The firefight in the superstructure would be a legendary affair, full of possible aerial shenanigans, if you were less clever, or there were more crewmen.
Tying up the captain and the two crewmen from the bridge, you find clean uniforms, and arm yourselves with German weaponry. Then, leaving Vester also tied and gagged, you leave Sabine in charge of the bridge with Irish guarding her, while Dan and James make their way to the auxiliary bridge. Dan's mechanical expertise will best be used there, once you secure the superstructure.
There, you find a single crewman, operating the mechanical controls. Expecting no ambush, you take him down before he's even aware enough to go for a weapon. Again, you tie him up to deal with as you will.
The engines are managed by three engineering crew, who are not soldiers although they would fight if you didn't get the drop on them too. Again, you tie them all up, possibly to toss them all over the side later, or drop them off, or keep them as prisoners to return to Britain.
Vester himself is pragmatic. Having surrendered himself and the ship into the team’s custody he is even cooperative in assisting you to fly the vessel back to Britain. His work and research are far more important than the war, and in any case, he realizes that his life would probably be forfeit if he returned having lost a valuable war machine on an unauthorized mission.
The agents manage to return to Britain at the helm of a stolen Nachtwölfe Zeppelin filled with recovered
Blauer Kristall and the notes of Johannes Vester. The mission is an outstanding success. Although Hunter may grumble at the difficulty of keeping such an outrageous result from the newspapers there can be no doubt that the team have achieved something truly remarkable. Section M will be particularly interested in the Bluestone Flamberge; examining the strange alloy from which it is made could lead to valuable breakthroughs in the development of weapons effective against Mythos threats.
Further, Vester's genius design is partially based on the
Blauer Kristall enhancer electricity generator running off
blau gas, which provides large amounts of electricity to power the guns, communications and control systems, and the shock field generators that provide stability (the glowing blue pads you saw from a distance).