The Throne of Bloodstone - Pathfinder 1E

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May 9, 2023 12:32 am

✅ I'm looking for six brave souls for a Pathfinder 1E for a game that will take you on the adventure of a lifetime!

✅ The battle between the mighty undead army of the Witch-King of Vaasa and the forces of Bloodstone has come to a standstill. As long as the source of the Witch-King's power is at work, his evil forces will never be defeated. As the rulers of Bloodstone Pass, it is up to you to find and destroy the source of Vaasa's power. All you have to do is journey to the Abyss, confront the mightiest demon of all, steal the Wand of Orcus, and take it to the Seven Heavens to be destroyed. What could be simpler?

✅ You're going into the Abyss. There will be adult themes in this game, including demons, violence, and possible character death.

✅ Any Pathfinder 1E material by Paizo can be used. No third-party material, please. Characters will be 20th level with 4 mythic tiers.

✅ I expect potential players to be willing to stick it out for the long haul, not ghost on us two weeks in. We are shooting for 3 moves per week, but I'm flexible and I ask my players to be as well. My wife is blind and her needs come first. If there will be an inordinately long delay, I will try to give a warning. Google Slides will be used for maps.

✅ Experienced Pathfinder players are preferred, as this is a high-level game. You need not be an experienced user of the site, but I do request that you have some PF1 experience under your belt.

✅ Post character concepts here and I will make a decision based on that about who gets in. Do not post full characters; concepts only.

✅ "This game is explicitly friendly to LGBT and any other minorities or marginalized groups."
May 9, 2023 1:10 am
I'm officially throwing my hat in the ring, but need to think on a concept. Will update asap with one.
May 9, 2023 1:36 am
Throwing my hat in too -- not that I ever really wear one. :P

I'm a site newbie but I've played PF since it came out, though I haven't really tried 2e. I've played RPG's in general since the early 90's. Usually I'm either the GM or the healer in our tabletop group, so I'll probably be most comfortable with a Life Oracle and the Hierophant path. Already have a build in mind with the Pei Zin Practitioner archetype if that's ok (on AoN; if you use d20pfsrd it's called Divine Herbalist instead). I usually play human for the feat and skills, but starting at 20th I might have a serious look at other races for a change.

I'll also consider Cleric options. Any particular pantheon? Typical Golarion gods? Dealing with so many demons, I know the human and tiefling alternate favored class bonus for cleric could be handy (+1 to overcome spell resist of outsiders).
May 9, 2023 3:10 am
I will provide details of the gods later. They will be the Forgotten Realms deities since that is where it takes place.
May 9, 2023 6:29 am
I have too many character concepts the second you mentioned lv20 :p I'll pop a couple down but can likely fit into any gap :p

An old adventurer who keeps trying to retire before getting dragged back out again. Using old/vulnerable.. Who then gets angry during combat and turns into a demon/gargoyle/dragon. (Bloodrager with Spring Rage) [Champion]

A drunken barbarian who started out with Tavern brawls, and who's weapon is whatever is closest at the time. Including the enemy (body bludgeon) [Champion]

A warpriest (Will need to look at FR gods before deciding all the fluff) who fights with fist and shield. Possibly champion of the faith. [Hierophant or Marshal]

An alchemist/masterchymist who did some dubious experiments when younger to aid their ability to protect others and now has an alter ego they need to keep in check. [Champion or Marshal]

Edit: Also a half orc pheonix/orc sorceress who solves everything with fire. [Archmage]
Last edited May 10, 2023 6:16 am
May 10, 2023 12:10 am
This is very tempting, high level mythic. I'm experienced with Pathfinder 1e, much less so with play by post. I'd be tempted to build up a blood hunter ranger, thinking halfling with a slingstaff, or maybe a dwarf with a dwarven thrower, that can scout and use their knowledge of enemies and terrain to buff themselves and their companions. Likely champion and marshal(dual path)
Last edited May 10, 2023 1:46 am
May 10, 2023 6:05 am
Ok here are a couple of concepts I've mulled over. I tried looking for prestige classes that have rough low/mid levels and might balance out and be fun to play at lvl 20:

- Horizon Walker, entry from Ranger or Hunter - Guardian likely
- Gnome or human Shadowdancer, entry through maybe Bard or unchained Rogue - maybe Trickster or Archmage, depending.
- Elf or human Dragon Disciple, entry through Witch or Sorceror - Archmage

I'm super flexible and tend to like to pick something that compliments what other people are building. I'd have fun no matter what :D
Last edited May 10, 2023 6:06 am
May 14, 2023 2:40 am
One more bump before the end of the weekend.
May 14, 2023 3:31 am
If you need an extra, I'd field an Eldritch knight, a tank/caster build. An aasimar who needs no prodding to take on the forces of the dead.
May 15, 2023 6:27 pm
In looking at Horizon Walker as an option, would you be able to provide a non-spoiler idea of what kinds of planes/environments we may travel? I'm guessing the Abyss and the Seven Heavens would be considered 'good' and 'evil' aligned planes.
May 19, 2023 3:22 am
Yes, you are correct in your assumption that they are good- and evil-aligned. Preparing for nearly any environment would be very wise, though elemental travel will not be involved.
May 19, 2023 4:00 am
Oooooh! Vaasa!
I only ever DM high level games, so I'm definitely interested in a capstone game!
I'd like to play the level 20 version of a character in one of C1nder's PF games. He's a human Void-Touched sorcerer with a Lovecraft twist. I'd love to see how he'd max out.
Last edited May 19, 2023 4:42 am
May 19, 2023 8:32 am
WhtKnt says:
Yes, you are correct in your assumption that they are good- and evil-aligned. Preparing for nearly any environment would be very wise, though elemental travel will not be involved.
Excellent! I am dialed in on the Horizon Walker idea now, starting to put one together as a test.
annex says:
Oooooh! Vaasa!
I only ever DM high level games, so I'm definitely interested in a capstone game!
I'd like to play the level 20 version of a character in one of C1nder's PF games. He's a human Void-Touched sorcerer with a Lovecraft twist. I'd love to see how he'd max out.
Oh! I'd very much love to see that!

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