The punter
Ash speaks with is a jowly woman with a high neckline and a biopearl necklace.
"Honey, it's not polite to say it, but yeah this thing happens on the planet all the time."
Another punter butts in ─ tall and hairless except a pencil moustache ─
"Not in the casinos though, Marche. Not on account of the offworlders."
"Ah yeah I suppose that's true. It'll pass. Always does."
Ardena can take a handful of chips from either Marche or her husband(?)
─ or make a roll if you want to take from both.
Corbin joins Recwal in a placement with good view of the unfolding chaos, but enough barriers in the way as not to be likely to get caught in a crush. It would also make an excellent shooting gallery, come to think on it.
The barfly stiffens slightly as she takes a deep inhalation of the liquor vapours, and hastens her pace directly towards one of the casino staff who themselves seem to be suffering from the psychic storm, and full on
crushes his windpipe.
What do yal? @roachtrout @esidrix @rossum