Retro Initiative

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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Apr 6, 2023 10:54 pm
Initiative will be determined in the full nostalgia of 2nd Edition AD&D:

To determine the initiative order for a round of combat, roll 1d10 for each side in the battle.

DM rolls for Monsters or opponent NPCs.

First Player on the board rolls for the PC Party.

Low roll wins Initiative.

This means that any modifiers to Initiative will be accounted for in the opposite direction of influence. Bonuses to Initiative will be accounted for as Subtractions applied to the Initiative roll. Penalties to Initiative will be applied as Additions to the Initiative roll.

Since this will be a Group Initiative for the PC Party, PCs can choose between 2 options to determine their Group Initiative Modifier.

*Method 1: Take the average of all PC's individual Initiative Modifiers.
*Method 2: Take half of the individual Initiative Modifier of the PC whose Initiative Modifier is the highest (this requires that PC to be in the front line of the group in the direction facing the Combat encounter)

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