ACT I | Part 1 - The Imprisoned

Feb 1, 2023 6:56 am
Visions of last night pass through everyone's unconscious minds. The poisoned governor, the frantic barmaid, barking guards swarming into the tavern, ending with sharp pains striking the backs of your heads...

The still sore and pounding lumps are likely the first thing you all feel as the grogginess lifts and eyes slowly flutter open. Mossy, grime-coated stones are what serve as your current cots and pillows. Dripping from the nearby trickling water spout in your cell tells your parched throats that at least the dungeon you're in isn't totally without remorse for its incarcerated denizens. There is little light within the cell save that which comes from a nearby dying torch's flickering embers.
Aside from the torch and the water, all is silent within this gaol. It's hard to say whether or not any guards are nearby or patrolling.

What a way to make a name for your party in the capital... First, you were just barely on the lips of others. Now? Now you're likely to be muttered as assassins and traitors to the crown...
Well, in any case... Not much to do now except to make idle chatter with one another.
Feb 7, 2023 1:24 pm
„Bloody hells…" curses Vallana in the common tongue as she tries (and fails) to sit up, gently touching the caked over wound on her head. The words are quite at odds with the slender figure who spoke to them: A small elvish woman barely 160cm (~5"3) in height with long brown hair and striking green eyes. She wears clothes the color of earth and wood and a long green cloak matching the color of her eyes is draped around her, now dirty and crinkled from laying on the dirt of her cell.

Val ties again, this time managing to open her watering eyes that are still a bit hazy after the beating she had received when she to tried (and failed) to resist her arrest. Her right cheek is covered by a huge bruise she starts nursing. "Ouch…" she hisses as she starts looking around her seeing where the night has brought her. "Anyone here?" she whispers more than she speaks as her eyes start to adjust to the dim light of her surroundings.
Feb 7, 2023 6:13 pm
Bull sits upright with a start and then groans as the effort sends his head spinning all over again.

"Urnggg, Me here. Not ded."

The city guards had had to use a great deal of force to knock the enormous Bisren out and the pulsating concussion was telling it's tale in the form of an incessant pounding in Bull's ears.

"Hed hurty."
Feb 7, 2023 8:51 pm
"I would have chopped all of their heads with one swing of my axe if they had not taken us by surprise!" Shouts Thardroth.

He is a broad and sturdily built Dwarf, about 4 and a half feet tall. His armour was taken so he's only wearing common clothes and a pair of old boots. He has got a long brown beard that he takes great pride in grooming.

Thardroth never gets separated from his gear - often sleeping in full armour - and this situation makes him feel very uneasy.
Feb 7, 2023 10:02 pm
"Huhhuhhuh, yeah," Bull laughs as Thardoth pantomimes swinging his mighty axe,

"Thard chop 'em good! Him good axe! Where Drova? Them not get Drova too?"
Feb 8, 2023 5:25 am
Uhn... I'm here," Drova offers, feeling the wound on her head. "You're right, Thardroth. They must have ambushed us. If it had been a stand-up fight, they'd be lying here and we'd be drinking to our success!"
Last edited February 8, 2023 5:25 am
Feb 8, 2023 12:12 pm
"Well, the night is still young, we might get our drink yet. That is if its still night outside."

Val looks around at her companions, seeing if she can care for their wounds in any way without her gear.

"Any idea who this Dumein fellow is from the note?"
Last edited February 8, 2023 12:40 pm
Feb 8, 2023 5:04 pm
Bull shakes his head "no" and then immediately regrets doing so as the pain cracks his tiny brain once more.
Feb 12, 2023 9:13 pm
The great beast hauls his massive frame to it's feet and steadies himself against the bars of the cell. A rare thought occurs to him and Bull gives the iron rods a hefty rattle followed by a grunting attempt to bend.
Feb 14, 2023 1:49 am
As Bull grips the bars, he can feel the damp chill that coats them. He tries to bend the bars managing to at least hear some creaking. Alas, the bars of their confinement are strong and far from malleable.
Standing closer to the dimly lit hall though, the bisren can hear what sounds like something skittering in the darkness from the end that has no lit torch. Perhaps a rat, but even one as dull as Bull recognizes that it's a bit bigger than a regular rat. A giant rat maybe?
Feb 14, 2023 1:54 am
"Big squeaky over there, bar too thik. Me wan go."

Bull sits on the floor, defeated.
Feb 14, 2023 3:33 am
Drova focuses her infravision on the sound, trying to get an idea of what it might be.
Feb 14, 2023 4:37 am
Drova looks down the darkened hall where Bull mentioned something like a rat was heard. The dwarf's eyes spy the reddened outline of something alright - but not anything that would suggest a rat. Instead, as the creature rears its head around the corner of what might be a cell or an alcove, she recognizes the form of a goblin. It seems to have some sort of sack hoisted over its shoulder.
The goblin finally notices everyone in the cell and stares inside from a distance. Then everyone can hear its dry laughter as it points at the bars. Before it starts off further down the dark hall, it shakes its rear at everyone, cackling something in Goblin. Afterwards, it's gone.
Feb 14, 2023 10:38 am
Val pats Bull on the shoulder. "Its alright Bull, we will find a way out, always have".

She then tries to cast the cantrip Ward on herself to see if something would block her magic if it came to violence.
Feb 14, 2023 1:26 pm
A small grim pile that smells like a butcher's breakfast barks a curt "Bloody hope we do. Stifles, this cage does."
Feb 14, 2023 2:52 pm
"Stuk, not get brekfes. Stuped squeaky sho me hims butt. Bad day."

Bull jumps up and runs at the bars as if it just occurred to him to try bending them...
Feb 15, 2023 1:07 am
Bull collides with the thick iron bars, causing a clatter to partially echo through the stone halls. The bars barely bent, their foundations unbroken. Some dust lightly tumbles down onto the ever-more pounding head of Bull.

"Oi! Keep it down, down there! Some of us don't get to sleep a whole day like you traitorous scum can get in a dungeon cell!" Cries out a voice from around the lit hall's corner. The sound of a slam notes their exit, as sudden as they entered.
Feb 16, 2023 7:12 pm
"Well, then maybe don’t knock us out next time, dimwit!" shouts Val making a obscene gesture with her right hand.

She turns around the others: "Better start searching the cell, maybe there is something we are missing".

Val proceeds to search the cell.
Is the green text readable for everyone?
Feb 17, 2023 12:21 am
looks good to me
Bull stands up again and slams against the bars, clearly not good at learning lessons. He heaves and grunts with all his might while the others pursue more reasonable courses of action.
Feb 17, 2023 3:48 am
As Bull continues to muscle the sturdy iron bars, Vallana searches the dimly lit cell. Alas, all she can find is moss, grime, a rusted manacle, and some small loose stones.
Both activities go on for maybe five minutes. Strangely, the guard that called out previously does not call out once more, despite the din of Bull's escape attempts.

"So then, you lot are the supposed killers of a royal official, eh?" quizzes a voice from around the corner of the torch. How they got there is quite curious since not a footstep was heard coming down the hall.


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