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Jan 25, 2023 2:22 pm
All of you have worked together before, and when the game begins you all are together.

First one to answer gets to set the scene: where are all of you? In a bar? In an office? At the threshold of action?

It's important to the isekai conceit that you start in the "real world" and step into the Other. Or maybe the Other comes to you. We'll see.
Jan 25, 2023 3:00 pm
I think we are at a funeral. One of our crew didn't make it out of the last mission.
Jan 25, 2023 3:34 pm
Randeep Singh's wife, elderly parents and uncle, young cousins, and teenage brother sit with you on metal folding chairs in the dimly-lit gurudwara. They all are barefoot and wearing knee-length white robes. His wife and mother wear white leggings under the robes. Ashe, his wife, holds baby Maddy, who also is dressed in white.

There is no body to view, so everyone is uncomfortable. The granthi stands at a solid-looking lectern, reading scripture. Everyone else sits silently. None of you (player characters) understand the words of the scripture. Randeep's older family members have attentive expressions, Maddy is asleep, and the teenage brother is looking out the window.

After about twenty minutes, the granthi closes the book from which he has been reading. He bows to the mourners and begins to walk around, shaking hands goodbye.

It is acceptable to talk now.

What did each of you wear to the funeral? What do you say to the family?
Jan 26, 2023 12:03 am
Janus wore a sports jacket that was just a bit too small--so hard to find jackets in his size. A grey shirt and a thin black tie.
Janus shuffles over to the teenage brother.
"Randeep spoke of you often. Are you going to keep your promise, never to join up?"
He puts a hand on the edge of the window.
"Randeep was sure you'd be amazing, with your wits and speed-- but it meant more than anything to him... to keep you out of the zones. "
Memories of Randeep throwing rocks down a scar in one of the caverns, and laughing as it unleashed an unholy sound while devouring the stone, flood to the front of him mind. Janus is pretty sure this youngster won't have Randeep's sense of humor. This kid looks too serious.

He sniffles, fighting back the grief. He's going to miss his friend and his stupid jokes.
Last edited Jan 26, 2023 2:13 am
Jan 26, 2023 1:09 am
Lili didn't really own "nice" clothes; the best she could do was her one non-ripped pair of jeans, a white shirt, and a dark blazer one size too large that she bought at the thrift store yesterday, along with a deep purple tie that hung around her neck. She figured it might be nice to wear something that matched her hair color, and she never looked half bad in ties. All in all, it was barely acceptable as funeral wear, but people that knew her- Randeep included- would be surprised she even dressed up this much.

Normally she didn't cover her scars; the right half of her face was badly burned, from chin to hairline, going back to behind her ear. For today, she decided to wear a black face mask, and cover the rest in bandages. She didn't really want to make a grieving family more uncomfortable. As it was, she already looked incredibly out of place, both here in this moment, and as a member of the squad.

Lili waits for Ashe to have a free moment. "I, uh, worked with Randeep," she says. "Really great guy. Uh, yeah, gonna be missed. Sorry for your loss." She's trying to keep this short both so she can get out of this awkward situation, and Ashe can have time to mourn with her family, rather than a weird-looking coworker of her late husband.
Last edited Jan 26, 2023 3:43 am
Jan 26, 2023 2:12 pm
Death is nothing new to Chuck. It comes with the territory when you're a paramedic, so he's learned over the years to not let it get to him when he witnesses it.

What he's not prepared for is seeing his best friend die a horrific death right in front of him. It's scarred him deeply. Chuck did something he learned never to do as a paramedic; promise the person he's working on they won't die. Chuck worked hard to save Randeep, knowing it was pointless. Nobody can survive that much physical trauma. Fortunately Randeep wasn't in pain long, maybe a couple of minutes from wound to death. Chuck took solace in that.

Standing in the corner, Chuck is working himself up to giving his condolences to Ashe. Observing Lili talk to Ashe from afar, Chuck steels himself and lines up behind Lili. After Lili moves on, Chuck tentatively approaches Ashe and respectfully bows his head, "Ashe, I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Randeep was like a brother to me. I'll miss him terribly." He sighs deeply, then works his way across the room to find another place where he can be relatively isolated.

When he finds a suitable location he mumbles to himself "I'll pay a visit to Ashe next week" as he adjusts his old blue sport coat that is slightly too small. Appearance isn't something Chuck really pays attention too, which explains his slightly mis-matching jacket, pant, and shirt combination. It's one of those combinations that almost works, but not really.
Last edited Jan 26, 2023 2:42 pm
Jan 27, 2023 4:39 pm
It becomes clear that the Singh family in general are deeply uncomfortable with Randeep's absence and your presence, even though Ashe specifically had reached out to each of you to let you know when and where the funeral would be. There are too many awkward handshakes before you go out into the sunshine of a beautiful spring day. Randeep's family stay in the dimness and privacy of the gurudwara.

Randeep had been training one of you as the team leader, his 2IC. (whoever posts next is the team leader.) Your phone has a special ring tone for Trouble. What does it sound like?
Jan 27, 2023 9:46 pm
Janus' phone blares out with the old-school brass bell sound, three sharp beats, then a long piercing one.
He makes eye contact with everyone to follow him to his truck.

Once in the parking lot, in the shadow of his Range Rover, he flips the phone open and puts it on Speaker.
Last edited Jan 27, 2023 9:47 pm
Jan 27, 2023 10:09 pm
"April Flowers, here" says the female voice on the phone. Janus knows the response: "May rain, there."

"Go to the Kent Library," she continues. "It's across the Bay, it's on GPS. In the past 24, six people come out of there who speak no language known to us, but everyone can understand them. They're talking about multiple gods they're afraid of. Refugees. We don't want anything following them out. You know the drill. Find the weirdstone, break it. Get back before the gap closes." A pause. She's waiting for questions.
Jan 27, 2023 10:39 pm
Chuck squirms a little, the memory of the last mission still fresh in his head. "Any details on these gods or refugees. Do we have any intel that may help when we get in there?"
Jan 27, 2023 11:46 pm
"Yeah, did the mapper drones return yet?" Janus asks. He can't recall how many times having at least some sort of map before going in has made all the difference. "And is this event Level 2 authorized? We always like having extra gear."

Randeep said "always ask for extra gear. The worst that can happen is they say no." Janus asked just like Randeep used to, and it takes a moment to fight back the grief caused by the memory.

Janus looks to Lili and points to the GPS, and does that facial expression as if to ask "do you know this part of the city?"
Last edited Jan 27, 2023 11:48 pm
Jan 28, 2023 12:16 am
Monkey's paw, she thinks. A mission was NOT how she wanted to escape awkward social interaction. Having a job come in during a funeral for someone who didn't survive the last one was a real sort of poetic irony, and a grim reminder of the dangers they faced. Lili may not have been part of the crew for long- she was shunted into the job as a sort of community service, a way for the government to put her rap sheet to good use- but she felt like the team treated her enough respect for her to watch their backs. Made Randeep's passing a bit harder than she expected.

She lights a cigarette and gives Janus a nod. "I'm familiar with the area, lot of good orgs do community outreach stuff at the library. Who knows what it looks like now, though."
Jan 28, 2023 6:24 pm
"You're first officials to the scene," Ms. Flowers responds. "You can stop by the Depot in Apolis to pull some gear. Including a drone."

GPS is telling you that it's about an hour and ten minutes drive to Kent Library. You'll have to cross the Bay on that rickety bridge that waves in the wind.

Any other questions?
Jan 28, 2023 9:00 pm
Janus I think is good to go. Just so I understand, we have no more details on the gods or refugees?
Jan 28, 2023 9:52 pm
That's right. It's a developing situation.
Jan 29, 2023 12:11 am
Heading out sounds good to me. Maybe we all hop in Janus' truck and hit it?
Jan 29, 2023 9:50 am
I was waiting for character to be finished to post as Joe, and then go too busy real life 😅. Will try to catch up today. If not, I can be either already there or join you later in character as well
Jan 29, 2023 2:19 pm
Joe wore his best suit to the funeral. He knows that a well-groomed wolf is more respected and easier to accept. And given the reason for bringing them together in the gurudwara, he thought he should look his best. He sniffs the tension during the ceremony, and, as soon as given the opportunity, he catches Ashe gently taking her hand on his paws. "I am very sorry your loss. Randeep was truly one in a million. Only him to be as cheerful when all other lost hope. We will carry his light with us and so should you. In his memory. " He lets go of her and finishes by adding "Randeep was one of the pack. Remember that we will be there for you if you need something. No wolf is left behind."

Joe follows the others and listens to the conversation, though he doesn't add anything to the discussion. He knows that the pack must move, and he will move with it.
ready to break some stones and bite some gods!
Jan 29, 2023 2:23 pm
Ok! New thread for the "real world" front to the adventure.

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