Apr 14, 2023 4:22 pm
The common language assumed in use, unless otherwise noted in the game entries, is the current evolution of Auran, referred to as "Low Auran", "Vulgar Auran", or even colloquially "Commonspeak".
Classical Auran, or "High Auran", is the older version of the language. It is considerably different, as it was exclusively a Tirenean source language centuries ago, before the wide range of the Empire was formed.
Classical Auran is still taught and used, to varying degrees, among the aristocracy, in upper sections of military leadership, and in many of the Empyrean religious orders.
A few Classical Auran words are still incorporated normally into common usage as carry-overs, or inserted purposefully for formalities and tradition.
This thread will be a space to display excerpts from published language resources, a few in-house written additions or commentary, and a list of highlighted vocabulary that is used in gameplay.
Classical Auran, or "High Auran", is the older version of the language. It is considerably different, as it was exclusively a Tirenean source language centuries ago, before the wide range of the Empire was formed.
Classical Auran is still taught and used, to varying degrees, among the aristocracy, in upper sections of military leadership, and in many of the Empyrean religious orders.
A few Classical Auran words are still incorporated normally into common usage as carry-overs, or inserted purposefully for formalities and tradition.
This thread will be a space to display excerpts from published language resources, a few in-house written additions or commentary, and a list of highlighted vocabulary that is used in gameplay.