Homebrew Rules

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May 2, 2023 5:43 pm
Resurrection Rules: In a harsh, post-apocalypse environment, death is not just possible, its almost certain. Have no fear though, for resurrection is possible! It does come with a cost though. When you die, your essence is torn between two planes. When you are resurrected, your essence is ripped away from the afterlife and forced back into this world. As such, you will have a negative side effect. Players who die will roll a 1d20 and apply one of the following effects:

1 While dead, the character kept having the feeling of drowning. When brought back, the character is forever scared to death by water.
2 Your time in the afterlife caused you to realize all of those you have slain. You now attempt to not kill anything unless truly necessary.
3 If a race other than his own killed him he is now violently racist against them.
4 You awaken with a partial tattoo of a map on your back. Finding others who were resurrected the same day you were will reveal more parts of the map.
5 There's a strange smell about you that attracts demons. They want to help you and don't know why.
6 A food or drink that you used to love, now tastes like the worst food you can imagine. You would only eat it if you are starving, and it's the only available food.
7 Your mind comes back missing knowledge once familiar to you. Lose a random proficiency.
8The resurrection ritual works, but your mind is muddled, you can't focus or think straight. You have disadvantage on wisdom, charisma, and intelligence checks for (Roll 1d6+1) days.
9 You can no longer touch any humanoid that has recently died without feeling excruciating pain from phantom claws dragging you down.
10 Another soul grabbed onto you on your way into the material plane, getting resurrected as well (A NPC appears, with DM determined details)
11 Death Wish (You no longer fear death and are inclined to do thing the more dangerous way)
12 You gain a mark resembling an eye on your forehead, which is very visible if not covered. Twice a day, you can flip a coin for a chance to reveal the next action of any creature.
13 You get a monotonous, dead-like voice.
14 Just before you reawaken you see a huge eye in front of you. Your soul contains a spark of the power of resurrection, and a shard of a dragon's soul. Whenever you encounter a dragon they will try to take you alive. Your life can be sacrificed to resurrect a dragon, or to give the dragon who caught you a second life.
15 In existence after death, you've experienced eternity. This has given you time to contemplate yourself, but made you grow distant. You gain +1 Wisdom and -1 Charisma.
16 Unbeknownst to the cleric/party who resurrected you, your resurrection was actually a result of a pact you made with an outsider and sooner or later they are going to come to collect their end of the bargain.
17 You cannot hear music.
18 Your links to the beyond have not been severed. You can cast "Speak with the Dead" at will.
19 You brought back a mote of necrotic energy during the ritual. You no longer have want or need of food.
20 The worst has happened, and you came back. Your character is now forever immune to Fear. However, your body longs for its eternal rest: you automatically fail any saving throw against Sleep effects.

Unconscious Rules: Fighting can be hard, especially when you're losing. If you drop to 0 but do not die, when you wake up, you suffer a level of exhaustion.

Death Rules: Death comes easier here. When an attack drops you below 0 HP, your health is now in the negative. On each turn, in addition to making a death saving throw, roll 1d10 -Con bonus for bleeding out damage. If you reach your total max in the negative, you're dead. For example, a cleric has 12 HP and takes 18 points of damage, she now is unconscious with -6 points of damage. On her next turn, unless she is stabilized, she could potentially die, even if she makes her death saving throw.

Critical: You can critically fail or succeed on skills. Damage dealt on a critical hit attack is equal to max weapon damage + 1 roll of the weapon damage.

HP: When you level up, you get Max HP for your character.

"Helping": When using the help action outside of combat, you aren't always a help. To determine whether or not the person you are trying to help is actually helped, roll a 1d20 and add the appropriate attribute bonus. If you roll 10+ the other person gets advantage, if you roll 9-, they get disadvantage.

Hidden Death: When you roll death saving throws, you will hide them from other players. Only you and I should know how many success and failures you have. This creates a sense of urgency with healing.

Whips: I like whips, so I'm going to make them a little better. Whips now have the ability to disarm foes. If you want to disarm, state that is what you are doing and roll an attack roll vs an opposed Dex save. If you succeed the whip wraps around the weapon. You can then use a bonus action to try to disarm the enemy with an opposed strength check. On a success, the weapon falls 5' away. If you succeed by +10 or more, you can whip the weapon into a free hand of yours. If you fail by 10-, the whip goes to the opponent.

To be Continued.

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