Character Generation System

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 10, 2023 11:15 am
Ability Scores, numbered in order:

1. STR
2. DEX
3. CON
4. INT
5. WIS
6. CHA

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 10, 2023 11:17 am
Step 1:

Determine Innate Genius ability.
Roll 1d6.
On the resulting roll, that ability score will be rolled as 6d6 (selective), rather than 3d6.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 10, 2023 11:19 am
Step 2:

Roll 3d6 for each ability score, in line from STR through CHA.
Substitute a 6d6 roll (drop lowest 3, keep highest 3) at the appropriate point in the series to determine Innate Genius Ability Score (see Step 1).

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 10, 2023 11:22 am
Step 3 (optional):

If desired, swap a pair of rolls, exchanging positions between two Ability Scores of choice.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 10, 2023 11:37 am
Step 4:

Select Folk.

Folk is the term used for People groups detailed in the Auran Empire Primer (AEP) resource. It is the "ethnos", or what we may call ethnicity, a people group. Folk groups are also sometimes referred to as "nations" within the game setting.

All Folk detailed in the AEP are available for Player Character (PC) selection, with the exception of Skysos, Thrassian, and Zaharan, which are unavailable.

The human game Folk groups correspond loosely to the following real-world equivalents...

Celdorean (Persian)
Jutlandic (Germanic)
Kemeshi (Egyptian)
Krysean (Celtic)
Kushtu (Sub-Saharan African)
Nicean (Greek)
Opelenean (Phoenician, Canaanite, others of the Levant)
Rornish (Breton)
Shebatean (Arabian)
Somirean (Vedic, Indian)
Tirenean (Roman)

The Demi-human Folk group options are:

Dwarven (Jutting (Northern) or Meniri (Southern) Mountains)
Elven (Argollean)

Optional Ability Score increase:

If desired, gain Ability Score bonuses by selection of Character's Folk among 1 of 3 "Origin Area Advantage" Folk groups. PCs of these Folk are assumed to have been born and raised in or adjacent to the local region of the campaign start.

PCs selected from the following Folk gain a +2 to their lowest ability score and a +1 to a Prime Requisite Ability Score of the Character's Class:


Note: no Ability Score can increase above 18. If the PC already has an 18 on a Prime Requisite Ability Score, the Character gains a +1 to either their other Prime Requisite (if they are in a Class that has 2 Prime Requisites) or their next highest Ability Score that is less than 18.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 10, 2023 11:44 am
Step 5:

Select Class.

All Classes detailed in the Adventurer Conqueror King System (ACKS) core rulebook are available for PC selection.

These include...

Core Classes:

Campaign Classes:

Demi-Human Classes:
Dwarven Vaultguard
Dwarven Craftpriest
Elven Spellsword
Elven Nightblade

The following Classes detailed in the ACKS Player's Companion resource are also available to PCs...

New Classes

Note: Multi-Classing is not permitted.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 11, 2023 10:35 pm
Step 6:

At Level 1, starting Hit Points will be the maximum number of the Hit Dice of the Character's Class.

For all Levels 2 and beyond, Hit Points will be rolled on the Roll Table.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 15, 2023 8:40 pm
Step 7:

Identify Languages.

All Characters speak Auran (the "vulgar" - popular, colloquial version).

Tirenean Characters also speak the current version of a second Language. Tireneans choose one of the following: Nicean, Krysean, Opelanean, or Rornish.
Tirenaen characters of any Class with an INT of 9 or higher can also roughly understand Classical Auran. They can speak it as well, though with difficulty and the chance of some inaccuracy or limitations. Tirenaens of the Wizard, Cleric, and Bard Classes speak Classical Auran in full fluency.

Non-Tirenean Characters also speak the current version of their own Folk Language.
Non-Tirenean Characters with an INT of 13 or higher can also roughly understand the immediate predecessor language within their Folk Language linguistic line, and can speak it with difficulty and some chance of inaccuracy or limitation. Non-Tirenean Characters of the Wizard and Bard Classes speak the immediate predecessor language of their Folk Language linguistic line in full fluency.

These rules reference spoken version of a Language only. Literacy is a different issue and will be detailed elsewhere.

Reference: see pgs. 20-21 of the Auran Empire Primer for linguistic lineage trees of Languages.

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