
Jan 28, 2023 9:41 pm
This is information directly below is reproduced here from the Occupations entry for your convenience. Located afterwards is the current list of available, mundane perks.

Each occupation grants a character 2 perks at character creation. A character can gain extra perks through the Career Advancement feat. Perks can provide the following benefits:

·Professional Reputation: granting the character an extra Reputation bonus of +4.
·Professional Salary: granting the character an extra Wealth bonus of +4.
·Skill Modification: Many skills have additional uses that can only be accessed through perks.
·Misc: Some occupations have unique perks as well, benefits that can only be accessed by a member of that profession.

One of the advantages of perks is that a character can change them several times over the course of his career. Anytime a character advances in his profession, the character may change his perks as well. A character is considered to have advanced in his profession whenever any of the following occurs:
·The character gains ranks in one or more of their professional skills
·The character gains one or more improved feats from his occupation
·The character gains additional perks through selecting the Career Advancement feat.
·The character gains a level
·The character changes jobs

Athletic EnduranceRanks in EnduranceYou can take this perk multiple times. Each time you do, it multiplies the time between Acrobatics and Athletics checks by your Constitution modifier; the first time you take it is x2, the second time by x3, etc. Normally, you can only make a number of Athletics or Acrobatics checks during a scene equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1)
Burst FireRanks in Marksmanship, Training with a weapon capable of automatic fireWhen using the attack action with a weapon capable of automatic fire, the character may take a - 4 to all their attacks, and spending 5 bullets per attack, you deal two more damage die with each attack.
Called ShotRanks in the Marksmanship skillYou can negate the penalty for targeting a specific area of the target’s body with a ranged attack equal to half your ranks in Marksmanship. This ability can never result in a bonus; it simply serves to negate any penalty.
ChameleonRanks in Artistry, Criminality, or DeceptionSelect one of the Skills required for this perk that you have ranks in. It grants you the Disguise skill use with that skill.
Computer EngineeringRanks in ComputersYou can create a computer
ConjurerRanks in ConjurationYou have been studing the eldritch and the unknown, learning how to contact other planes of existence for knowledge, and summoning being from beyond this reality in an attempt to gain their aid and service. You have bound two minor spirits to your service, selected from the Minor Spirits list. These spirits can only be seen by you and those who can see beyond the Mask. In addition you may begin to take Conjuration feats.
CrackingRanks in Computers or CriminalitySelect one of the Skills required for this perk that you have ranks in. It grants you the Cracking skill use with that skill. Note that the Security skill gains this use for free.
Craft Acids and BasesRanks in ChemistryYou can create Acids and Bases
Craft ElectronicsRanks in EngingeeringThis grants you the Craft Electronics skill use with Engineering. Note that the Mechanics skill gains this use for free.
Craft Explosives Ranks in ChemistryYou can create explosives
Craft Mechanical ObjectsRanks in EngingeeringThis grants you the Craft Mechanic Objects skill use with Engineering. Note that the Mechanics skill gains this use for free.
Craft Pharmaceuticals Ranks in Chemistry or MedicineYou can create known pharmaceutical cures for diseases
Craft Poisons and AntidotesRanks in ChemistryYou can create poisons and/or the antidotes to poisons
Craft recreational drugsRanks in ChemistryYou can create recreational drugs
Craft StructuresRanks in EngingeeringThis grants you the Craft Structures skill use with Engineering. Note that the Mechanics skill gains this use for free.
Defeat Security Systems and ProceduresRanks in Computers or CriminalitySelect one of the Skills required for this perk that you have ranks in. It grants you the Defeat Security Systems and Procedures skill use with that skill. Note that the Security skill gains this use for free.
Double Tap Ranks in Marksmanship, Training with a weapon capable of semi-automatic fire When attacking with a weapon capable of semi-automatic fire, you may two Double Tap Attacks per attack. These are made at an accumulative -1 penalty per Double Tap attack after the first Double Tap Attack.
Drug Lore Ranks in Chemistry or CriminalitySelect one of the Skills required for this perk that you have ranks in. It grants you the Drug Lore skill use with that skill. Note that the Streetwise skill gains this use for free.
Embezzlement Ranks in CriminalityThis grants you the Cracking skill use with Criminality. Note that the Bureaucracy skill gains this use for free.
Fast PunchRanks in Maneuvering, Ranks in Melee, Training with Unarmed AttacksWhen you perform a fast punch you reduce all damage inflicted this round by unarmed attacks to the minimum that can be rolled. Your minimum attack roll this round is equal to your ranks in the Maneuvering and Melee skills.
FlurryRanks in Maneuvering, Ranks in Melee, Training with Unarmed Attacks You can make one additional unarmed Flurry attack for each successful normal unarmed attack you make while taking the attack action. These Flurry attacks are made at the penalty they had originally, plus an additional - 2. The Flurry attacks can miss and not negate any other Flurry attacks.
Force Stop Ranks in Vehicle Ops When you sideswipe another car, you can cause the driver to lose control. This is an opposed check.
Forgery Ranks in CriminalityThis grants you the Forgery skill use with Criminality. Note that the Linguistics skill gains this use for free.
Gang Lore Ranks in Bureaucracy or CriminalitySelect one of the Skills required for this perk that you have ranks in. It grants you the Gang Lore skill use with that skill. Note that the Streetwise skill gains this use for free.
Group CohesionRanks in LeadershipOn a successful Leadership check, you can allow those you lead to act as though they possessed the Teamwork feat. This use of the Leadership skill lasts a number of rounds equal to your ranks in this skill. If you use this use of the Leadership skill on a group that already possesses the Teamwork feat, that group acts as if they possess the Esprit de Corps feat instead.
Identity TheftRanks in Computers, Criminality, or SecuritySelect one of the Skills required for this perk that you have ranks in. It grants you the Identity Theft skill use with that skill.
Inspire CourageRanks in LeadershipOn a successful Leadership check you can grant those you lead a bonus on all attack rolls and Will saving throws to resist fear equal to 1/5 your ranks in leadership, rounded up (Minimum of +1). This use of the Leadership skill lasts a number of rounds equal to your ranks in this skill
Inspire FerocityRanks in LeadershipOn a successful Leadership check, you can grant those you lead a bonus on all melee damage rolls equal to 1/5 your ranks in leadership, rounded up (Minimum of +1). This use of the Leadership skill lasts a number of rounds equal to your ranks in this skill.
Invent Mechanical ObjectsRanks in MechanicsThis grants you the Invent Mechanical Objects skill use with Mechanics. Note that the Engineering skill gains this use for free.
Joint Lock Ranks in Maneuvering, Training with Grapple By attacking the extremities of your opponent, you can hinder his performance for the rest of the battle. If you successfully make a targeted grapple attack with this perk (the attack must target a specific hit location rather than a randomly rolled hit location) the hit location suffers a minor injury. This ability can only ever cause mild injuries.
Long-term careRanks in MedicineYou can help a patient’s body recover on its own. This is vital for coma patients and situations where surgery has failed. When rolling a Recovery check, patients under your long term care treat their minimum roll as your ranks in the Medicine skill. If assisted by 2-4 trained assistants (who also possess ranks in the Medicine skill) you can provide long-term care to a number of patients equal to your ranks in the Medicine skill. If working alone, you can provide long-term care to one-quarter that number (rounded down).
Money LaunderingRanks in CriminalityThis grants you the Money Laundering skill use with Criminality. Note that the Bureaucracy skill gains this use for free.
ParryRanks in MeleeAs a bonus action, while unarmed or wielding a melee weapon, you can place yourself into the en garde position. Until the start of your next turn, your Defense Score against Melee attacks is equal to 10 + your ranks in Melee + your Dexterity Modifier.
Power Punch Ranks in Maneuvering, Ranks in Melee, Training with Unarmed Attacks By taking a –5 penalty on all unarmed attacks this round, you inflict 2d10 bonus damage with them. You also add 1.5 times your Strength bonus (if any) to all unarmed attacks on a round you are performing a power punch.
Precision Strike Ranks in Melee You can negate the penalty for targeting a specific area of the target’s body with a Melee attack equal to half your ranks in Melee. This ability can never result in a bonus; it simply serves to negate any penalty.
Professional ReputationNoneGrants the character an extra Reputation bonus of +4.
Professional SalaryNoneGrants the character an extra Wealth bonus of +4.
Psychology Psychologist or Parapsychologist Occupation This use of the Insight skill allows you to understand a target better, and allows you to predict their future behavior. It grants you advantage on all Insight checks made to discern a target's Personality Traits, and Investigation checks made to predict a target's motivation and possible future actions. You may also use the Insight skill to diagnose mental trauma and illnesses, and grants you advantage on a skill checks made to help a target change his behavior and/or recover from mental trauma and illnesses. The DC of the Insight skill check is opposed by the target's Total Static Composure +10 if they don't know you are using this ability, or if they do, and they don't want you to get a read on them, they can choose to roll a Composure saving throw or make an opposing Deception check. If this check fails, you cannot use any aspect of Psychology on the same target for the next 24 hours, since the target is too hard for you to currently read. Additionally, if you have successfully used Psychology on a subject in the past 24 hours, at the beginning of an encounter, you automatically succeed at your Instinct checks to avoid Surprise, assuming they initiate combat.
Reactive Stance Ranks in Maneuvering As an action, you can take a Reactive Stance. Until the start of your next turn, if an opponent attacks you, you can use your Reaction to have a chance to negate their attack and attack them back with whatever weapon you have in hand. Make an attack roll. Your minimum attack roll is equal to your opponent’s attack roll, or your total static Maneuvering skill +10, whichever is higher. If on your attack roll you roll higher than your opponent, their attack is negated.
RepairsRanks in Engingeering or Vehicle OpsSelect one of the Skills required for this perk that you have ranks in. Note that the Mechanics skill gains this use for free. Also note that the Vehicle Ops version of this skill only applies to Vehicles.
RiposteRanks in MeleeWhile you are using Parry, when a creature misses a melee attack against you due to Parry, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the creature. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus plus your Dexterity modifier after taking a short rest.
RitualistRanks in Occultism, Unmasked perkYou have delved into dark and forbidden knowledge of the supernatural arts. This requires a great deal of study, but it helped you tap into new worlds and dimensions of power. As a bonus action, you can call out for supernatural aid and touch an ally to provide them with +2 General Bonus to all saving throws for 10 rounds. Additionally, you can begin taking Ritualism Feats and ranks in the Conjuration skill.
Skillful Threat8+ Ranks in desired skill Select a Skill that you have at least 8 ranks. The skill's threat range changes from 20 to 19-20.
Slow MetabolismRanks in MeditationYou have learned how to slow your body’s metabolism substantially. This allows you to hold your breath for twice as long as you would normally be able to, or to simulate death. Holding your breath with this skill use is automatic. Simulating death is an opposed roll vs the Perception or Medicine roll of any character checking you for vital signs.
SurgeryRanks in MedicineThis use of the Medicine skill allows you to heal lethal damage in others. The DC of this skill check is 20 +1 per 10 points of lethal damage your patient has suffered. If this check is successful, 1d6 points of lethal damage per rank in the Medicine skill is healed, plus the subject can spend Hit Dice to heal as well. Typically, Surgery can only be performed on the same patient once per day, but the maximum any doctor can heal is 6 points of damage per rank in the Medicine skill; this includes the amount healed by the patient's spent Hit Dice. Once this amount of damage is healed, the patient must wait another 24 hours. If this check fails, no damage is healed and surgery cannot be performed on this target again until some lethal damage is healed naturally (through a successful Recovery saving throw).
TumbleRanks in AcrobaticsYou can move across difficult terrain at full speed, and Disengage as a bonus action.
UnmaskedGM's PermissionYou are one of the select few can perceive the reality of magic and monsters; you can see beyond the Mask. This also means that the things that stalk the darkness just aren't as terrifying; you treat all Spooks as one step lower, which also means that minor spooks no longer have any sort of effect on you.
Very skillful threat12+ Ranks in desired skill, Skillful Threat Perk Select a Skill that you have at least 12 ranks in, and selected for the Skillful Threat perk. The skill's threat range changes from 19-20 to 17-20.
Jan 30, 2023 2:58 am
Minor Spirits
These minor spirits are presented in alphabetical order. If a minor spirit calls for an attack roll or Save DC, it uses your Conjuration skill roll. If the target cannot see beyond the Mask, they are treated as being Surprised, and must make a Horror check against a Medium Spook.

Blade Spirit The shattered remnants of a weapon spirit, a blade spirit manifests as a faint, ethereal weapon that defends you, granting you a +2 Bonus to Defense. As a bonus action, you can make a melee attack with it against a target within 5 feet of you, dealing 1d8 slashing damage on a hit, although this removes your +2 bonus to Defense until the start of your next turn.

Chill A chill is a minor elemental spirit resembling a multifaceted snowflake. As a bonus action, you can make a ranged attack with it against any creature within 30 feet of you, dealing 1d6 cold damage on a hit. Additionally, as an action, you can also use the chill to freeze a handheld object, create an icicle, or extinguish a torch or small campfire.

Glitch Abruptly shifting and flashing, the glitch is a time-lost spirit from a distant era. As a bonus action, you can make a ranged attack with it against any creature within 120 feet of you, dealing 1d4 force damage on a hit. The glitch ignores all but total cover as it clips through solid objects.

Grue A ravenous spirit that haunts dark places, the grue is feared for its stealth and acidic saliva. As a bonus action, you can use the grue to cause a creature within 15 feet to make a Reflexes saving throw or take 1d6 acid damage. If the target is in darkness, it takes 1d8 damage.

Haunt A haunt is a spirit of regret or woe which persists long its death. As a bonus action, you can use the haunt to cause a creature within 30 feet to make a Reflexes saving throw or take 1d6 necrotic damage. Additionally, as an action, you can use the haunt to project faint, ethereal noises or create up to four ghostly lights which move as you direct. These effects must remain within 30 feet of you, and last until the beginning of your next turn. This is considered a Minor Spook for those who cannot see beyond the Mask.

Lantern A minor divine spirit of pure goodness, a lantern manifest as a fist-sized ball of light. As a bonus action, you can use the lantern to cause a creature within 30 feet to make a Reflexes saving throw or take 1d6 radiant damage. The lantern sheds light as a torch. You can use your action to brighten the lantern such that it sheds bright light in a 40-foot radius and dim light an additional 40 feet until the beginning of your next turn. This is considered a Minor Spook for those who cannot see beyond the Mask.

Stone A stone is a rocky, hovering elemental spirit, the smallest unit of living elemental earth. As a bonus action, you can make a ranged attack with it against a target within 15 feet of you, dealing 1d8 bludgeoning damage on a hit. Additionally, when an effect forces you to move, you can move 5 feet less than the effect specifies, and you gain advantage on saving throws made effects that would make you prone. This effect is removed until the start of your next turn when you use the spirit to attack.

Spark A spark is a minor elemental spirit, resembling a small blue bolt of crackling lightning. As a bonus action, you can make a ranged attack with it against any creature within 30 feet of you, dealing 1d6 lightning damage on a hit. On a successful attack, you can repeat this attack roll against a second target within 5 feet of the first.

Strange The shifting, incomprehensible form of a strange must originate in a far-off dimension whose rules differ from our own. As a bonus action, you can use the strange to cause a creature within 60 feet to make a Resolve saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage. As an action, you can use the strange to cloud the thoughts of a creature within 30 feet with bizarre images, making it impossible for its thoughts to be read, or for it to use telepathy, until the end of your next turn.

Torchling A torchling is a flickering, living flame, a minor elemental spirit of elemental fire. As a bonus action, you can make a ranged attack with it against any creature within 60 feet of you, dealing 1d6 fire damage on a hit. Additionally, as an action, you can use the torchling to start a fire, melt snow or ice, or boil water. This is considered a Minor Spook for those who cannot see beyond the Mask.

Totem A totem is a manifestation of an animal spirit. As a bonus action, you can make a melee attack with the totem’s bite against a target within 5 feet of you, dealing 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Additionally, you can use your action to channel your totem’s animal instincts, allowing you to make a Perception check that relies on scent with advantage.

Wisp This wisp is a faintly-glowing spirit of capricious fey energy which produces poisonous spores. As a bonus action, you can use the wisp to cause a creature within 15 feet to make an Endurance saving throw or take 1d8 poison damage. The wisp shines light as a torch. This is considered a Minor Spook for those who cannot see beyond the Mask. As an action, you can cause the wisp and its light to be visible only to yourself until the end of your next turn.

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