Hello, GamersPlane, Kaharka is here

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Jul 25, 2016 10:39 am
I'm a novice DnDeer looking for a play-by-post campaign based on DnD 5e. Right now I am unable to get involved in a roll20 or similar voice/video campaign, but I would pretty much love to join an existing PbP campaign or start anew with a whole new bunch of people, here on GamersPlane. I am also available for daily posting, so that shouldn't be a problem.

I have some experience in DnD 5e playing rogues, fighters and clerics, had an ongoing live campaign (LMoP) until people dropped out because of the summer holidays, I'm pretty versatile and I love creating new characters. Most of my RP experience comes from playing MMORPGs like LotRO, Age of Conan, WoW and a bunch of other games, among them RPGs and RTSs.

My characters are usually anti-heroes, people with a dark history, redeemers and golden-hearted guns-for-hire. Or swords-for-hire. They're the kind of people who tend to surprise others, in good deeds or in bad.

A few words about myself: I love ancient and medieval history, I'm passioned about anthropology, I'm a fan of film noir, spaghetti westerns, pulp novels, fantasy, jazz, blues, hard rock and electronic music.

I'm also an amateur fantasy writer and one of the main reasons I started playing this kind of games is the need to test my characters against those of others. You might call it character training: I want their flaws to be flawless, if you know what I mean.

That should about cover it, glad to become a part of this community, if you got advice or questions, please comment below.
Jul 25, 2016 12:50 pm
Welcome Kalharka, glad to meet to you. As you may have guessed, PBP seems to work well for characterization. The time allowed to craft a post gives you a better chance to explore your characters own reactions, while at the table, we often worry more about pacing.

Have a look under our New Player Guide (a work in progress) for some tips to getting started.
Last edited July 25, 2016 12:51 pm
Jul 25, 2016 12:58 pm
Welcome Kaharka! Did you tend to join RP servers in MMOs? Seems like it'd be your type. 5e is definitely popular right now, so it shouldn't take long to find a game. Be sure to go to the Games section and set your LFG settings; it'll email you when a game of that setting gets created.
Jul 25, 2016 1:30 pm
Thanks for your answers, folks!
I only joined RP servers in MMOs :)
And Keleth, thanks for the help, I will add my own profile to the Looking for Games section.
Thanks again!
Jul 25, 2016 4:52 pm
Kaharka says:

I only joined RP servers in MMOs :)
I, like many, have played a ton of WoW. I tried RP servers, but found no sign of RP. I think that in certain guilds, it was probably more predominant, but as a mostly solo PVE player, not so much.
Last edited July 25, 2016 5:24 pm
Aug 1, 2016 5:26 pm
Welcome to the site. You will be hooked on this very easily

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