Player Sheets

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Apr 8, 2023 8:23 pm
So, I got the player sheet working.
Then I added a seconds player sheet and it never loads the sheet info.

here's my code

"characterSheetIntegration": {"gmSheets": [
{"DnD 5e": "custom/20680"},
{"OtFBM": "custom/20725"}
"playerSheets": [
{"Player_Notes": "custom/25899"},
{"Bard_Spells": "/custom/25908"}

Player_Notes works fine, it's a NPC sheet
Bard_Soells (25908) is public
I've tried it as a PC and NPC sheet
I thought maybe it was the size (character limit?) So i tried cutting out 2/3 of it.
Then I tried removing the Avatar and formatting of the first line.
then reduced it to only cantrips
then I deleted everything and just put in keyboard puke like (AS98nfSFDvi ugbav)
it never populates

So I'm stuck
Apr 8, 2023 8:29 pm
ok it's fixed

"characterSheetIntegration": {"gmSheets": [
{"DnD 5e": "custom/20680"},
{"OtFBM": "custom/20725"}
"playerSheets": [
{"Player_Notes": "custom/25899"},
{"Bard_Spells": "/custom/25908"}

it was the / before custom
Last edited April 8, 2023 8:46 pm

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