One of my long-term goals with Gennadius is to go down the path of seeking eternal life. I allude to this a bit in his backstory:
One gladiator he treated often was an enslaved Skysos warrior, Mulzan Woman-Taker. Through conversation with that heathen, Gennadius learned of the Auran faithful misunderstood the Chthonic gods. Mulzan venerated the Chthonic pantheon, and taught Gennadius of the real cycle of life and death, and that the Halls of Ammonar were not a real place, just a metaphor for the memories and stories of people.
This revelation sat heavily with Gennadius . While he couldn't agree with the dark customs of the Sunset Kingdom savages, he could understand the desire to make one's own life a great story that would be told and retold until the end of time - the only true immortality. Gennadius knew that he would not be memorialized for eternity as a healer in the wings of an arena. Not even as the greatest gladiator to grace the bloody sands of the arena. He wanted to make his name truly great. He resolved to become an adventurer. Then maybe one day, a king. And then, one day, children would tell stories of Gennadius the conqeror.
TL;DR: Gennadius believes the Chthonic gods' version of the afterlife, which is to say that there is none. He still follows the Empyrean gods, but everything is a bit tainted - He thinks the claim by the main gods that the afterlife is a heaven is a deliberate lie. Over time Gennadius will start disagreeing with Gundus or even challenging Gundus directly if we find opportunities to make conversation about the afterlife.
As Gennadius eventually gets to high levels, I'd like to have him seek out ways to prolong his life, possibly even seeking whatever the bard equivalent of a lich might be.