Looking For Some Games

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Apr 28, 2023 12:54 am
Heya everyone,

My game log has been pretty thin of late and I'm looking to join a game since I've only got the one I'm playing in and the two I'm running.

If you or someone you know has a game coming up or any openings in any ongoing games, I'm interested in:
* Pathfinder - 2e preferred, but willing to play more of 1e
* Cyberpunk Red - I'd love to be a PC for this one, rather than just a GM for it
* SWADE - preferably something either more futuristic or fantasy based. Though Deadlands is very much something we're interested in
* OSR - OSE, OSRIC, or Basic Fantasy
* Blades in the Dark - this is one I've been wanting to try for a while

Thanks for peeking in on the post ^^
Apr 28, 2023 1:37 am
Shame Call of Cthulhu isn’t on that list. I’ve just ended my latest one shot so will be firing up a new one soon
Apr 28, 2023 1:50 am
Howdy! I'm running an ongoing West Marches-style sandbox game with OSE. It's in my homebrew setting inspired by sword-and-sandal fiction and Mesopotamian history/mythology. I'd be thrilled to have you; if my description piques your interest, check out the recruitment thread to see if it sounds like a game you'd enjoy.
Apr 28, 2023 12:18 pm
Knifesedgegames says:
Shame Call of Cthulhu isn’t on that list. I’ve just ended my latest one shot so will be firing up a new one soon
Were it a few years ago, the interest would've been there ^^;
Rizado96 says:
Howdy! I'm running an ongoing West Marches-style sandbox game with OSE. It's in my homebrew setting inspired by sword-and-sandal fiction and Mesopotamian history/mythology. I'd be thrilled to have you; if my description piques your interest, check out the recruitment thread to see if it sounds like a game you'd enjoy.
Thanks for the suggestion, but that unfortunately doesn't seem to fit what I'd be able to ably reply to on a regular basis.
Apr 29, 2023 3:51 am
This one might interest you, Abby.
Apr 29, 2023 4:23 am
Thanks for the referral, bowlofspinach!

It *is* 1e but if interested, Abbyssal, please drop a note in there so I can keep track of interest.
May 1, 2023 9:17 pm
Ohh, yes! Thank ye, spinch!

Note has been dropped!

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