Junction Region of Southern Empyream

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 22, 2023 4:13 am
Junction of the Legacy Lands in the South

Initial Area of Operation

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 22, 2023 10:05 am
Southern Tirenea and the Menir Fons River Basin

Amanuctum: Large metropolis founded by legacy Tirenean families, already a developed and important city-state by 4th Century BE. Home to a diverse population - mostly Tireneans, but sizeable population of Kryseans and Niceans, with diaspora enclaves from more distant lands.

Well known for its ancient and complex irrigation system in its adjacent surroundings, a large area of farmland known as The Goldenfields.


Some of the waterways have been maintained and are operational, but large sections of the grand aqueducts have fallen into disrepair during the last century. Some of the oldest (and often structurally largest) sections furthest from the city have been neglected and unused to the point of collapse. The slow but definitive degradation is a result of lack of funding, failed refurbishing projects, and a growing lack of knowledge about how the systems functioned during the glorious days of their full operation.

The city was built in different phases over centuries, which roughly correspond to its three main subsections that sprawl alongside the north bank of the Menir Fons River:

Old City



High City


Riverside, or The Docks


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 22, 2023 5:42 pm
Dorenic: Small town, a vassal to Amanuctum. Populated mostly by legacy Tirenean families mixed with some Nicean lines. Home of mostly farmers and aqueduct maintainers, as well as laborers, craftsmen, loggers, and woodsmen. The lumber of the yew and locust trees of Nurinwood is a sought commodity of the region.



DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 22, 2023 5:43 pm
Strumenos: Rural village, a more distant vassal to Amanuctum. A settlement of plainsmen, herders, and farmers. Mostly Tirenean with a small collective of Krysean lineage. Known for a few highly skilled cartwright and waggoneer houses.


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 22, 2023 6:17 pm
Kourithos is a mighty Nicean city at the mouth of the Menir Fons.

This ancient port has maintained the aged but still impressive Nicean circular deepwater fortified harbor architecture.


A high crop of old structures sit atop Pidon Hill.

Commoner shanty towns, collectively called To Byllioi are cast all along the nearby banks and beaches on both sides of the river.


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