Character Background

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May 3, 2023 2:19 pm
Provide some of your background. Characters will either know each other or will be about to. This adventure will begin in Freeland, so include how/why your character might be there.
May 3, 2023 3:26 pm
So, I've got some equipment to sort out, and I need to make decisions on her backstory, but my concept is solid and the character is submitted.

Red Pipit
An Eladrin woman, born to the leaders of her people, raised to take that mantle when she came of age...or she would have been, if chance or fate had not intervened.

Her people were very xenophobic, holding elves at higher esteem than even other Originals. The other tribes were tolerated, but Mutants, Outsiders, and Hybrids were never welcome in her village. When Pipit was very young, barley out of the toddler stage for an Eladrin, a conclave of Wildfire Druids passed near her home. Curious to see the dancing flames that looked like animals and did not ravage the forest, Pipit snuck out of her home. She followed the druids as they tended to the groves and animals in the area for two days. Eventually she was discovered, but rather than scold the child, the druids welcomed her and told her wondrous tales about the forest and the world. The druids were a mix of all the different kinds of people in the world, and they loved, respected, and treated each other as equals.

The druids kept Pipit among them for another two days, finishing up some rituals to fortify the trees. She cherished her time with them greatly and was reluctant to return home to her oppressive life. Her feet grew heavier with each step back.

When they returned, her parents immediately accused the druids of kidnapping Pipit. Outnumbered, most of the circle fled, but a few who hesitated were captured. They were to be put to death the next morning. Pipit couldn't have that. Using her fey gifts she snuck into the cells and freed her new friends. Pipit begged to go with them, so she could live free of the life her parents were forcing her into, and the druids agreed.

It has been many years since Pipit struck out on her own. A sense of wanderlust filled her, and the Wildfire in her soul spoke of the many fantastic places to see in the world, so she travels in whatever direction speaks to her.
May 3, 2023 4:27 pm

Ollie the female Owlin Arcane Trickster. She is an orphan from the port town of Fishfood. She is small, even for an small Owlin, about 3 feet tall and weighing 30 pounds. Her feather are dark gray and black on the external to help her blend into shadows. Her under feather are a beautiful snow white. When she flies over you at night she could be mistaken for the moon at a glimpse. She grew up around the underground fighting arena in town. As she aged she began pick pocketing to have money to survive. Her best friend was a rat folk by the name of Mer. Together they started having a good life. Ollie would use her silent wings to hide and swoop down quietly, or one would distract while the other hit the target. They were the best of friends. Ollie realized she had a little magic engrained inside her and was able to study enough to learn a handful of spells. Her favorite is mage Hand. Makes pick pocketing so easy. One day due to unforeseen circumstances a hit went wrong and Mer was severely injured. Later to die at their little hovel. This broke Ollie. She swore to never get so close to someone again. She also improved on her magic until she was able to cast find familiar. She alway uses a rat in memory of Mer. She left fishfood and began a journey of running from her past. Where would she go? No one knows. She just started flying west and hasn't stopped yet.
May 4, 2023 8:07 pm
After some consideration about the sorcerer and as alternative, the wizard, I present you my character idea. I shall develop the character sheet ASAP.


Kaydie is a human girl, barely old enough to be called a woman. She was born in Freeland. She never knew her father. She lived with her very poor mother and alcohollic and violent grandfather. She lived alone with him, for a year, when her mother died. Until the day came that she couldn't cope with him anymore and ran away.

With no other direct family to relate to, Kayda was to live on the streets of Freeland. She joined a group of street urchins and hung out with them. They all worked and stole to get food. Many of them found Kaida a bit weird, for she always seemed to like to think things through more than the rest of her gang. But as it often paid off, she was a welcome addition to the group. For several years they lives on the streets of Freeland.

One day, the group managed to steal the backpack of an elf. In it was gold, food, trinkets and a boring old book. The book was instantly discarded by the gang, but Kaydie found it interesting. She picked it up and was entranced by the formulae and incantations in it.

Without proper guidance and instructions she started to read. Then study. And finally experiment with the rituals in the book. She became obsessed with the book, she studied. Her friends found her weird, started to tease and bully her and eventually abandonned her.

And so, Kaydie was once again alone on the streets of Freeland. But she had learned magic. She had learned it all by herself! And no one would be able to hurt her anymore.
May 9, 2023 2:39 pm
So backstories so far:

Kaydie - human, born in Freeland
Ollie - owlin, ran away from Fishfood and ended up in Freeland
Red - Eladrin, i'm not sure how she got to Freeland
Tep - human, born in the Freelands
May 9, 2023 3:00 pm

Tep was born in the freelands. Portway, specifically. His parents struggled as a tradesman and a waitress, but the family got by. As he reached his teens, Tep felt bad his family was scraping by and decided to change that. He had a younger brother and a younger sister, after all. What type of brother would he be if he didn't help out?

So Tep got some gear together, and set out to try and find lost treasure. Or any treasure, really. Or even some loose coin. Unfortunately, he was something of a nice guy and found himself spending most of his found wealth to help people who were even worse off than he was. But his exploring continued.

It was in some lost and forgotten location deep in the dark of the wilderness where he found something... darker still. It whispered to him, and he answered. And when he answered... he found power.

As his exploration continued, his power grew.

His urge to find treasure for his family still drives him. And he still finds himself helping others more than perhaps he should. Which is why he finds himself in Freeland proper (again) more or less broke and looking for leads.
Last edited May 9, 2023 3:08 pm
May 9, 2023 3:22 pm
I was curious if we were going to end up with a full female PC party haha. I really enjoy everyone's backgrounds and can't wait to build a story with each of you and our Dm :)
May 9, 2023 4:37 pm
monstersaurus90 says:
So backstories so far:

Red - Eladrin, i'm not sure how she got to Freeland
Red is just following her wanderlust, going where The Wildfire feels like it needs her to be. If you want a more specific reason I can work on it. But I see the Wildfire as just being a spirit of the world, interested in keeping the cycle of life moving.
May 9, 2023 9:39 pm
Ollie and Kaydie would have very kindred spirit and probably find each other naturally in Freeland. Both have similar backgrounds. Ollie focused on the stealth more and kaydie more on the magic sounds like.
May 10, 2023 4:57 pm
An arcane trickster and a wizard who have both lived on the streets? Yeah, I am quite sure they should be able to get along fine.They might indeed know each other from the streets.

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