So, I've got some equipment to sort out, and I need to make decisions on her backstory, but my concept is solid and the character is submitted.
Red Pipit

An Eladrin woman, born to the leaders of her people, raised to take that mantle when she came of age...or she would have been, if chance or fate had not intervened.
Her people were very xenophobic, holding elves at higher esteem than even other Originals. The other tribes were tolerated, but Mutants, Outsiders, and Hybrids were never welcome in her village. When Pipit was very young, barley out of the toddler stage for an Eladrin, a conclave of Wildfire Druids passed near her home. Curious to see the dancing flames that looked like animals and did not ravage the forest, Pipit snuck out of her home. She followed the druids as they tended to the groves and animals in the area for two days. Eventually she was discovered, but rather than scold the child, the druids welcomed her and told her wondrous tales about the forest and the world. The druids were a mix of all the different kinds of people in the world, and they loved, respected, and treated each other as equals.
The druids kept Pipit among them for another two days, finishing up some rituals to fortify the trees. She cherished her time with them greatly and was reluctant to return home to her oppressive life. Her feet grew heavier with each step back.
When they returned, her parents immediately accused the druids of kidnapping Pipit. Outnumbered, most of the circle fled, but a few who hesitated were captured. They were to be put to death the next morning. Pipit couldn't have that. Using her fey gifts she snuck into the cells and freed her new friends. Pipit begged to go with them, so she could live free of the life her parents were forcing her into, and the druids agreed.
It has been many years since Pipit struck out on her own. A sense of wanderlust filled her, and the Wildfire in her soul spoke of the many fantastic places to see in the world, so she travels in whatever direction speaks to her.