Character Creation & OOC

Mar 6, 2023 10:08 pm
Starting this thread to discuss chargen and for OOC general discussion.
Mar 7, 2023 12:21 am
Hey all! As mentioned in recruitment I'm thinking of the tomboy Bone Gnawer Ahroun. The Bone Gnawers have always been my favorite tribe since they live in the cities and easily make for gritty down to earth characters that express the gloom of the World of Darkness. Plus they are practical where it comes to balancing Garou society and traditions versus their basic needs. So far I played a Theurge and Ragabash but neither game lasted longer than 3 months. I thought Ahroun might be fun to try for a change. Never done that before but I like the idea of exploring a high-Rage character. Plus it's funny if the Bone Gnawer kicks back instead of just taking it.

Since we're so new and young I want to stay away from the big knowledges like rituals and occult. I'll probably also be the first Ahroun ever not to prio physical attributes (high strength and constitution on a 15-year old? Yeah, no...). Being so young I also assume things like high brawl, firearms and melee are off the table. We're too young to be pro wrestlers/fencers/soldiers. Instead she'll be a delinquent who can steal a car and bag her groceries without paying. Add in some streetwise and such and I think I'll have a blast of a character.
Mar 7, 2023 12:56 am
I dunno... I guess it depends what you consider high? Because even as teens, I think we can easily justify three dots in just about anything. Two dots is still considered average, right?
Mar 7, 2023 1:00 am
However you feel like making your characters within the rules is fine. That's 3 dots before freebie points.

Yes- it's possible that a teen could be very skilled at something they started at an early age, and since this game is set in Kentucky that does include firearms. Brawl could be martial arts classes, melee fencing.

If we limited every skill to less than 3 it would be very difficult to spend all those points after all.

That said, I absolutely get the desire to build a kid with no combat skills and then learn them with experience in the game- it can certainly provide a rewarding experience.
Mar 7, 2023 2:54 am

I'm happy to be here. Werewolf has been on my shortlist of games to play for a long time. However, this is my first time out so I'll probably need a fair amount of hand (or paw) holding as the game progresses.

I'm looking to play a Stargazer Galliard, probably 17 years old. Is there anything in particular I should know before I start my PC, or should I just work my way through the book rules as written?
Last edited March 7, 2023 3:02 am
Mar 7, 2023 3:09 am
The only question I can think of is if we're using Kailindo.
Mar 7, 2023 5:26 pm
[ +- ] Werewolf 20th Anniversary
updated character sheet where I had missed three skills that are different in Werewolf from Vampire; thanks for pointing it out Khulod.
Mar 8, 2023 8:21 pm
Checking how everyone is doing on character creation; anyone need help or have questions?

I think I am going to leave Kalibdo out for now-- it's one I never quite figured out anyways and we can leave it to the side and potentially work it in later since your characters shouldn't be starting out knowing it regardless.
Mar 8, 2023 9:25 pm
Just gotta type everything out, and I should be ready to go.
Mar 8, 2023 9:28 pm
Coming along Currently working out whether to go wide with the skills having her been trained in a little bit of everything, or tall on certain things.

Was going to pick up some leadership and charisma things given Silver fang, unless anyone else was leaning that way
Mar 8, 2023 10:08 pm
I was leaning towards some manipulation/charisma, but mostly "charming rogue" social skills and not "leader of shifters" social skills.
Mar 10, 2023 4:10 am
I have the kids this weekend so if we can aim for a Sunday night start I can review characters as you submit them between now and then that would be great.
Mar 10, 2023 4:21 am
Sounds good!
Mar 10, 2023 3:20 pm
Ok. Officially submitted. I need to find a character picture and type in the backstory, but the meat and taters is done.
Mar 11, 2023 11:32 pm
Submitted my sheet!
Mar 13, 2023 3:31 am
Okay, approving all characters here.

We have one more potentially joining us, but he hasn't said anything so we may end up working him in after the beginning.

@LightofMidnight-- I think you're short one knowledge, I only count 8 dots?

Also-- one more general thing-- only one person has any totem currently; to get access to a pack totem everyone needs 1 dot in totem at least to receive the benefits-- this can be purchased for 2 EXP after game start, but didn't know where people were at on wanting a pack totem/which totem-- usually the group decides what they are looking for together, but I know we have a lot of new to werwolf here so it may not have been something you were thinking about.

@Duke_of_Nothingburg-- have you looked at the linked document and gotten an idea of what character type you want to play?
Mar 13, 2023 4:43 am
Just speaking personally, but I hate going into games with any preconceived plans for totems.
Mar 13, 2023 10:11 am
Still would be nice to get one as soon as we're eligible. And the more dots in that background, the bigger the totem. That's why I put 3 points in it already. (Yes, it was I!)

But if no one else wants to invest that's fine too, I can solo adopt Rat and the rest can go totemless. No pack tactics, but hey. Would fit my character's theme of making her own way.
Mar 13, 2023 10:36 am
Whoops, that was from me umming and erring about rites and rituals. Ended up going no rites from start as given her the background of not being around other Theurge, but put the dot back in rituals for when she picks some up. If people thinks it better we get some rites I can swap bits around. Just wasn't sure what was good as new to system.

I'm happy to swap a point from resources to Totem, ready for when we do decide one.

I've gone for a lot of backgrounds/gnosis/will power and an extra gift this time as opposed to merits. No idea if this was correct choice but we shall see.
Mar 13, 2023 10:55 am
We don't have the rite of talisman dedication? That will be fun for a change.
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