first.

But talk is cheap let’s roll some dice…


Str - (3d6)

(213) = 6

Int - (3d6)

(356) = 14

Wis - (3d6)

(365) = 14

Dex - (3d6)

(536) = 14

Con - (3d6)

(461) = 11

Cha - (3d6)

(124) = 7

Jan 19, 2023 10:23 pm
That would make for a decent druid, since you expressed interest in the previous thread.
Jan 19, 2023 10:24 pm
@dominion451 <insert "I'm going to allow this" meme from Futurama here>
Yeah, that sounds fine. Oughta make for an interesting character!

Damn though, the dice seem to be somewhat agreeable for everyone!

I'll try to get some more info up tonight when I get home from work; likely some info about the world and city. It is all still WIP and growing, so if you wanna help, feel free! Questions are what get the brain juices flowing.
Jan 19, 2023 11:10 pm
Thanks for that!

Max hp at first level or roll it all? Starting money for third level?
Last edited January 19, 2023 11:10 pm
Jan 19, 2023 11:16 pm
Some handy tables for thems who hates to search...

Jan 19, 2023 11:52 pm
Ah! Max HP - thanks for reminding me!
Jan 20, 2023 12:20 am
AbbyssalChimera says:
Ah! Max HP - thanks for reminding me!
Is that to say max hp at 1st, or max HP for all levels? Sorry, just your phrasing left me wondering :)
Jan 20, 2023 3:14 am
My wizard salutes you!
Jan 20, 2023 3:18 am
Making a few more rolls.

Edit: Whoops! The hazards of not finishing reading the thread. HP are 18, then.
Last edited January 20, 2023 3:20 am


Hit Points - (3d6)

(225) = 9

Gold (x10) - (3d6)

(123) = 6

Jan 20, 2023 3:25 am
Gotta keep my punching bags players alive some way, right?
Jan 20, 2023 3:52 am
True that! So how about starting gold/equipment?
Jan 20, 2023 4:05 am
Drova worships a god of martyrs and/or hardships and believes that hard work is its own reward. She is ready except for her gold and equipment. She complains about nearly everything, often casting herself as the martyr, but is fiercely loyal to her allies. I have submitted her sheet for approval.
Jan 20, 2023 5:45 am
dominion451 says:
True that! So how about starting gold/equipment?
For now, roll the 3d6 x10 as normal. Your gear won't be with you at the beginning until it's returned.
Jan 20, 2023 7:30 am
cowleyc says:
That would make for a decent druid, since you expressed interest in the previous thread.
True. I would go Elf Druid, if that is okay with everyone.

Will check back in after work and dig myself into the rulebooks :D
Last edited January 20, 2023 7:35 am
Jan 20, 2023 4:41 pm


Result x10 - (3d6)

(251) = 8

Jan 20, 2023 4:45 pm
Gold for services rendered.


Gold (x10) - (3d6)

(153) = 9

Jan 20, 2023 5:41 pm
Starting gold...


Gold x 10 - (3d6)

(156) = 12

Jan 20, 2023 7:17 pm
Nice to meet you Yunera!

Looks like we have:

Hopefully we get another fighter and/or a thief!
Jan 20, 2023 7:52 pm
Really looking forward to playing with you all ^^.

I have my first draft for Vallana the Druid:
[ +- ] Short Backstory and Image
Thought I keep it on the short side, since OSR characters have a habit of dying on me pretty fast.

Btw: If I do anything that does not conform to PbP culture (or I do something else wrong) do not hesitate to give me feedback :D
Jan 20, 2023 8:08 pm
In the spirit of OSR, let's roll for some spells!

I'll swap out the second and third rolls since otherwise it would double up on Read Magic.

Looks like...Protection from Evil, Sleep, and Mirror Image.

That is, of course, assuming that I'm just starting with a few spells. I'm happy with whatever.
Last edited January 20, 2023 8:14 pm


Magicks! - (1d12, 1d12, 1d12)

1d12 : (9) = 9

1d12 : (11) = 11

1d12 : (8) = 8

Jan 20, 2023 8:27 pm
[ +- ] "Bull" the Bisren barbarian
Last edited January 20, 2023 8:28 pm
Jan 20, 2023 8:54 pm
Hello everyone,

Sorry, I'm a little late to the party. Here are some dice rolls!


STR - (3d6)

(125) = 8

INT - (3d6)

(224) = 8

WIS - (3d6)

(452) = 11

DEX - (3d6)

(644) = 14

CON - (3d6)

(662) = 14

CHA - (3d6)

(435) = 12

Starting Gold (x10) - (3d6)

(635) = 14

Jan 20, 2023 9:20 pm
Hi Bosko_b! Looks like a pretty decent thief you got there!
Jan 20, 2023 9:36 pm
Bosko_b says:
Hello everyone,

Sorry, I'm a little late to the party. Here are some dice rolls!
Welcome :D
Jan 21, 2023 11:58 am
I would have liked to make a Dwarf fighter - in that case, I would swap my STR with DEX.

Or do you think the party would need a Thief? In that case, I can make a Halfling Thief. Let me know your thoughts.
Jan 21, 2023 1:44 pm
I could always swap out my Magic-User for a Gnome Thief, or Thief-Illusionist.

Done. Gnome Thief/Magic-User is submitted. He may not be good at anything, but that just means he's bad at...

Wait. Crap.
Last edited January 21, 2023 2:58 pm
Jan 21, 2023 4:38 pm
A party can never have too many fighter types, especially in old skool DND. Ultimately make what you want but a dwarven fighter will be aces.
Jan 21, 2023 5:06 pm
I've submitted Thardroth my Dwarf Fighter! All should be in place according to what was agreed upon. I'll just have to purchase my starting equipment.
[ +- ] Thardroth
Last edited January 21, 2023 5:09 pm
Jan 21, 2023 9:13 pm
Okay, update for your characters! Up your XP to the total of 20,000~!
Jan 21, 2023 9:21 pm
Wow that's a lot of XP! What do we do for equipment? Do we purchase it with our starting gold?
Jan 21, 2023 9:39 pm
Yowza! High level adventure we're on here!
Jan 21, 2023 11:20 pm
Stay with your starting gold for now. Other things shall be supplied once the time comes.

I'm giving that XP because of the pace I want to keep, along with the potency of the BBEG that you lot will be facing, along with their minions.
Jan 22, 2023 11:04 am
Just out of curiosity, is there a way to see other people's character sheets?
Jan 22, 2023 2:39 pm
Bosko_b says:
Just out of curiosity, is there a way to see other people's character sheets?
Yes, but only if they've shared the sheet publicly. Many folks don't like to share theirs, for a plethora of reasons. I'm just finishing some touches in mine before Jigum goes public.

The sheets also need to have been accepted, which they haven't as of yet.
Last edited January 22, 2023 2:44 pm
Jan 22, 2023 6:29 pm
Here is my sheet of you need inspiration, also the code is in the spoiler so if you click quote on my post you can copy/paste the code into a sheet and change the details.

"Bull" the Bisren Barbarian
[ +- ] Sheet code
Last edited January 22, 2023 6:32 pm
Jan 22, 2023 9:03 pm
Here is my sheet. Do I have to do something special to make it public?

Val, the Druidess
Last edited January 22, 2023 9:04 pm
Jan 23, 2023 1:43 am
My sheet is shared to the library when she is okayed for use, though I need to bring up her level.
Jan 23, 2023 2:00 am
My father-in-law passed away at 2:04 am this morning. I will be taking a few days to be with my wife during her time of grief and will return shortly. Thank you for understanding.
Jan 23, 2023 6:35 pm
Oof, I think I overextended myself on games, and I'm going to have to drop out of this one before it takes off. Better now than in the middle of an adventure. It looks super promising, and I hope you all enjoy!
Jan 23, 2023 10:09 pm
I'm sorry to hear, Wht. Take all the time you need; I'm still getting maps and the like together before we start.

I had a fairly nasty headache, so I'll go ahead and look over the sheets that have been submitted. I'll put up the first thread for the actual game roughly around Wednesday for everyone to RP in while we wait for any other potential players to join.
Jan 23, 2023 11:07 pm
No!!! cowleyc!!!

Sorry for your loss WhtKnt, hope your family is ok.
Jan 23, 2023 11:39 pm
Ah shoot, of course I was on the wrong page when I posted :\

Sorry to hear that you're leaving the game, cowleyc, but I tooootally understand where you're coming from.
Happy gaming!
Jan 26, 2023 4:30 am
Hello fellow adventurers! I’m excited to join the party and looking forward to future glory. I’ll hope fully have a character ready in the morning.
Jan 26, 2023 1:27 pm
Jan 27, 2023 9:13 am
Welcome :D
Jan 28, 2023 1:04 am
Evening* all!

I'll get myself a character rolled up asap: is it still 3D6 down the line, swap a pair, sort equipment, gain 20K xp?

* other times are available
Jan 28, 2023 7:02 pm
seanfsmith says:
Evening* all!

I'll get myself a character rolled up asap: is it still 3D6 down the line, swap a pair, sort equipment, gain 20K xp?

* other times are available
Hiya! Yup you got it!
Jan 28, 2023 10:55 pm
I will update Drova today or tomorrow.
Jan 29, 2023 9:55 am
I somehow had 10k xp written down, must have been confused at the time. Will update Val today :D
Jan 29, 2023 5:26 pm
It started off as 10,000 XP but then the DM upped it to 20 k
Jan 29, 2023 6:06 pm
rite here's me rolls:


Stats in order, then coin - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (636) = 15

3d6 : (234) = 9

3d6 : (543) = 12

3d6 : (362) = 11

3d6 : (264) = 12

3d6 : (321) = 6

3d6 : (356) = 14

Jan 29, 2023 6:13 pm
and with hp


being health points - (5d8)

(66775) = 31

Jan 29, 2023 6:38 pm
How is it we create new character sheets to add to the game itself?
[ +- ] Scharle Midwinterbreakfasttide
Jan 30, 2023 12:04 am
seanfsmith says:
and with hp
DM gave us max HP to start
Jan 30, 2023 12:05 am
seanfsmith says:
How is it we create new character sheets to add to the game itself?
[ +- ] Scharle Midwinterbreakfasttide
Use a "custom" sheet on the sheets page. There are some fancier one available but just pasting your stuff onto a custom is fastest/easiest
Feb 1, 2023 2:48 am
Aye, thank ye, Dom!

Welcome in btw!

I'll be putting up the first thread for everyone to RP in while we wait for the return of Whtknt and characters who are not yet finished. There's another invite out, but they seem to be ignoring it, sadly. Even sent out a pm to make sure that they got it directly - nothing back.
Feb 2, 2023 2:11 pm
Yep, thanks Dom! And thanks for having me AC :D I've been meaning to give BFRPG a proper play for a good while now (I default to OSE in my home games)
Feb 2, 2023 8:16 pm
AbbyssalChimera says:
Aye, thank ye, Dom!

Welcome in btw!

I'll be putting up the first thread for everyone to RP in while we wait for the return of Whtknt and characters who are not yet finished. There's another invite out, but they seem to be ignoring it, sadly. Even sent out a pm to make sure that they got it directly - nothing back.
I noticed that the thread is locked. I wanted to do my first post soon and just check if it is locked on purpose ;)
Last edited February 2, 2023 8:17 pm
Feb 3, 2023 3:36 am
Okay, Drova is up to date and ready for play. Since we begin with no gear, I didn't bother to purchase any. Should I do so?
Last edited February 3, 2023 3:36 am
Feb 6, 2023 11:30 pm
Oh crap, I knew there was something I forgot to do after I finished... I'll get right on it!
Feb 6, 2023 11:31 pm
WhtKnt says:
Okay, Drova is up to date and ready for play. Since we begin with no gear, I didn't bother to purchase any. Should I do so?
No, you should. You'll get it back once things get underway
Feb 11, 2023 4:59 pm
Sorry for the delay folks: I've been mired in festival preparations !

For some reason I can't select my character to post as: is there something I or you need to do @AbbyssalChimera?
Feb 11, 2023 9:03 pm
Will get Drova's equipment sometime shortly. Been knee-deep in the funeral and family from both sides for the last several days.
Feb 13, 2023 6:29 am
seanfsmith says:
Sorry for the delay folks: I've been mired in festival preparations !

For some reason I can't select my character to post as: is there something I or you need to do @AbbyssalChimera?
Yeah, I need to approve the character first. I haven't really been mentally available to look or post things since last Tuesday. I've been trying to not push myself too hard that I might burn myself out accidentally (yes, it's unfortunately happened before TuT)
I'll try to read over everything and post tomorrow if I don't get swamped with work.
Feb 13, 2023 6:34 am
Frankly I have so many games going on that I like to have a couple that take their time. No rush here mate.
Feb 13, 2023 10:01 am
Take all the time you need. I think that most people that gm (or even play) know that feeling.
Feb 14, 2023 1:02 am
dominion451 says:
Frankly I have so many games going on that I like to have a couple that take their time. No rush here mate.
Strong same here! No rush in the slightest
Feb 14, 2023 1:27 am
Awww, thanks everyone! Making a girl blush here XD

I've got it fairly easy tonight at work, so I can be a bit more active.
Feb 14, 2023 1:30 am
Definitely no rush here. I have a convention that I'm helping run the first weekend in March and I'm knee-deep in setting up for that.
Feb 14, 2023 1:40 am
Oh fuuun. What kind of convention is it, if I might ask?
Feb 14, 2023 1:47 am
I'm super jealous, I had to pass on strategicon last weekend cuz I'm saving my money for my Everest trip in March.
Feb 14, 2023 2:33 am
@seanfsmith your sheet has been approved!
Feb 14, 2023 3:32 am
CoastCon is a sci-fi/fantasy convention, but we also have a lot of gaming (the largest gaming area in the southeastern US). I'm in charge of the entire gaming area and my wife runs the convention (she's the director).
Feb 14, 2023 3:50 am
One of these days I'm going to have to fly out to Mississippi to see it.
Feb 14, 2023 4:27 am
Ooooo, very niiice
Mar 6, 2023 10:37 pm
I will be traveling to Nepal on the 12th of this month thru the 29th and will have spotty internet at best. I'll try to keep up on my downtime as best I can.
Mar 7, 2023 1:33 am
Holy crap, that's quite the destination! Thanks for the heads up :)
Mar 13, 2023 5:13 pm
dominion451 says:
I will be traveling to Nepal on the 12th of this month thru the 29th and will have spotty internet at best. I'll try to keep up on my downtime as best I can.
Enjoy the food! Growing up in Kent UK we had quite a large local Nepalese population and the restaurants were consistently incredible.
Mar 22, 2023 7:38 am
Hello. I am terribly sorry, but I will have to leave play-by-post for now. There is a lot going on I am currently missing to energy to post and read regularly. I hope you can find a good replacement for me soon.

Thanks for letting me be a part of this and try it out!
Mar 23, 2023 9:56 pm
Welp, got a bit of a pickle here now. Player gone, one's away on vacation, and another seeming vanished. Bosko is about to be 2 weeks inactive. Unless they return, we're down to just three players. I could try putting up another ad, but I think there might not be many bites since I pulled in everyone that was interested previously, with the exception of one ignored invite.
I'll give it some thought, but I might wind up shelving the game sadly.
Mar 24, 2023 12:10 am
Yeah, Bosko has likewise disappeared from my Temple of Elemental Evil game. I'm game to stay with it if you want to continue, but I completely understand if you shelve it.
Mar 24, 2023 12:53 am
My luck with running any osr games has not been stellar, aside from the last one.
Mar 24, 2023 12:53 am
My luck with running any osr games has not been stellar, aside from the last one.
Mar 24, 2023 5:53 pm
I'd be happy playing with a small team of three, or understand too if it's easier to shelve the game! Such is the frustrating reality of pbp alas
Mar 27, 2023 10:11 pm
Unfortunately, yeah.

I'll give it another day or two to think things over. Thanks everyone for understanding.
Mar 29, 2023 5:36 pm
I'm back! Bummer about the attrition but such is PbP, eh? I'd love to keep going regardless of number of players, I think our last OSR game ran well with three didn't it? I'd also be very happy to go back to the other game and revive Datura.
Apr 4, 2023 11:03 pm
Alright, we'll give it a shot then. If not, I would be open to doing some sandbox adventuring again. Might do a bit better.
Apr 5, 2023 12:57 am
Any which way you decide
Apr 5, 2023 3:55 pm
I too would be happy with things going whichever way!
Apr 11, 2023 2:53 am
Er, @WhtKnt , it's just an attack roll like in modern games. There's no THAC0. Str mod plus your attack modifier.
Apr 11, 2023 6:34 pm
Kk. I'll make it that way going forth. I just figured that it was easier for the GM to do it the other way. No problem.
May 5, 2023 6:09 pm
Sorry I've been awol this past week ─ I've been laid down with a mighty cold
May 10, 2023 3:29 am
No probs, I've been busy with my mom. She just got out of the hospital last Saturday.
May 10, 2023 3:04 pm
Hope she's in as best health as can be x
May 10, 2023 10:33 pm
It's been rough on her, but for now she's feeling better. Dialysis is a thing now, so that's fun. Can't have any of her favorite things now, such as nuts and cheese. Shopping is going to be THAT much tougher now that I'm having to look out for sodium, potassium, and phosphorus :\
May 10, 2023 10:47 pm
I feel you, my dad is on the renal diet for dialysis too.
May 11, 2023 12:46 am
It's rooough
Jun 14, 2023 9:50 pm
Just a heads-up: my wife is having a hip replacement Friday, so for the next six weeks, she is going to be in recovery mode and I will be handling the house. If I'm late with posts, please be forgiving.
Jun 15, 2023 2:16 am
Hope she has a speedy recovery sir!
Jun 15, 2023 7:11 am
Aye, hope she recovers well after that.

Speaking of which, I've been thinking of shelving this game in favor of doing something more sandbox-y with smaller quests and the like. I feel like I've lost people on this one, so it'll be going back to the drawing board.
Jun 15, 2023 2:36 pm
I'm for that. I like playing Bull and all but it's tough trying to stick to dialogue that reflects a 3 intelligence lol! I can't really progress the story at all or put together clues... Just "hur dur smash wit rok"
Last edited June 15, 2023 2:36 pm
Jun 15, 2023 3:12 pm
Works for me. Let me know if you want me back and I'll be there!
Jun 15, 2023 9:14 pm
Oh you're certainly welcomed! I'll just need to take some time to flesh bits out some more. Gods, settlements, etc etc.
I'll keep this game open until then to give updates when they come.
Jun 21, 2023 11:16 am
So, just to have a bit more of a focus, would it be preferred to keep to Basic Fantasy? I kinda keep looking towards OSRIC, or even heading back to OSE at some point. It's more for mechanics I'm thinking about this, as well as available races and creatures.
Jun 21, 2023 2:32 pm
Can't go wrong with fantasy. I've been re-reading the Dying Earth books by Vance in honor of the new Dying Earth DCC release and I'm super into the "fantasy born of dead tech" theme of his world.
Jun 21, 2023 8:43 pm
I'm good with any of the above. I have Basic Fantasy, OSRIC, OSE, and DCC, and am proficient in all four.

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