[OOC] 'Round the Table
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Also, since BF has a lot of supplemental material and optional rules such as cantrips, various mage abilities, optional classes like assassin, illusionist, barbarian, etc, what will be allowed in?
That said, I was actually looking over most of the things available a la carte. I can certainly say the additional classes, cantrips/orisons, gnomes, and half-races are available for you lot.
I'm still determining the starting level because of the differing XP amounts. For now, players may go off of 5000 XP - which, funnily enough, is about 3rd level for most classes. I might raise that amount, since 5000 was the lowest is was thinking.
Y'know what, 3d6 will do fine. Down the line, with one free swap between stats.
Attributes - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (116) = 8
3d6 : (126) = 9
3d6 : (646) = 16
3d6 : (111) = 3
3d6 : (366) = 15
3d6 : (543) = 12
Three 14s in Str, Dex, and Cha. And 10s in Int, Wis, and a 9 in Con. I could swap Str and Int to make a dagger-throwing magic-user. Or stay as is for a good thief.
Really, this damn character could be anything. That's almost frustrating.
Classy Stattys - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (365) = 14
3d6 : (136) = 10
3d6 : (154) = 10
3d6 : (554) = 14
3d6 : (333) = 9
3d6 : (446) = 14
Strength - (3d6)
(653) = 14
Intelligence - (3d6)
(416) = 11
Wisdom - (3d6)
(645) = 15
Dexterity - (3d6)
(262) = 10
Constitution - (3d6)
(224) = 8
Charisma - (3d6)
(443) = 11
Strength 14
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 15
Dexterity 10
Constitution 11
Charisma 8
Will have to wait until I can get to the books to do the rest.
I would want to swap Dex with Int and Str with Wis to end up with:
Str 16
Int 3
Wis 8
Dex 9
Con 15
Cha 12

But talk is cheap let’s roll some dice…
Str - (3d6)
(213) = 6
Int - (3d6)
(356) = 14
Wis - (3d6)
(365) = 14
Dex - (3d6)
(536) = 14
Con - (3d6)
(461) = 11
Cha - (3d6)
(124) = 7
Yeah, that sounds fine. Oughta make for an interesting character!
Damn though, the dice seem to be somewhat agreeable for everyone!
I'll try to get some more info up tonight when I get home from work; likely some info about the world and city. It is all still WIP and growing, so if you wanna help, feel free! Questions are what get the brain juices flowing.
Max hp at first level or roll it all? Starting money for third level?
Edit: Whoops! The hazards of not finishing reading the thread. HP are 18, then.
Hit Points - (3d6)
(225) = 9
Gold (x10) - (3d6)
(123) = 6
Will check back in after work and dig myself into the rulebooks :D
Looks like we have:
Hopefully we get another fighter and/or a thief!
I have my first draft for Vallana the Druid:

From a very young age Vallana ("Val" for her friends) was selected to be inducted into a druidic circle ("Circle of the fallen Moon"). As part of the circle’s training young acolytes are stripped of their last name. Since the circle itself accepts acolytes from multiple species, including humans and halflings, she did not have a typical elven upbringing. The day she became of full age she was sent out as part of her training to become a full-fledged druid or Lorespeaker. Now she must wander 7 years and learn about the world and finally find her druidic name.
Most would describe her as strange and cold, showing little emotion to strangers which often makes her an outcast when visiting civilization. People familiar with her soon learn that she also has a warm and caring side to her and has trouble showing it. To help with her quest she decided to join a group of adventures in hope of making a name for herself…
Btw: If I do anything that does not conform to PbP culture (or I do something else wrong) do not hesitate to give me feedback :D
I'll swap out the second and third rolls since otherwise it would double up on Read Magic.
Looks like...Protection from Evil, Sleep, and Mirror Image.
That is, of course, assuming that I'm just starting with a few spells. I'm happy with whatever.
Magicks! - (1d12, 1d12, 1d12)
1d12 : (9) = 9
1d12 : (11) = 11
1d12 : (8) = 8

Alignment: Neutral
Class: Barbarian
Level: 3
Attack Bonus: +2
Movement: 45'
Armor Class: 10
Hit Points: 39 / 39
Strength: 16 (+2 melee h/d)
Intelligence: 3 (illiterate)
Wisdom: 8
Dexterity: 9
Constitution: 15 (+1 hp/lv)
Charisma: 12
DR/Poi: 11
Wand: 12
Plys/Stn: 14
Breath: 15
Rd/Stf/Spl: 16
Broken Common (a few words only)
Special Skills:
Gore 1d6
Charge +2 at, x2 dm, x2 mv, -2 ac
Feats of Strength +1
- Open stuck door 4 in 6
- Open locked door 4 in 10
While wearing leather or less:
Alertness: can't be backstabbed by thief of same level or lower.
Only surprised 1 in 6
Surprise enemies 3 in 6
Movement +5'
Rage: 1/day, 10 rounds, +2 at/dm, +2 save VS mind spells, -2 ac
Normal Items:
Great Axe 1d10 15lb (taken)
Chain mail AC15 40lb (taken)
Large Sack (all taken)
- water skin 2lb
- hemp rope 50' 5lb
- torches x6 1lb
Magic Items:
Encumberance: 0
Light 70 / Heavy 180
Category: Light
20 sp (taken)
Experience: 5000
Needed for Next Level: 10000
Seven feet tall with the head of a bison and the mark of the lash all over his body.
Born into a peaceful tribe of Bisren but taken from his home when slavers slaughtered his village and forced to become a gladiator. Freed from the fighting pits when his companions happened upon them, now eternally grateful for their kindness and friendship he travels across the land keeping them safe as they search for adventure.
Sorry, I'm a little late to the party. Here are some dice rolls!
STR - (3d6)
(125) = 8
INT - (3d6)
(224) = 8
WIS - (3d6)
(452) = 11
DEX - (3d6)
(644) = 14
CON - (3d6)
(662) = 14
CHA - (3d6)
(435) = 12
Starting Gold (x10) - (3d6)
(635) = 14
Sorry, I'm a little late to the party. Here are some dice rolls!
Or do you think the party would need a Thief? In that case, I can make a Halfling Thief. Let me know your thoughts.
Done. Gnome Thief/Magic-User is submitted. He may not be good at anything, but that just means he's bad at...
Wait. Crap.

I'm giving that XP because of the pace I want to keep, along with the potency of the BBEG that you lot will be facing, along with their minions.
The sheets also need to have been accepted, which they haven't as of yet.
"Bull" the Bisren Barbarian
Alignment: Neutral
Class: Barbarian
Level: 5
Attack Bonus: +4
Movement: 45'
Armor Class: 10
Hit Points: 65 / 65
Strength: 16 (+2 hit/dmg)
Intelligence: 3 (illiterate)
Wisdom: 8
Dexterity: 9
Constitution: 15 (+1 hp/lv)
Charisma: 12
DR/Poi: 11
Wand: 11
Plys/Stn: 13
Breath: 14
Rd/Stf/Spl: 15
Broken Common (a few words only)
Special Skills:
Gore +6, 1d6+2
Charge +2 at, x2 dm, x2 mv, -2 ac
Feats of Strength +1
- Open stuck door 4 in 6
- Open locked door 4 in 10
While wearing leather or less:
Alertness: can't be backstabbed by thief of same level or lower.
Only surprised 1 in 6
Surprise enemies 3 in 6
Movement +5'
Rage: 1/day, 10 rounds, +2 at/dm, +2 save VS mind spells, -2 ac
Normal Items:
Polearm +6, 1d10+2 15lb (taken)
Battleaxe +6, 1d8+2 7lb (taken)
Leather Armor AC13 15lb (taken)
Shield AC+1 5lb (taken)
Large Sack (all taken)
- water skin 2lb
- hemp rope 50' 5lb
- torches x6 1lb
Magic Items:
Encumberance: 50lb
Light 70 / Heavy 180
Category: Light
31 gp (taken)
20 sp (taken)
Experience: 20,000
Needed for Next Level: 40,000
Seven feet tall with the head of a bison and the mark of the lash all over his body.
Born into a peaceful tribe of Bisren but taken from his home when slavers slaughtered his village and forced to become a gladiator. Freed from the fighting pits when his companions happened upon them, now eternally grateful for their kindness and friendship he travels across the land keeping them safe as they search for adventure.
Val, the Druidess
I had a fairly nasty headache, so I'll go ahead and look over the sheets that have been submitted. I'll put up the first thread for the actual game roughly around Wednesday for everyone to RP in while we wait for any other potential players to join.
Sorry to hear that you're leaving the game, cowleyc, but I tooootally understand where you're coming from.
Happy gaming!
I'll get myself a character rolled up asap: is it still 3D6 down the line, swap a pair, sort equipment, gain 20K xp?
* other times are available
I'll get myself a character rolled up asap: is it still 3D6 down the line, swap a pair, sort equipment, gain 20K xp?
* other times are available
Stats in order, then coin - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (636) = 15
3d6 : (234) = 9
3d6 : (543) = 12
3d6 : (362) = 11
3d6 : (264) = 12
3d6 : (321) = 6
3d6 : (356) = 14
ST.15.+1 IQ.09 WS.12 DX.11 CN.12 CH.06.-1
D.07 W.07 P.09 B.11 S.11
hobbit fighter 5th 20kXP
ATK +5.ml,+6.ms; +1 init.
+2 AC vs big bois
well hidden: 10% outisde; 30% inside
EQ: battleax (D8+1), shortbow (20 arrows a-quiver, 50'+, D6), chainmail (15AC), backpack, wetskin, 10' pole, 50' silk rope, hooded lantern (2 oils a-flask), padlock (2 keys), 80sp. (lb: 68)
ST.15.+1 IQ.09 WS.12 DX.11 CN.12 CH.06.-1
D.07 W.07 P.09 B.11 S.11
hobbit fighter 5th 20kXP
ATK +5.ml,+6.ms; +1 init.
+2 AC vs big bois
well hidden: 10% outisde; 30% inside
EQ: battleax (D8+1), shortbow (20 arrows a-quiver, 50'+, D6), chainmail (15AC), backpack, wetskin, 10' pole, 50' silk rope, hooded lantern (2 oils a-flask), padlock (2 keys), 80sp. (lb: 68)
Welcome in btw!
I'll be putting up the first thread for everyone to RP in while we wait for the return of Whtknt and characters who are not yet finished. There's another invite out, but they seem to be ignoring it, sadly. Even sent out a pm to make sure that they got it directly - nothing back.
Welcome in btw!
I'll be putting up the first thread for everyone to RP in while we wait for the return of Whtknt and characters who are not yet finished. There's another invite out, but they seem to be ignoring it, sadly. Even sent out a pm to make sure that they got it directly - nothing back.
For some reason I can't select my character to post as: is there something I or you need to do @AbbyssalChimera?
For some reason I can't select my character to post as: is there something I or you need to do @AbbyssalChimera?
I'll try to read over everything and post tomorrow if I don't get swamped with work.
I've got it fairly easy tonight at work, so I can be a bit more active.
Thanks for letting me be a part of this and try it out!
I'll give it some thought, but I might wind up shelving the game sadly.
I'll give it another day or two to think things over. Thanks everyone for understanding.
Speaking of which, I've been thinking of shelving this game in favor of doing something more sandbox-y with smaller quests and the like. I feel like I've lost people on this one, so it'll be going back to the drawing board.
I'll keep this game open until then to give updates when they come.