Feb 20, 2023 8:35 pm
USS Phobos (NCC-2786)

Federation Starship, Long Serving
Phaser Arrays Damage: 5 Qualities: Versatile 2, Area or Spread
Photon Torpedoes Damage: 5 Qualities: High Yield
Tractor Beam Strength: 2
Rather than an entirely new design, the Phobos-class is an updated design of the older, Andorian-designed, Loknar-class. While the Loknar-class frame was serving well for decades, technology improvements and processes used in the decades since the Constellation-class began production encouraged Starfleet Engineers to take a new look at the aging Loknar-class. With a refit procedure in mind, Starfleet modernized and upgraded the systems from bow to stern and keel to bridge. The result is effectively a new class of ship (named the Phobos-class after the first ship fitted to the new specifications) to expand the strength of Starfleet in difficult times.
Rather than an entirely new design, the Phobos-class is an updated design of the older, Andorian-designed, Loknar-class. While the Loknar-class frame was serving well for decades, technology improvements and processes used in the decades since the Constellation-class began production encouraged Starfleet Engineers to take a new look at the aging Loknar-class. With a refit procedure in mind, Starfleet modernized and upgraded the systems from bow to stern and keel to bridge. The result is effectively a new class of ship (named the Phobos-class after the first ship fitted to the new specifications) to expand the strength of Starfleet in difficult times.

Federation Starship, Long Serving
Communications | 9 | Engines | 9 | Structure | 9 |
Computers | 9 | Sensors | 10 | Weapons | 9 |
Command | 1 | Engineering | 4 | Medicine | 3 |
Conn | 3 | Security | 2 | Science | 2 |
[ +- ] Backup EPS Conduits
The ship’s power conduits have additional redundancies, which can be activated to reroute power more easily in case of an emergency, keeping it from being lost when the ship is damaged.
Whenever the ship would lose one or more Power because of suffering damage, roll [CD] for each Power lost. Each Effect rolled prevents the loss of that point of Power.
Whenever the ship would lose one or more Power because of suffering damage, roll [CD] for each Power lost. Each Effect rolled prevents the loss of that point of Power.
[ +- ] Improved Hull Integrity
The ship’s hull has been reinforced to hold together better under stress and damage.
The ship’s Resistance is increased by 1.
The ship’s Resistance is increased by 1.
[ +- ] Rapid-Fire Torpedo Launcher
The vessel’s torpedo launchers have been redesigned to allow the ship to fire multiple torpedoes much more quickly and accurately.
Whenever the crew add 3 to Threat to fire a torpedo salvo, they may re-roll a single d20 on the attack, and any number of [CD] on the damage roll.
Whenever the crew add 3 to Threat to fire a torpedo salvo, they may re-roll a single d20 on the attack, and any number of [CD] on the damage roll.
Scale | Resistance |
3 | 4 |
Power | Shields |
9 | 11 |
Phaser Arrays Damage: 5 Qualities: Versatile 2, Area or Spread
Photon Torpedoes Damage: 5 Qualities: High Yield
Tractor Beam Strength: 2
Technical Specs
Length | 315 m |
Beam | 141 m |
Height | 57.3 m |
Decks | 9 |
Officers | 20 |
Enlisted | 140 |
Auxiliary Craft | 2 Shuttlecraft |
DecksDeck 1 Main Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Umbilical Cord Receiver.
Deck 2 Officer's Quarters, VIP Quarters, XO's Office, Warp Core, Computer Core and Control Room, Mess Hall.
Deck 3 Crew Quarters, Diplomatic Facilities, Transporter Rooms 1 & 2, Mess Hall, , Computer Core.
Deck 4 Sickbay, CMO's Office, Science Lab, Research labs, Science storage, CSO's Office, FCO's Office,
Deck 5 Main Engineering (upper), Production Bay, Gymnasium, Phaser Range, Docking Ports, Deuterium Storage, Anti Matter Storage, Life Support Systems.
Deck 6 Secondary Bridge, CTO's office, Security Dept/Brig.
Deck 7 Cargo Bay, Cargo Transporter, Marine Barracks, Manufacture and Supply, Weapon Controls Storage for factory process.
Deck 8 Shuttlebay 1-2, Hangar, Stellar Cartography, Waste Refinery.
Deck 9 Weapons Pod: Forward Torpedo Launcher 1-3, Aft Torpedo launder 1, Torpedo Storage, Anti-matter Storage.
Deck 2 Officer's Quarters, VIP Quarters, XO's Office, Warp Core, Computer Core and Control Room, Mess Hall.
Deck 3 Crew Quarters, Diplomatic Facilities, Transporter Rooms 1 & 2, Mess Hall, , Computer Core.
Deck 4 Sickbay, CMO's Office, Science Lab, Research labs, Science storage, CSO's Office, FCO's Office,
Deck 5 Main Engineering (upper), Production Bay, Gymnasium, Phaser Range, Docking Ports, Deuterium Storage, Anti Matter Storage, Life Support Systems.
Deck 6 Secondary Bridge, CTO's office, Security Dept/Brig.
Deck 7 Cargo Bay, Cargo Transporter, Marine Barracks, Manufacture and Supply, Weapon Controls Storage for factory process.
Deck 8 Shuttlebay 1-2, Hangar, Stellar Cartography, Waste Refinery.
Deck 9 Weapons Pod: Forward Torpedo Launcher 1-3, Aft Torpedo launder 1, Torpedo Storage, Anti-matter Storage.