Setting Info

Jan 21, 2023 11:18 pm
Lord's Perch
Capital of the country of Imprei

The city is situated within the basin of the Crescent Cloven mountain range, at the center of the kingdom. The basin's floor is a rising hill that plateaus several hundred of feet up the base of the largest mountain of the range. Along the hill are various deep ridges that form pseudo cliffs that become fewer in number and depth as the top of the road is reached. Along the way, a few farming towns tend to the rich, hardy soil that lends much of it's produce to the capital.

The city is somewhat reminiscent of Minas Tirith, save that the city naturally inclines with the crest of the hill. It was originally founded as an ancient, abandoned elven city when the kingdom was born some 400 years ago. As such, various elven architectural designs can be found all over its construction. Several walls mark the various "crescents" that make up the city's districts. Starting from the topmost/smallest and reaching out to the lowest/largest, the Crescents are:
* Celestial
* Gilded
* Silver
* Copper
* Verdant

This crescent is where the Alabaster Throne, castle and ruling seat of the royal family, is located. The castle is shaped like that of a crescent moon, overlooking a front courtyard that features a magnificent fountain with the statue of a silver dragon as its centerpiece. Beautiful trees line the sides of the walls as small gardens are tended beneath their branches.

Home to the wealthy nobles and affluent merchants, the Gilded crescent lines the outer wall of the Celestial. Fine museums and shops may be found here, as well as two colleges: The Azure Spire and Cromsford University.
The Azure Spire is perhaps one of the most noticeable features of the city as it reaches up into the heavens - at least, that's how it appears. The tower is enchanted with a powerful dweomer that makes it appear as if it is larger than it is at a distance, shrinking as one nears it. Rumors say that it was placed their by its third headmaster, wishing to draw those curious of the arcane arts forth as it is a place where magi of various paths might come to learn and grow. It also serves as the seat of the Imprei Mages' Guild, where any aspiring mage must register if they wish to continue their practice.
The Cromsford University is much more like a traditional school, offering classes of all variety, as well as boasting an impressive library.

The various temples of the gods and their champions are found here, along with the more moderately wealthy homes. This is the crescent where the most stores may be found, as well as the Oloris Bazaar where many come from far and wide to peddle their exotic wares.

While not explicitly slummy, the Copper crescent is home to those of lesser wealth. Numerous warehouses and workshops around here in the first of two crescents without a wall.

The Verdant crescent is made up of the rest of the hill, sprawling down to Fort Dunwich as the foot. It encompasses all the farmlands and settlements that reside there. Barracks for the city guard are set up at each one should the fair folk be attacked or have need of them.
Deities, Gods, & Champions
Tirasan is home to the worship of various deities and pantheons. In Imprei, these are the most known gods that have either the most widespread worship or revilement:

* Gollan - God of Creation & Rebirth
* Solarion - God of Light, Renewal, and Vitality
* Lunais & Marinne - Twin Goddesses of Love, Duality, and Night
* Ekimnore - God of Lust, Dreams, and Prophecy
* Jornna - Goddess of Nature and Agriculture
* Mirabella - Goddess of Knowledge, Magic, and Commerce
* Urbain - God of Battle, Blood, and Sport
* Tyrn - God of Justice, Protection, and Family
* Rosabella - Goddess of Trickery, Art, and Vengeance

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