Kalannai Grayfur
@Dmbrainiac I'll move the meeting up a little but feel free to step in whenever you're ready or feel would make the most sense :D
CESN sent a note to RAAMtentacles
Leaving Izuhn behind to check his cargo, Agna walks down the gangway as soon as its ready, stopping for a moment to feel the
solid ground under her feet. Adaia follows just behind. Though the others didn't notice the reclusive scholar before, the elf has no doubt heard rumors about the other two helping the captain explore the abandoned ship.
"You must be new to the Icebreaker crew" the woman replies to Agna.
"Kalannai Grayfur, at the moment I'm acting as the representative of the people of eastern neighborhoods of Fireshear, so I guess you can say that. You say you are looking for a dwarf? In Fireshear?" she giggles amused at the idea
"Well you should have no trouble finding one".
She turns to greet Adaia
"Oh don't worry about the elemental creatures Momma here was talking about. The problem has been contained for now" she stops to consider the situation for a brief moment
"Though to be fair, we are not entirely sure where they came from. I guess we should investigate the area once everyone has been relocated."
Suddenly Captain Harkin interrupts loudly
"Kalannai! How are things going? Come come! Let's catch up over a pint over the Drunken Dwarf! You are not gonna belive what in the seven seas happened!"
CESN sent a note to Mnrtoler
Behind her, the ship's elven cook tries to use the distraction to sneak past Agna, going directly towards Momma
"Momma! Good to see you again! How are things in the north?"