Rules Clarifications.

May 16, 2023 10:28 pm
I set this thread up seperate from OOC to focus on rules questions and clarifications in particular. Any rules questions can be asked here, but let's keep any other chatter in the OOC.

Things to remember:

1. A success is 8 or higher on a d10.

2. Most actions only require a simple success (that is, just one success) to succeed.

3. 5 successes or more is generally considered an exceptional success. This usually gives an even better result (if possible). Note that sometimes extra successes are their own reward -- combat is the most notable example of that.

4. Always reroll 10s. If you reroll a 10 and get a 10... always reroll 10s.

5. Sometimes you can also reroll 9s, or even 8s.

6. If your dice pool is reduced to zero, you still have a "chance die," but in that case only a roll of 10 is a success. A roll of a 1 on a chance die is especially bad... think of it as a critical failure.

7. Alright, so this is probably the big one.

(It's the one part of the system I wondered about since we're playing on a PbP forum.)
[ +- ] The system uses a bonus/penalty system for dice pools.
May 16, 2023 11:51 pm
Sounds good. Sorry for jumping the gun.
May 17, 2023 2:13 am
No worries! I figure the first little bit will be a refresher or a learning experience for most of us. And a good GM is willing to teach.

I dunno how good I actually am, but I've got the "willing to teach" part down. 🤣
May 17, 2023 5:54 am
Got it, all good here. Will ask before rolling.

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