Packers' Guild / Gulleyloft

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 1, 2023 8:34 pm
Angus Tapkin: Second-in-command of the Packers' Guild / Gulleyloft in Amanuctum. Rank of Pireus ("pier leader"). Managed initial meetings with the Party at Gulleyloft (the Guildhouse location) at Riverside (The Docks) in Amanuctum.

Dameon Korith: Guildmaster of the Packers' Guild. Called "The Pier King." Most frequently based in Kourithos, Nicea. His family among the founding stock of the city centuries ago.

Cato Mantes: Called "The Controller." Dameon Korith's top advisor in Kourithos. Legendary scheduler and manager at the historic port warehouses at Kourithos.

Glais Danarovus: Known as "The Ion" ("the boss", "the chief"). Most often referred to on the street as "Danarov" (DAN-ah-rov), a shortened and irregularly accented version of his name carried over from references to him by Celedoran enemies during his infamous military career in foreign wars. Leader of the Packers' Guild in Amanuctum. Second-in-Command of the Packers' Guild overall, answering only to Guildmaster Dameon Koreth. Host at the Guildhouse on the Party's night of origin, met with Syrena and Xenophon to discuss Party's travel arrangements and continuity of agreements struck with Castellan Eramus. Background.

Braus: full name Brausludwig, a hulking Jutlandic enforcer who befriended Gennadius and introduced him to the Packers' Guild.

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